I am so scared right now!

For the record, you don't want Americans to know that if Biden is elected they are really voting for Kamala?

I do realize you would vote for Hitler over Trump, that is not my question. My question is do you level with the American people for the first time in DNC history, instead of lying about things like Biden's mental state?
Biden's just an old man. That's all.

I understand that your rabid partisan hatred has addled your brain into believing something else, but that's your problem, not mine.
Oh….i read that other poster’s post wrong. I thought he meant expand the court.

You’re right, of course. The president has the right - the duty, actually - to nominate justices that align with his ideology. That is one of the main reasons voters picked him. It was one of the reasons I voted for Trump - I didn’t want Obama’s puppet filling the court with leftist activists, like an AA pick who can’t define what a woman is.
yea but its just as bad when a righty appoints judges who are righty activists.....supreme court justices should not be a lifetime job....they should have term limits...
Biden's just an old man. That's all.

I understand that your rabid partisan hatred has addled your brain into believing something else, but that's your problem, not mine.
Imagine if there had been no debate, if Biden had refused.

Voters would have a less clear idea of what they were voting for. In fact, Biden took a major hit in the polls after the debate, and for obvious reasons. The President of the United States should not be infirm.

In fact, I blame the DNC for not having debates for Joe to win his nomination for the party. Had he had to do so, you may have picked someone else and have avoided this entire problem.

I understand that democrats only want to win elections, which means trying to fool voters when you have to in order to win those elections, but just know you are subverting democracy. You are the ones who hate democracy while you claim voting for the other party will end democracy.
Some worse than others. Overall, Trump did well for America: low inflation, a (relatively) secure border, energy independence, no new wars, progress toward Middle East peace, an increase in real wages, etc., etc.

What has Biden accomplished besides imported 10 million unskilled illegals, driving up prices, funding Iran’s proxy massacre against Jews, making us reliant on adversaries for energy, and being able to exit a stage with help?
overall until covid hit.....if trump would have acted like a leader instead of the dipshit he became during this time he would have still been president...
Trumps team would have the cheapest to produce attack ad in history. A 30 second clip of former military member and Dem Tulsi Gabbard ending her run in the Dem Primary of 2019. It would be on loop 24/7. Dems had Manchin but he was too radical center. The other moderate Dems dont have name recognition which The Party reserves for Cali and NY Dems. As Europe goes further right America is going to go further left? I doubt that. Biden is already very unpopular with his move left, Harris won't be viewed as a centralist. No Dem will be able to overcome the border and inflation policies. Not one.
Imagine if there had been no debate, if Biden had refused.

Voters would have a less clear idea of what they were voting for. In fact, Biden took a major hit in the polls after the debate, and for obvious reasons. The President of the United States should not be infirm.

In fact, I blame the DNC for not having debates for Joe to win his nomination for the party. Had he had to do so, you may have picked someone else and have avoided this entire problem.

I understand that democrats only want to win elections, which means trying to fool voters when you have to in order to win those elections, but just know you are subverting democracy. You are the ones who hate democracy while you claim voting for the other party will end democracy.
As a leftist, I'm no fan of the establishment DNC.

Leftists have been talking about this from the beginning.
As a leftist, I'm no fan of the establishment DNC.

Leftists have been talking about this from almost the beginning.
I understand that no matter how Left the DNC goes, it is never Left enough

That is not the question. The question is, should the American people be given the truth in order to cast an informed vote, or should the DNC continue to be able to try and fool people in order to win elections, for the common good in your view, of course.
As a leftist, I'm no fan of the establishment DNC.

Leftists have been talking about this from the beginning.
"From the beginning..." Kamala Harris was one of the first candidates to drop out of the running for the democrat nomination.

She hasn't gained any popularity with voters since then.

Democrats lose with Kamala or Joe.
"From the beginning..." Kamala Harris was one of the first candidates to drop out of the running for the democrat nomination.

She hasn't gained any popularity with voters since then.

Democrats lose with Kamala or Joe.

There is an old saying about counting chickens, you might want to look it up
"From the beginning..." Kamala Harris was one of the first candidates to drop out of the running for the democrat nomination.

She hasn't gained any popularity with voters since then.

Democrats lose with Kamala or Joe.
That's just it!

Both parties hate Kamala, which is why it seems absurd she is on the cusp of becoming President when no one really voted for her.

This is the democracy Leftists are proud of.

The only reason Joe picked Kamala is because she accused him of being racist, that and the fact that she was a black woman in order to patronize the entire nation.
That's just it!
Both parties hate Kamala, which is why it seems absurd she is on the cusp of becoming President when no one really voted for her.
This is the democracy Leftists are proud of.
The only reason Joe picked Kamala is because she accused him of being racist, that and the fact that she was a black woman in order to patronize the entire nation.
Exactly. Biden wanted a black woman running mate, and he didn't like Stacy Abrams, he heard Kamala was easy, so...
"From the beginning..." Kamala Harris was one of the first candidates to drop out of the running for the democrat nomination.

She hasn't gained any popularity with voters since then.

Democrats lose with Kamala or Joe.
No, not Kamala, we're talking about Sleepy Joe here.

You can check the receipts, I've been referring to Biden as "Old Sleepy Joe" on this very site since Trump brandished the monikor.

Unlike you radical rightwingers and MAGATs I live life in reality.

Biden is old. At this point, I dont' trust the American public to support him.

Hence, I'm open to Kamala taking the helm.

Americans don't want Trump, they'd vote for Kamala now.
Exactly. Biden wanted a black woman running mate, and he didn't like Stacy Abrams, he heard Kamala was easy, so...
Stacey was too black for Joe

He prefers half white devils like Kamala and Obama.
There is a big, angry man banging on the front door, demanding to be let in or he is going to break in!

Not really. It’s WORSE than that. Kamala Harris is likely to be the Democrat nominee, and 45% of voters in swing states support this airhead for the presidency (as opposed to 47% for Trump) - the ultimate AA pick who never would have been VP if not for her female blackness.

Kamala has a JD, she's been a DA, an Attorney General, a Senator, and Vice-President. She's accomplished more than you ever will.

And given your party has advanced Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin as Vice-Presidential nods, you really don't have much to complain about.

It would be awesome to see Harris elected just to watch your head explode.
Kamala has a JD, she's been a DA, an Attorney General, a Senator, and Vice-President. She's accomplished more than you ever will.

And given your party has advanced Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin as Vice-Presidential nods, you really don't have much to complain about.

It would be awesome to see Harris elected just to watch your head explode.
Why do you think Kamala was the first to have to drop out of the DNC run to be President?

Do democrats not understand just how great she really is or are they all just racist like Kamala said Joe was?
No, not Kamala, we're talking about Sleepy Joe here.
You can check the receipts, I've been referring to Biden as "Old Sleepy Joe" on this very site since Trump brandished the monikor.
Unlike you radical rightwingers and MAGATs I live life in reality.
Biden is old. At this point, I dont' trust the American public to support him.
Hence, I'm open to Kamala taking the helm.
Americans don't want Trump, they'd vote for Kamala now.
1. "Sleepy Joe" is now "senile Joe", or "unelectable Joe"

2. So if Joe drops out, it has to be Kamala to keep their campaign cash. But is Kamala electable?

3. Can Kamala do a real press conference and impress voters? I doubt it.

4. We Republicans live in reality. You democrats pushed Biden even though he is totally incompetent. That debate was REALITY.

5. True. many Americans don't want Trump. However, there are many of us who do, including UAW workers who don't want EVs eliminating their jobs. Or city dwellers where illegals are ruining their cities. Or families who lost $1,000 a month in buying power due to Biden's inflation. I'd believe the polls, especially the "most accurate" IBD when it comes out.

6. The polls say Kamala is now your best candidate. Good luck.

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