Climate Frauds Under Review; 112° in the Saudi Desert? (the Horror) and The Vanishing Islands That Failed to Vanish and ...

The New York Times is finally having to walk back, a teensy bit, from climate alarmism. See an article in a recent the New York Times, regarding the Maldives, a collection of atolls in the tropical , doomsday has been postponed. See The Vanishing Islands That Failed to Vanish (link) in June 26, 2024 issue of the New York Times. Excerpt:

I have long suspected that much of the fear-mongering has been baseless or exaggerated. Another example is the Hajj pilgrimage, see Heat Is Killing Thousands, and Big Events Have Not Adjusted (link). Excerpt:
Long into the article, we learn (something I knew) that the Hajj floats around the calendar and often winds up in June-August. Excerpt:

I have been following weather records in the Times for over 50 years and little has changed. I picked out a random date, June 25, 1983, where Riyadh, not far from Mecca, reached 107°. That area is always baking hot. The people who are pushing the "climate change" agenda think we have been over-consuming for other reasons and finally found an issue that gives traction. This philosophy of life was expressed in the U.S. via books such as the 1950's classic by John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society. This was foreshadowed by other authors and thinkers, such as Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. In Travels Steinbeck rails against conspicuous consumption and other signs of affluence. There was also the Club of Rome report, written over a period between 1968 and 1972, affiliated with MIT (link). This was at the end of the sunshiny era of the 1950's and early 1960's, when highways were constructed and widened. Speed limits were generally raised. It was mostly a "let the good times roll" era, until it wasn't. The "Arab Oil Embargo" was seized upon as an excuse to limit highway speeds to 55 m.p.h. and the "Club of Rome" mentality became general. That was the point, culturally, where the good times were over. The mourning for doing well continues.
You don't seem to understand what is required of Muslims making their pilgrimage to the Kaaba.

During Hajj, pilgrims join processions of millions of Muslim people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of pre-Islamic rituals (reformed by Muhammad): each person wears a single piece of unstitched white clothing (Ihram), walks counter-clockwise seven times around the Kaaba (a cube-shaped building and the direction of prayer for Muslims), kisses the black stone mounted on the corner wall of Kaaba, walks briskly back and forth between the hills of Safa and Marwah seven times, then drinks from the Zamzam Well, goes to the plains of Mount Arafat to stand in vigil, spends a night in the plain of Muzdalifa, and performs symbolic Stoning of the Devil by throwing stones at three pillars. After the sacrifice of cattle (which can be accomplished by using a voucher), the pilgrims then are required to either shave or trim their heads (if male) or trim the ends of their hair (if female). A celebration of the four-day global festival of Eid al-Adha proceeds afterwards.[12][13][14] Muslims may also undertake an Umrah (Arabic: عُمرَة), or "lesser pilgrimage" to Mecca at other times of the year. However, the Umrah is not a substitute for the Hajj and Muslims are still obligated to perform the Hajj at some other point in their lifetime if they have the means to do so.[15]
The New York Times is finally having to walk back, a teensy bit, from climate alarmism. See an article in a recent the New York Times, regarding the Maldives, a collection of atolls in the tropical , doomsday has been postponed. See The Vanishing Islands That Failed to Vanish (link) in June 26, 2024 issue of the New York Times. Excerpt:

I have long suspected that much of the fear-mongering has been baseless or exaggerated. Another example is the Hajj pilgrimage, see Heat Is Killing Thousands, and Big Events Have Not Adjusted (link). Excerpt:
Long into the article, we learn (something I knew) that the Hajj floats around the calendar and often winds up in June-August. Excerpt:

I have been following weather records in the Times for over 50 years and little has changed. I picked out a random date, June 25, 1983, where Riyadh, not far from Mecca, reached 107°. That area is always baking hot. The people who are pushing the "climate change" agenda think we have been over-consuming for other reasons and finally found an issue that gives traction. This philosophy of life was expressed in the U.S. via books such as the 1950's classic by John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society. This was foreshadowed by other authors and thinkers, such as Travels with Charley: In Search of America by John Steinbeck. In Travels Steinbeck rails against conspicuous consumption and other signs of affluence. There was also the Club of Rome report, written over a period between 1968 and 1972, affiliated with MIT (link). This was at the end of the sunshiny era of the 1950's and early 1960's, when highways were constructed and widened. Speed limits were generally raised. It was mostly a "let the good times roll" era, until it wasn't. The "Arab Oil Embargo" was seized upon as an excuse to limit highway speeds to 55 m.p.h. and the "Club of Rome" mentality became general. That was the point, culturally, where the good times were over. The mourning for doing well continues.

Very simply put.

Amount of ice on Earth controls sea level.

A "net ongoing ice melt" would increase sea level. But there is no evidence, visually, anywhere on Earth, that is happening. So is there an "ongoing net ice melt" if sea level is not rising?


There is data that can be fudged and data that cannot. You cannot fudge old photos of Statue of Liberty...
Very simply put.

Amount of ice on Earth controls sea level.

A "net ongoing ice melt" would increase sea level. But there is no evidence, visually, anywhere on Earth, that is happening. So is there an "ongoing net ice melt" if sea level is not rising?


There is data that can be fudged and data that cannot. You cannot fudge old photos of Statue of Liberty...
You are the stupidest motherfucker I have ever known.

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