Zone1 rcc vs the bible wow look at the difference!

I read it through the first time when I was eleven in school.

Every year since I have read it in its entirety.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus told the apostles to write a Bible.

Blackrook, the apostles were dead for almost 275 years in 325 AD, every last one of them.

There were no apostles to bind or loose.
The Apostles transferred their authority to new men through the sacrament of Ordination. This power was first given to Matthias. All bishops of the Catholic Church can trace their authority back to one of the original Apostles through a process called Apostolic Succession.

The books of the Bible were chosen by Catholic bishops with this authority.
Nope, Blackrook, that's not how it worked. The Bishops were told by Constantine what to do. No one had any authority to bind or loose a bible.
Nope, Blackrook, that's not how it worked. The Bishops were told by Constantine what to do. No one had any authority to bind or loose a bible.
Well, you're ignoring what it says in the Bible. That's your choice, but don't expect to convince me of anything.
the bible disagrees with you.
No, I already quoted the Bible to show I'm right. Christ gave the Apostles the power to bind on Earth and it would be bound in heaven, loose on Earth and it would be loosed in heaven. That's the modern day Church's power, inherited from the Apostles.
If you're right, ninja007, then the Bible is just another collection of ordinary books.
You can't argue that the Bible has divine origin and simultaneously argue against the reason the Bible has divine origin.
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