I am so scared right now!

1. Agreed. Nikki Haley and Ron Desantis were BOTH better candidates than Trump. I voted for Nikki in the primary just to get past Trump and his baggage. But the majority stuck with Trump. After seeing the democrat's "Lawfare" I'm fine battling with Trump at the tip of the spear. He makes democrats go berserk, to the point of keeping a senile fool as their nominee.

2. Whether democrats stole the election or not, there are several irregularities. Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, and lost?? The total vote count was more than two standard deviations from the expected total, that is very suspicious. However, officially Biden won, and Trump lost. We'll be more vigilant in November.

3. True. Generally, "Democrats fall in love, and Republicans fall in line", except where Trump is concerned. There are still a significant number of "Never-Trumpers" who won't vote for him. We'll see if they are stupid enough to vote for Kamala.

4. Democrats will support their nominee. It will be a very close election.
I hope Trump and Kamala shake hands at the next debate.
I do not know if Haley and DeSantis were better than Trump. I do believe that Ted Cruz had better policies in 2016 and he was not electable at that time. Haley seems to be like George Sr and W. DeSantis is questioned only with any globalist connections. He has done great in Florida. And if nothing else he set a foundation here even if Progs get elected and change it.
Yes, the guy killed 1 million Americans, caused 25 million of us to lose our jobs, we had riots in the streets because of his racism, but dammit, he makes the libs upset!!!

It kind of shows how petty your party has become. You know Trump is bad news, or you wouldn't have supported Nikki

Trump only got 8 million more votes. Biden got 11 million more than Hillary. It does make sense when you realize-
1) Voter Participation went up.
2) The size of the elector grew
3) Less people pissed away their votes on third parties.

Unless they are racist and misogynist twits, they will.

So we can watch him wince when a black woman touches him?
1. Fau-Chi caused the Covid pandemic, not Trump. He gave the Wuhan Lab money to do GOF research AFTER Obama told him not to. Trump got vaccine shots in arms in 10-months after Fau-Chi said it would take 4-years, if then, saving millions of lives. You're welcome.

2. Trump will do a better job rolling back the "deep state" and "Lawfare".

3. Trump got 74m in 2020 and 63m in 2016, that is 11,000,000 more votes.

4. Never-Trumpers are KoolAde drinkers. After Trump wins they can switch parties. Good riddance.

5. LOL!! Wonder if Trump tried Omarosa? Would that get you to vote for him?
You Republicans had a litany of better candidates and you still brought out that fat bastard Trump.

Moreover, you idiots are still spewing the lie, and believe, that Biden "stole" the election.

Reality is the last thing you people live in.

That said, Democrats tend to need to fall in love w/their candidate while Republicans tend to fall in line w/theirs.

Democrats, and I believe the majority of the American voters, are ready to fall in line w/a Kamala over Trump.

Like you said, good luck!

Lol, talk about delusional. Joe is reviled now, being swept away in swing states and now losing in a couple of blue states. Kamala may be the dumbest vp this country has ever had and she is even despised more than corn pop. Keep up with that fantasy though. I had a good laugh.
1. Fau-Chi caused the Covid pandemic, not Trump. He gave the Wuhan Lab money to do GOF research AFTER Obama told him not to. Trump got vaccine shots in arms in 10-months after Fau-Chi said it would take 4-years, if then, saving millions of lives. You're welcome.

Ah, you went straight to the crazy, didn't you?

2. Trump will do a better job rolling back the "deep state" and "Lawfare".

Except those things are only a problem to a corrupt guy like Trump. they aren't bothering most of us even a little bit. Seems to me it's easier to get rid of the guy who can't just stop breaking laws than it is to get rid of professionals in the government who know how to run it.

3. Trump got 74m in 2020 and 63m in 2016, that is 11,000,000 more votes.

I stand corrected. Biden got 15 million more than Hillary did...

Why is one believable and the other isn't?

I find it hard that there were 11 million people who sat out 2016, but said, "man the Covid deaths, the riots, the mass unemployment. I want more of that, man!"

4. Never-Trumpers are KoolAde drinkers. After Trump wins they can switch parties. Good riddance.
Trump won't win, and they are your best chance to bring the party back to sanity.

5. LOL!! Wonder if Trump tried Omarosa? Would that get you to vote for him?
What is Omorosa saying about him now?
Here's liberal site, drudge, lol

I did catch your sarcasm, but wild birds don't tour chicken farms. The bigger issue is too wide spread and too frequent.

Indeed it is. But it will never be dealt with as long as the people hiring the illegals are the same ones writing campaign checks to our politicians from both parties.

I'll keep your sarcasm in mind for the future.

That would be a good idea
1. Fau-Chi caused the Covid pandemic, not Trump. He gave the Wuhan Lab money to do GOF research AFTER Obama told him not to. Trump got vaccine shots in arms in 10-months after Fau-Chi said it would take 4-years, if then, saving millions of lives. You're welcome.

Obama stopped the funding, Trump started it again.

Also, is it really necessary to use the 3rd grade nick names? It makes it so hard to take anything you post in a serous manner
There is no way Harris is only behind Trump by 2% in swing states. I don't care what poll or source. She polled 1% in the Dem Primary.

It really makes no difference who is on the ballot there are 40% of voters who will vote for the person next to the "D" on the ballot in the General.

They don't even look at the name- they look for the D.
It really makes no difference who is on the ballot there are 40% of voters who will vote for the person next to the "D" on the ballot in the General.

They don't even look at the name- they look for the D.
Maybe there will be a lack of enthusiasm for any of these horrible candidates, and 10% will sit out. That not only is enough to swing the election comfortably toward Trump, it could hurt the down-ticket candidates and we have a good chance of increasing our majority in the House, taking the Senate, AND having Trump in the WH.

A trifecta!
Don’t be an idiot. Expanding the SCOTUS is not part of the president’s official duties.
Of course it is. How do you think it happened in the past?
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Maybe there will be a lack of enthusiasm for any of these horrible candidates, and 10% will sit out. That not only is enough to swing the election comfortably toward Trump, it could hurt the down-ticket candidates and we have a good chance of increasing our majority in the House, taking the Senate, AND having Trump in the WH.

A trifecta!
You make a valid point. Staying home very likely would put Trump back in the White House


Trump should never be allowed in the Oval Office again
It really makes no difference who is on the ballot there are 40% of voters who will vote for the person next to the "D" on the ballot in the General.

They don't even look at the name- they look for the D.
You think the “R”s don’t do the same thing?

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