So you're proud to live in a theocracy?
We have determined that you are not that bright, nor do you read well....... is the original OP exactly as I posed it.......
a. Any errors?
b. Can you answer the question that was posed at the end of the OP?
Just a message for our government school grad pals, who never heard the truth.
1. 9 of the original 13 states required one to be a Bible-believing Christian to hold office
2.All 13 required a declaration of faith
3.9 of 13 required you to be a Protestand, Maryland a Catholic
4. All the state constitutions required "I profess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior"
5. 55 of 56 signers of the Declaration were Bible-believing church attending Christians
6. Common law itself comes from Blackstone, who was Christian, and common law comes from the Scriptures
7. God is mentioned four times in the Declaratioin
8. "We appeal to the Supreme Judge of the Universe" is a phrase most commonly found in the Declaration of Independence, signifying that the authors are invoking God as the ultimate authority to validate their actions and intentions in declaring independence from Great Britain; essentially, asking God to judge the righteousness of their cause.
9.There is a specific reference to Christ in the Constitution, after article 7.
10.The book most quoted anywhere at the time of our founding was Deuteronomy, with Moses talking about how government should be set up.
11. John Adams said, “Our constitution was
made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
From Charlie Kirk:
Now, why isn't this taught in history in government school?
Are there ANY errors in that post?