Zone1 Why, After Jesus' Resurrection...

Can you explain your logic?
Like how the bible is full of inconsistency.
Or how everything is just rip-offs from older religions.
Or how a supreme being is so vengeful, jealous and genocidal, he must lead by the sword and fear. If one was really so powerful and intelligent, it wouldnt need to be vengeful(especially over stupid shit like statues or dudes putting peckers in their mouth). It wouldnt be jealous. It wouldnt need to lead by fear. That is all signs of weakness.
Or how he is so great and omniscient to create all this, all he does is FAIL. And he supposedly already knows the future. Aaaaaand still fails? LOLZ

Why would I want to believe in and serve something so ridiculous?
After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to his followers. Ever wonder why he didn't also appear to Pontius Pilate, Annas and Caiaphas the High Priests, or King Herod? Would it made a difference if he had, and what do you imagine that difference might have been? But mostly, why do you think Jesus chose not to appear to them?
There's better questions than this.

Where Christians today tend to think of Jesus as this huge figure in daily Israelite life during his ministry....that's absolutely not true.

Jesus was in many ways the least successful of all the "messiahs" that were in Israel during the Roman occupation.

The largest gathering recorded for Jesus was 5,000 due to free food. Ok...well other "messiahs" had 15,000 soldiers and 25,000 soldiers....not just there for the free lunch with women and children in attendance. They wanted to stop the flow of tax money into the Roman coffers and had armed soldiers to stop it too. Jesus was an almost nobody by comparison.

To Pilate,
The one notable thing about Jesus is that he gave him and the people an opportunity to allow him to live but neither Jesus or the Religious elite took advantage of the opportunity to do so. (Handwashing of Pilate)

And EVERYONE gets to meet Jesus after they die. And if Jesus asks you "Who are you? I don't think I know you" you are in a world of trouble. So an Earthly tour of political and religious leaders was unnecessary because they were not relevant.
The reason they were not relevant was because they weren't going to change the world....his Apostles did change the world.
Like how the bible is full of inconsistency.
Or how everything is just rip-offs from older religions.
Or how a supreme being is so vengeful, jealous and genocidal, he must lead by the sword and fear. If one was really so powerful and intelligent, it wouldnt need to be vengeful(especially over stupid shit like statues or dudes putting peckers in their mouth). It wouldnt be jealous. It wouldnt need to lead by fear. That is all signs of weakness.
Or how he is so great and omniscient to create all this, all he does is FAIL. And he supposedly already knows the future. Aaaaaand still fails? LOLZ

Why would I want to believe in and serve something so ridiculous?
Thank you, because I may better understand how you have come to your conclusions. It appears you are reading the Bible as an Encyclopedia or newspaper account--i.e., you are reading it literally. Grin. I can imagine you reading about The Tortoise and the Hare, and immediately going out to capture a hare and a tortoise to see if they would race each other. Of course, neither would, so that story is magical and ridiculous--and has absolutely nothing to offer.
There's better questions than this.

Where Christians today tend to think of Jesus as this huge figure in daily Israelite life during his ministry....that's absolutely not true.

Jesus was in many ways the least successful of all the "messiahs" that were in Israel during the Roman occupation.

The largest gathering recorded for Jesus was 5,000 due to free food. Ok...well other "messiahs" had 15,000 soldiers and 25,000 soldiers....not just there for the free lunch with women and children in attendance. They wanted to stop the flow of tax money into the Roman coffers and had armed soldiers to stop it too. Jesus was an almost nobody by comparison.

To Pilate,
The one notable thing about Jesus is that he gave him and the people an opportunity to allow him to live but neither Jesus or the Religious elite took advantage of the opportunity to do so. (Handwashing of Pilate)

And EVERYONE gets to meet Jesus after they die. And if Jesus asks you "Who are you? I don't think I know you" you are in a world of trouble. So an Earthly tour of political and religious leaders was unnecessary because they were not relevant.
The reason they were not relevant was because they weren't going to change the world....his Apostles did change the world.
Great points. It calls to mind what Jesus said about a little yeast leavening all the dough, and how he did point out that the Kingdom was within the reach of everyone. In other words, the way of the kingdom is not to work from the top down, but that the kingdom starts at the bottom and rises.

Still, wouldn't it be wonderful if our leaders could recognize, teach, and live this philosophy--that they aren't there to send their own words/actions down to the people, but are there to hear the words and actions arising from the people. The problem with worldly leaders is they actually believe they are at the pinnacle.

Sure, I can imagine Pontius Pilate trying to spread this philosophy among world leaders, but I can't imagine it without laughing.
After Jesus' resurrection, he appeared to his followers. Ever wonder why he didn't also appear to Pontius Pilate, Annas and Caiaphas the High Priests, or King Herod? Would it made a difference if he had, and what do you imagine that difference might have been? But mostly, why do you think Jesus chose not to appear to them?
They were irrelevant to the establishment of His Church. Since I don't have His mind I cannot say absolutely, but most likely He wanted to reassure and bolster His disciples for the gargantuan task ahead of them, spreading the Gospel and facing intense persecution. Sure, a grand appearance in Herod's court would satisfy our human desire for the Hallmark movie ending, but I don't think He saw things that way.

One of the worst things bullies can experience is for them to realize that they are completely irrelevant to their victims' lives and everything they did was for nothing. In Jesus' case they didn't even deserve an appearance.
Thank you, because I may better understand how you have come to your conclusions. It appears you are reading the Bible as an Encyclopedia or newspaper account--i.e., you are reading it literally. Grin. I can imagine you reading about The Tortoise and the Hare, and immediately going out to capture a hare and a tortoise to see if they would race each other. Of course, neither would, so that story is magical and ridiculous--and has absolutely nothing to offer.
You just compared the bible to a childrens story? lolz
You just compared the bible to a childrens story? lolz
Absolutely. The Bible, like Aesop's Fables, are lessons and truths presented in story form. Recall middle school English lessons where various kinds of literature are taught: Fables, myths, just-so stories, legends, folklore--to name a few. As there were no Encyclopedias or newspapers in Biblical times, lessons were presented in various story forms. Our ancestors were masters of this that we seem to be losing today. It seems understanding of them is being lost as well in some religious denominations.
Absolutely. The Bible, like Aesop's Fables, are lessons and truths presented in story form. Recall middle school English lessons where various kinds of literature are taught: Fables, myths, just-so stories, legends, folklore--to name a few. As there were no Encyclopedias or newspapers in Biblical times, lessons were presented in various story forms. Our ancestors were masters of this that we seem to be losing today. It seems understanding of them is being lost as well in some religious denominations.
So him being omniscient was just a story. Or him creating humans was just a story. I gotcha. So the bible is no different than the tortoise and the hare. Just a story to entertain children.
So him being omniscient was just a story. Or him creating humans was just a story. I gotcha. So the bible is no different than the tortoise and the hare. Just a story to entertain children.
No, you don't have it yet, but perhaps you are getting closer. You forgot the main idea--that these stories are only the transmitters and presenters of truth and spiritual realities. People can be so busy arguing the whys and wherefores of the impossibility of a tortoise and a hare deciding to race the other, that the whole point of the story vanishes...and the same with Biblical accounts/stories.
No, you don't have it yet, but perhaps you are getting closer. You forgot the main idea--that these stories are only the transmitters and presenters of truth and spiritual realities. People can be so busy arguing the whys and wherefores of the impossibility of a tortoise and a hare deciding to race the other, that the whole point of the story vanishes...and the same with Biblical accounts/stories.
So those werent a story? So who decides which were fairy tales and which isnt? You? A preacher? Apparently it isnt god.
So those werent a story? So who decides which were fairy tales and which isnt? You? A preacher? Apparently it isnt god.
Most have the ability to identify and recognize truth. All Biblical accounts contain truth--and lessons--our ancestors thought essential to pass on to future generations. Using the previous example from Aesop: The truth the Tortoise and the Hare contains is that slow and steady gets us there. Those who are distracted by story elements (the impossibility/'untruth' of a tortoise-hare race) will go haring off ( ;) ) into some random wilderness where nothing makes any sense.
Most have the ability to identify and recognize truth. All Biblical accounts contain truth--and lessons--our ancestors thought essential to pass on to future generations. Using the previous example from Aesop: The truth the Tortoise and the Hare contains is that slow and steady gets us there. Those who are distracted by story elements (the impossibility/'untruth' of a tortoise-hare race) will go haring off ( ;) ) into some random wilderness where nothing makes any sense.
The word of god is truth and fiction. He leaves it up to the reader to determine which is which :lol:
These poor excuses get dumber by the day.
The word of god is truth and fiction. He leaves it up to the reader to determine which is which :lol:
These poor excuses get dumber by the day.
:) You are aware Jesus spoke in parables, then! If you are able to understand the point(s) of any of these parables, then you are equipped to understand many other Biblical accounts. If you cannot understand even the parables, I'm betting you are well suited for other activities!
Sometimes the easiest answer is the right answer ;)
You mean easy like someone saying, "Here's his body. He's still dead." Why was that easy thing never recorded? I guess forging 24,000 written manuscripts was easy too, right?

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