I am so scared right now!

They can remove him via the 25th in the fall, and put Kamala in before she has time in office to show - even more than she already has - that she’s an airhead who climbed the ranks due to Affirmative Action favoritism and, well, you know….the other thing.

Accomplishing more than you ever will?

Oh, wait, you are going to obsess on her sex life, aren't you?

Insert joke about frigid women here.
I've read the comments from the Brits and Europeans on youtune. Harris as president would.cost America.vast influence in Europe, influence which China and Russia would absorb. There best chance was Manchin and they destroyed him by getting him onboard for the I.R.A. Now he can't put his name in the hat.
who would nominate manchin? the republicans? he is an older more corrupt rfk jr.
and i said the guy showed poor leadership during that.....OTHERWISE he would still be president right now....
IOW, you didn’t listen to his press conferences. So you have no knolwedge in which to make a judgment on that.

I know a Dem who says the same thing: “Trump did nothing!” When I start outlining all the things he did, she was gobsmacked. When I said that he went over all this during his 2-hour daily press conferences, she said she didn’t listen to anything Trump had to say.
You Republicans had a litany of better candidates and you still brought out that fat bastard Trump.
Moreover, you idiots are still spewing the lie, and believe, that Biden "stole" the election.
Reality is the last thing you people live in.
That said, Democrats tend to need to fall in love w/their candidate while Republicans tend to fall in line w/theirs.
Democrats, and I believe the majority of the American voters, are ready to fall in line w/a Kamala over Trump.
Like you said, good luck!
1. Agreed. Nikki Haley and Ron Desantis were BOTH better candidates than Trump. I voted for Nikki in the primary just to get past Trump and his baggage. But the majority stuck with Trump. After seeing the democrat's "Lawfare" I'm fine battling with Trump at the tip of the spear. He makes democrats go berserk, to the point of keeping a senile fool as their nominee.

2. Whether democrats stole the election or not, there are several irregularities. Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and lost?? The total vote count was more than two standard deviations from the expected total, that is very suspicious. However, officially Biden won, and Trump lost. We'll be more vigilant in November.

3. True. Generally, "Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line", except where Trump is concerned. There are still a significant number of "Never-Trumpers" who won't vote for him. We'll see if they are stupid enough to vote for Kamala.

4. Democrats will support their nominee. It will be a very close election.
I hope Trump and Kamala shake hands at the next debate.
There is a big, angry man banging on the front door, demanding to be let in or he is going to break in!

Not really. It’s WORSE than that. Kamala Harris is likely to be the Democrat nominee, and 45% of voters in swing states support this airhead for the presidency (as opposed to 47% for Trump) - the ultimate AA pick who never would have been VP if not for her female blackness.

Lord help us.

You will get over it and live.
who would nominate manchin? the republicans? he is an older more corrupt rfk jr.
Are you a Democrat?! Manchin would have been the Dems best chance if they hadn’t treated him like a leper for not going along with the State Regime.
He also now fully understands WHO the Democrats really are
Absolutely. He, like most of all, didn’t fully realize who the Dems were back then. Now that he knows, he will take no prisoners.

The top level at the DOJ should be looking for new jobs right about now, and I bet they are.
Biden's open borders is bringing bird flu, millions of chickens are being culled regularly. It drives up the price of chicken and eggs. Everyone who eats either knows this. Harris was put in charge of the border. How'd that work out? Reality beats idioms every time.
Those damn birds, just strutting right across the border. The nerve.
IOW, you didn’t listen to his press conferences. So you have no knolwedge in which to make a judgment on that.

I know a Dem who says the same thing: “Trump did nothing!” When I start outlining all the things he did, she was gobsmacked. When I said that he went over all this during his 2-hour daily press conferences, she said she didn’t listen to anything Trump had to say.
and you aint paying attention to what im saying.....outside of trumps big mouth he was going strong until covid hit and then he fell on his face....Otherwise he would still be president.....
Are you a Democrat?! Manchin would have been the Dems best chance if they hadn’t treated him like a leper for not going along with the State Regime.
the State Regime? are you talking about our constitutionally constituted government? or another right wing paranoid delusion.

back on ignore, lisa.
1. Agreed. Nikki Haley and Ron Desantis were BOTH better candidates than Trump. I voted for Nikki in the primary just to get past Trump and his baggage. But the majority stuck with Trump. After seeing the democrat's "Lawfare" I'm fine battling with Trump at the tip of the spear. He makes democrats go berserk, to the point of keeping a senile fool as their nominee.

Yes, the guy killed 1 million Americans, caused 25 million of us to lose our jobs, we had riots in the streets because of his racism, but dammit, he makes the libs upset!!!

It kind of shows how petty your party has become. You know Trump is bad news, or you wouldn't have supported Nikki

2. Whether democrats stole the election or not, there are several irregularities. Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and lost?? The total vote count was more than two standard deviations from the expected total, that is very suspicious. However, officially Biden won, and Trump lost. We'll be more vigilant in November.

Trump only got 8 million more votes. Biden got 11 million more than Hillary. It does make sense when you realize-

1) Voter Participation went up.
2) The size of the elector grew
3) Less people pissed away their votes on third parties.

3. True. Generally, "Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line", except where Trump is concerned. There are still a significant number of "Never-Trumpers" who won't vote for him. We'll see if they are stupid enough to vote for Kamala.

Unless they are racist and misogynist twits, they will.

4. Democrats will support their nominee. It will be a very close election.
I hope Trump and Kamala shake hands at the next debate.

So we can watch him wince when a black woman touches him?
Didn’t you see his daily press conferences? The teams he pulled together? Exploring therapeutics? Another for the equipment needed? A third for vaccines? How he got the car manufacturers to stop production and build ventilators instead?

You think Biden would have been able to do any of that?
Think you better research that debacle.
it is said that sarcasm is lost on the dense, and then you prove it to be true.

But you do have one thing correct, it is illegal working these places, which is why neither party has ever done anything real to stop the flow. It is why neither party has ever made a real penalty for these companies.
I did catch your sarcasm, but wild birds don't tour chicken farms. The bigger issue is too wide spread and too frequent.

I'll keep your sarcasm in mind for the future.

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