Biden Cancels 9 Trips, Goes Into Hiding in His Delaware Basement

And nobody has seen the President.

America is back to normal, baby!

Joe has performed his term as expected.

Now it’ll take a decade to get back to where we were.

Trump is the acting president now.

He's busy playing with himself to 5 year old's on video.
Thank God the modern day lynching of innocent white people by Jussie Smollett and Kamala Harris was unsuccessful. Too bad Harris got him off in democrat Chicago.

Which innocent white people did Jussie Smollett try to lynch?

Can you name them?
Which innocent white people did Jussie Smollett try to lynch?

Can you name them?
All of them, moron. Are you not aware of the event? Maybe you should educate yourself. Harris lynched white people in general by suggesting this scam event had any credibility much the same as she did when she supported Michael Brown, George Floyd and BLM. Are you taking a racist approach and trying to disparage an entire race of people as she has done since arriving in public view?
Are you trying to say that he didn't fabricate an event in order to accuse non-existent white people of committing a crime that did not occur? That is lynching, moron. Don't use words if you don't know their definition.

I'm asking who, specifically, Smollett almost had lynched.

Surely you can name them.
And nobody has seen the President.

America is back to normal, baby!

Joe has performed his term as expected.

Now it’ll take a decade to get back to where we were.

Trump is the acting president now.

Sounds like Biden's 2020 campaign... where the media carried his water and big tech censored negative stories about him to win him the election as he sat in his basement
I'm asking who, specifically, Smollett almost had lynched.

Surely you can name them.
Smollett lied when he said he was lynched by white MAGA supporters--in so doing he lynched all white MAGA supporters since none existed. Kind of like if I falsely accused black people wearing Biden Harris T shirts of attacking me. Is that clearer now? Now run along and play your trolling games with someone more on your intellectual level, moron.
And nobody has seen the President.

America is back to normal, baby!

Joe has performed his term as expected.

Now it’ll take a decade to get back to where we were.

Trump is the acting president now.

The democrat party is just evil……we have no one in the White House……

Can anyone tell us if biden is still alive?

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