Busy Hurricane Season is predicted for 2024

Actually you haven't. You can't explain the mechanics. Because none exist. There are no known mechanics.

But there are for AMOC switch off.
I gave you five links explaining how Milankovitch alters the climate. You claimed they did not. That was a lie.
I gave you five links explaining how Milankovitch alters the climate. You claimed they did not. That was a lie.
Do you remember saying this?

Of course the Milankovitch cycles are only coincidental, right? We don't KNOW that orbital variations would cause warming or cooling. Particularly as SLOWLY as they change things. They've just been plotted at convenient scales to make it LOOK as if they're related.

and this?
But there are strong indications that the current situation in the Atlantic is unstable and that it could be stopped altogether by a large input of fresh water, from melting ice in the Arctic and Greenland. Since this flow is responsible for the moderate temperature in Europe, the result would be catastrophic cooling there.
Would this catastrophic cooling be limited to Europe? Or would it affect NA, Asia and Canada too. Or do I need to just copy the quote from YOUR link?

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