Putin 'plans to deploy thousands of North Korean soldiers to dig tunnels beneath the front lines, and attack Ukraine from the rear'

It depends mostly on your point of view.
Official Russian goals of the Special Military Operation are simple:
1) Denazification of Ukraine;
2) Demilitarisation of Ukraine;
3) Neutral status of Ukraine.
Those goals don't necessarily mean total annexation of the whole Ukraine, but this outcome is quite possible.

The Russian goals in the wider European Security Crisis are quite simple, too:
1) Return of NATO military infrastructure back the the borders of, at least, 1997 year.
2) Withdrawing of American nuclear weapons from European bases.
3) At least equal rights for ethnic Russians, citizens of Russia and BRICS business in Europe (which includes denazification of Baltic States and decreasing of the EU protectionism).
Those goals don't necessarily mean a Limited Nuclear War in Europe, but I very doubt that the Europeans will be smart enough to accept our reasonable demands without it.

Our global goals are quite simple, too:
1) End of Pax Americana.
2) Build of the new, multi-polar world with BRICS (not G7) domination.

One way, or another, the fall of America and G7 is almost inevitable. The only thing that we can do - is to save as much of American and European heritage as we can and build the new world as soon and as safe as possible.
well, i think i can speak on behalf of western leaders here, and just say : your demands are (mostly) UNACCEPTABLE.
well, i think i can speak on behalf of western leaders here, and just say : your demands are (mostly) UNACCEPTABLE.
I know, that you would say it. As I wrote - you are not smart enough to recognize a good, real deal when it's suggested. You won't agree without at least a limited nuclear war. There is nothing that you or me can do about it. But what we can do - is to minimize the collateral damage and unnecessary civilian losses during this war. You should start preparing your shelters right now if you wanna be more or less ready in few years. You may be ready to fight up to the last man, but I doubt that you are ready to fight up to the last woman and child.
It depends mostly on your point of view.
Official Russian goals of the Special Military Operation are simple:
1) Denazification of Ukraine;
2) Demilitarisation of Ukraine;
3) Neutral status of Ukraine.
western government leaders, in fact, leaders from over 100 countries, have voted in favor of Ukraine's continued independence.

Those goals don't necessarily mean total annexation of the whole Ukraine, but this outcome is quite possible.

The Russian goals in the wider European Security Crisis are quite simple, too:
1) Return of NATO military infrastructure back the the borders of, at least, 1997 year.
i'll look that up on some map i can find on images.google.com
2) Withdrawing of American nuclear weapons from European bases.
when you're storing them in Belarus? no thanks. in any negotiation, you need to give, not just demand.
3) At least equal rights for ethnic Russians, citizens of Russia and BRICS business in Europe (which includes denazification of Baltic States and decreasing of the EU protectionism).
we can talk about that.
Those goals don't necessarily mean a Limited Nuclear War in Europe, but I very doubt that the Europeans will be smart enough to accept our reasonable demands without it.
we're not going to bow to your pressure.
and, small reminder : we'll need less nukes to obliterate all Russians than you Russians would need to obliterate all of the west and her allies.

Our global goals are quite simple, too:
1) End of Pax Americana.
i'll let you augment Pax Americana, but not replace it entirely.

2) Build of the new, multi-polar world with BRICS (not G7) domination.
now who wants to dominate others?
you saw how that went for you in Afghanistan, against guys without jets and artillery.

One way, or another, the fall of America and G7 is almost inevitable. The only thing that we can do - is to save as much of American and European heritage as we can and build the new world as soon and as safe as possible.
well, thank you for trying to save our heritage as you dethrone us which no doubt results in several very lethal battles for conscripts on both our sides.
try to take your role on this forum (which is to be a diplomat) a little more seriously, ok? :)
Then it should also be not any problem if European nations fight directly with the own soldiers in the Ukraine. Could be interesting to find out how many dozen soldiers we will need to bring North Koreas heavenly Soviet god king at height normal zero. His nuclear plans have anyway to be stopped. This absurde Napoleonic plans are also dangerous for China, India, Pakistan and the rest of the world.

Update for Bangabangwa .

Those countries you identify plus dozens of others are all expanded BRICS allies .
The only enemies north Korea has are US and Nazisrael with my UK also asking for trouble .
I don't think our Internationl Chess Grand Master Volodya takes mich notice of Germ Land and the Froggy lot .

BTW The US , France, Germ Land , Poland et al have had troops in Ukraine for a considerable time .
Their only problem is that they get targeted and obliterated by dear Uncle P and his brave lads .
You barely get MSM mention of this , like the wrecking of a NATO meeting in the Odessa oblast just a few weeks ago where NATO was devastated and total losses were around 180 dead and up to 400 injured .

Current big fight odds , Russia 1 to 500 and Kyiv one million to one .
I know, that you would say it. As I wrote - you are not smart enough to recognize a good, real deal when it's suggested. You won't agree without at least a limited nuclear war. There is nothing that you or me can do about it. But what we can do - is to minimize the collateral damage and unnecessary civilian losses during this war. You should start preparing your shelters right now if you wanna be more or less ready in few years. You may be ready to fight up to the last man, but I doubt that you are ready to fight up to the last woman and child.
is that a threat?!
western government leaders, in fact, leaders from over 100 countries, have voted in favor of Ukraine's continued independence.
We don't care. How many of those countries are really ready to sacrifice their cities or even their money to achieve this goal?

i'll look that up on some map i can find on images.google.com

when you're storing them in Belarus? no thanks. in any negotiation, you need to give, not just demand.
We give you a chance to survive. It's definitely much more than you deserve.

we can talk about that.
Don't talk. Do it. You may start with granting citizenship (and equal rights) to Russian people in Baltic States.
I think, you won't do it.

we're not going to bow to your pressure.
and, small reminder : we'll need less nukes to obliterate all Russians than you Russians would need to obliterate all of the west and her allies.
It doesn't matter how many nukes you have in peace time. What is matter, is how many nukes you'll have after our first counter-force strike, how many of they will be able to come through ABD and how many sheltered and evacuated civilians will be killed. Even in pessimistic (for us) scenario you won't be able neither to "obliterate all the Russians", nor even to kill more than 20 millions of us (1 million in realistic scenario, zero in optimistic scenario). And those numbers are quite acceptable to us.

i'll let you augment Pax Americana, but not replace it entirely.
We'll see, if the USA will be able to survive the peace without their dominance. The inner contradictions are quite serious there, I believe.

now who wants to dominate others?
you saw how that went for you in Afghanistan, against guys without jets and artillery.
We don't want to make you happy this time and build socialism or democracy in your countries. All we want is to eliminate the military threat of yours. And this problem is much simpler.

well, thank you for trying to save our heritage as you dethrone us which no doubt results in several very lethal battles for conscripts on both our sides.
My pleasure.

try to take your role on this forum (which is to be a diplomat) a little more seriously, ok?

But I'm here not to be a diplomat. I'm here mostly to improve my English and get an access to independent sources of information.

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is that a threat?!
No. It's just grasshopper jumped into the flour.

It's just a friendly advice, for if you really want to fight and defeat a nuclear state, you'd better to be prepared for the consequences of such stupid behavior. More shelters you prepared, more food and fuel you have reserved - more of your civilians survive until the end of the war.
Update for Bangabangwa .

Eek ... It speaks

Those countries you identify plus dozens of others are all expanded BRICS allies .

No. BRICS has no common element with the stupid, senseless and criminal war of Russia against Europe in the Ukraine. I guess the other BRICS members will throw you out one day because you are damn counterproductive for them.

The only enemies north Korea has are US and Nazisrael ...

End of discussion, anti-Semite.
In 2004 Russia wanted to join both EU and NATO, the country was completely opened
I guess it was done something wrong by so-called 'leaders' of the West

No. What you see now - if you like to open your eyes. But it was really discussed - and without Putin the situation between Russia and the western world could be much more relaxed. Not even Germany was able to continue their very stable politics of trust in Russia. In total the whole western world had been very very patient with Russia since the cold war had been over.
Eek ... It speaks

No. BRICS has no common element with the stupid, senseless and criminal war of Russia against Europe in the Ukraine. I guess the other BRICS members will throw you out one day because you are damn counterproductive for them.

End of discussion, anti-Semite.

Your ignorance is remarkably deep and profound , Bangabangwa.
You were the type for a visit to Camp two where Dr Mengele worked where we could have seen what advances in lobotomy he developed .

It's not worth discussing BRICS implications with you because clearly you have little detail idea how the new world reserve currency will work and the effects on new geo political ties . Plus its effects on the US so called petrodollar which will effectively be cancelled.

As for Ukraine .
The Nazis are overwhelmed , losing an average of 1800 to 2000 fighters a day .
It matters next to nothing what anybody thinks because what Dear Uncle P does is the only relevant matter .
Will he just take the four regions he has , or will he cross the Dneiper , pick up Odessa et al on the way and perhaps let the Poles back into Galicia under heavy constraints.
Who knows ?
You for certain will not
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"threat" is an understatement. Indeed it is a hate-crime. What he says has more the quality of an appointment to commit mass murder.
If there is a choice between to kill or to be killed, the first is obviously preferred.
No. What you see now - if you like to open your eyes. But it was really discussed - and without Putin the situation between Russia and the western world could be much more relaxed. Not even Germany was able to continue their very stable politics of trust in Russia. In total the whole western world had been very very patient with Russia since the cold war had been over.

Of course is a very brainy policy of Europeans.
Instead to have 100m Russians in and share all immense and cheap natural resources EU becomes now a Big China at its border.
Uncle Sam is happy but what become Europeans?
The war in Ukraine, cut off of all cheap natural resources and giving away the huge Russian market to China.
Your ignorance is remarkably deep and profound , Bangabangwa.
You were the type for a visit to Camp two where Dr Mengele worked where we could have seen what advances in lobotomy he developed .

It's not worth discussing BRICS implications with you because clearly you have little detail idea how the new world reserve currency will work and the effects on new geo political ties . Plus its effects on the US so called petrodollar which will effectively be cancelled.

As for Ukraine .
The Nazis are overwhelmed , losing an average of 1800 to 2000 fighters a day .
It matters next to nothing what anybody thinks because what Dear Uncle P does is the only relevant matter .
Will he just take the four regions he has , or will he cross the Dneiper , pick up Odessa et al on the way and perhaps let the Poles back into Galicia under heavy constraints.
Who knows ?
You for certain will not

Do you know what Putin did do when he occupied the Donbass region? It's the same as if Canada would had occupied the Detroit region. Do you know what the Canadians had done? They would not had sent an army but a lighthouse.

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Of course is a very brainy policy of Europeans.
Instead to have 100m Russians in and share all immense and cheap natural resources EU becomes now a Big China at its border.
Uncle Sam is happy but what become Europeans?
The war in Ukraine, cut off of all cheap natural resources and giving away the huge Russian market to China.

You made a very heavy mistake, Russian. You attacked your mother Europe and you attacked your own roots in the Ukraine and you also attacked your own orthodox church. Your anti-Christian path will lead you only into a nowhere - never. Without orientation you will not know what's orientation. The orientation is: End this stupid, senseless and criminal war. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

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At least because we are good, and you are evil. By killing you we make the world safer and better. When you kill us - the world became worse and darker.

Good grief. Learns no one anything about philosophy any longer? What a stupid answer.

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