Biden Cancels 9 Trips, Goes Into Hiding in His Delaware Basement

True to form of 2020. In other news, no POTUS, VP or SOS to meet the arriving Israeli delegation. Heels up was too busy asking Biden if he could see this and hear the clapping. SMFH.
Heels up, the nominee for the President of the United States, is boycotting Bibi’s speech to Congress. She needs to present to the Muslims in swing states that, like Obama, “should the winds turn ugly,” she will stand with the Muslims - and against the Jews.
Hey, he has COVID remember?
Wasn't that the BS that your ilk gaslighted everyone with in 2020 when he hid in his basement. He said you wouldn't get covid if you got the vax. He's had numerous vaxxes and boosters. Was he lying? Of course he was and you supported it along with every lie the democrats have told for nine solid years.
Okay clearly things are very serious. Let’s recap...the guy has an aide type up a resignation letter to quit the most important race in his entire career. He can't even appear on camera for something that historic. He's MIA for days. Bails on Israel's head of state during a war. :oops:
He’s too incapacitated for any of that.
He has covid idiot. Guess who is filling in? Your next President, Kamala Harris.
That's impossible..he was vaccinated

Wasn't that the BS that your ilk gaslighted everyone with in 2020 when he hid in his basement. He said you wouldn't get covid if you got the vax. He's had numerous vaxxes and boosters. Was he lying? Of course he was and you supported it along with every lie the democrats have told for nine solid years.
Maybe he overdosed on Covid shots.
Heels up, the nominee for the President of the United States, is boycotting Bibi’s speech to Congress. She needs to present to the Muslims in swing states that, like Obama, “should the winds turn ugly,” she will stand with the Muslims - and against the Jews.
Or she finally scored a date on tinder.
Okay clearly things are very serious. He fails to address the American people on camera to announce the most pivotal decision in his entire career. He goes MIA for days then bails on Israel's head of state during a war. :oops:
Whh should Biden meet with war criminal Benny who hates him?

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