Notice anything completely dishonest about AGW reporting today?

Here are two side by side weather map from the same date

They are over 3 decades apart

Notice anything about them?

View attachment 966273

View attachment 966274

"The PRISM Climate Group gathers climate observations from a wide range of monitoring networks, applies sophisticated quality control measures, and develops spatial climate datasets to reveal short- and long-term climate patterns. The resulting datasets incorporate a variety of modeling techniques and are available at multiple spatial/temporal resolutions, covering the period from 1895 to the present. Whenever possible, we offer these datasets to the public, either free of charge or for a fee (depending on dataset size/complexity and funding available for the activity)."

PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State University

"The Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) is a NOAA National Centers For Environmental Prediction (NCEP) high-spatial and temporal resolution analysis/assimilation system for near-surf ace weather conditions. Its main component is the NCEP/EMC Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (GSI) system applied in two-dimensional variational mode to assimilate conventional and satellite-derived observations."

NOAA Real-Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) / Unrestricted Mesoscale Analysis (URMA) - Registry of Open Data on AWS

It was hotter in the Dakotas, mid-west and south in 1988 than 2024, look at the numbers.

your body temp varies that much in a day, how is man causing that?

What ignorant strawman are you arguing with now? ... all I said was temps are up a single degree ... and that's a mathematical fact ...

Stapleton Airport is so big they need multiple weather stations to operate safely ... there's been accidents ... temperatures can change a couple degrees in a mile ... easy ... but that doesn't change weather, so it doesn't change climate ...

It's humid in Denver ... see the OP's maps ... maybe learn how to read them ...
how many and where are they?
Don't be stupid.

Modern observations mostly come from weather stations, weather balloons, radars, ships and buoys, and satellites. The Global Historical Climatology Network daily (GHCNd) contains records from more than 100,000 stations in 180 countries and territories. A surprisingly large number of U.S. measurements are still made by volunteer weather watchers. There are more than 8,700 citizen observers in the National Weather Service's Cooperative Observer Program, who log daily weather data. On the ocean, moored and drifting buoys have begun to replace ships in recent decades as the primary method for measuring temperatures at sea.

were there the same number in the same locations in 1850?
Obviously not, which is why the error ranges increase with time BP. But 1850 has been considered the limit for instrumented data. Going further back requires the use of proxies.

The most detailed information exists since 1850, when methodical thermometer-based records began. Modifications on the Stevenson-type screen were made for uniform instrument measurements around 1880.[1]

  1. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Monthly Global Climate Report for Annual 2022, published online January 2023, Retrieved on July 25, 2023 from Annual 2022 Global Climate Report | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).


The instrumental temperature record is a record of temperatures within Earth's climate based on direct measurement of air temperature and ocean temperature. Instrumental temperature records do not use indirect reconstructions using climate proxy data such as from tree rings and marine sediments.[1] Instead, data is collected from thousands of meteorological stations, buoys and ships around the globe. Areas that are densely populated tend have a high density of measurements points. In contrast, temperature observations are more spread out in sparsely populated areas such as polar regions and deserts, as well as in many regions of Africa and South America.[2] In the past, thermometers were read manually to record temperatures. Nowadays, measurements are usually connected with electronic sensors which transmit data automatically. Surface temperature data is usually presented as anomalies rather than as absolute values. A temperature anomaly is presented compared to a reference value, also called baseline period or long-term average). For example, a commonly used baseline period is the time period from 1951 to 1980.
The longest-running temperature record is the Central England temperature data series, which starts in 1659. The longest-running quasi-global records start in 1850.[3] For temperature measurements in the upper atmosphere a variety of methods can be used. This includes radiosondes launched using weather balloons, a variety of satellites, and aircraft.[4] Satellites can monitor temperatures in the upper atmosphere but are not commonly used to measure temperature change at the surface. Ocean temperatures at different depths are measured to add to global surface temperature datasets. This data is also used to calculate the ocean heat content.
The data clearly shows a rising trend in global average surface temperatures (i.e. global warming) and this is due to emissions of greenhouse gases from human activities. The global average and combined land and ocean surface temperature show a warming of 1.09 °C (range: 0.95 to 1.20 °C) from 1850–1900 to 2011–2020, based on multiple independently produced datasets.[5]: 5  The trend is faster since 1970s than in any other 50-year period over at least the last 2000 years.[5]: 8  Within that upward trend, some variability in temperatures happens because of natural internal variability (for example due to El Niño–Southern Oscillation).
if not, you chart means nothing and is nothing but lying propaganda to fleece money from the citizens of the world.
I'm sorry, but you don't have the faintest fuck of an idea what you're talking about. An estimate of the Earth's average temperature may be made with a single thermometer, it simply won't be very accurate. The more temperature data available, the more accurate the estimate becomes. Location of each thermometer is an intrinsic input into the process of producing an average and so changes in the location of thermometers over time are irrelevant. The process of interpolation between stations involves wind direction and speed, humidity, cloud cover and other factors. An important point in this context is that relative temperature difference between adjacent locations at a single time and the temperature differences at a single location over time are much less subject to instrumentation or observation error. I guarantee you that the Earth is getting warmer and the temperature data provided by the major climate-studying entities eg NASA GISS, NOAA, Berkely Earth, HadCRUT, JMA, NWS are as accurate as stated.
I'm firmly convinced that the CC nut-jobs get their temps from NASCAR track temps.

From airports ... the hour-by-hour weather is only important to pilots ... and this data is more than good enough for farmers ... why spend more money for a network that does something else? ...
Horsefeathers ... the Earth carries rotational inertia ... the Sun wobbles because of Jupiter's orbit, but that's every 11 years, well within any climatological time frame ...

But here's a test ... does the North Star wobble? ... [giggle] ...

Why don't you believe in the Urban Heat Island Effect or Deforestation? ... there's an enormous amount of empirical data demonstrating these parts of AGW Theory ... humans can and do effect climate locally ... BTW it cost $50 to get into the Tree Museum last I checked ...

Bring back DDT.
No. The 1988 image showed no data over the oceans. The 2024 image did.

When are you planning on revealing what it was you were trying to say?
That temperatures on the same day 30+ years ago were 10 warmer…and no one talked about the Global Warming Heat Done…science!
yes, the earth is experiencing a warming trend. the point is that humans are not causing it, cannot stop it and cannot reverse it. The variations in the suns radiation, changing ocean currents and slights wobbles in earth's axis are causing it, not human activity.

Humans are polluting the air and water, I will never understand why you libs have to use a debunked AGW theory rather than take on the real problem of pollution. Could it be that the biggent polluter, China, owns many of our politicians?
The solution is to use heavy industry to manufacture obsolete wind turbines and solar panels, every day, 24 hours a day. Forever. Literally, pollute more to save the world.
I think this is another attempt to refute AGW by presenting irrelevant weather data. Here is the global difference between now and 1988

View attachment 966286

The difference looks to be about 0.7C. That that should not be readily discernible in a graphic of one day's average temperature for 1.87% of the Earth's surface should not surprise anyone and should embarrass the poster involved for such an ignorant attempt at deception.
And, in the year 1200, the mean temperature was higher than any on this map. I guess it was all those chariots.
I don't know, but it may. do you know? if so, how do you know?

It doesn't wobble ... I've been watching ... it moves 30 second-of-arc per year because of precession (≈ 1/60th of a Moon diameter) ... go look for yourself, it's a naked eye star ... why Columbus used it to find the Americas ...

The physical property here is called rotational inertia ... why bicycles work ... go look it up ... Earth's axis doesn't change with respect to the background stars except for the 43,000 year precession cycle ... [giggle] ... it's the Sun that moves that causes obliquity ...
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