Putin 'plans to deploy thousands of North Korean soldiers to dig tunnels beneath the front lines, and attack Ukraine from the rear'

You made a very heavy mistake, Russian. You attacked your mother Europe and you attacked your own roots in the Ukraine and you also attacked your own orthodox church. Your anti-Christian path will lead you only into a nowhere - never. Without orientation you will not know what's orientation. The orientation is: End this stupid, senseless and criminal war. Leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

Modern Europe, as well as modern Ukraine are not our parents. You are our evil cousins.
Yes, we'll end this criminal war, started by you. We'll crush your spines, burn down your cities, kill your soldiers and then, may be, raise your children as good citizens.
Modern Europe, as well as modern Ukraine are not our parents. You are our evil cousins.

Okay. Then destroy the sun and the moon and this will also not have consequences for their cousin Russia.

Yes, we'll end this criminal war, started by you.

To repeat endlessly nonsense and bullshit makes nonsense and bullshit not true.

We'll crush your spines, burn down your cities, kill your soldiers and then, may be, raise your children as good citizens.

With such an intention you like to impress anyone in the world who is able to think? Poor boy - you spoke out your own death sentence.
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The time for philosophy already ended. Now it's time for the actions.

Nice that you think you found out what's true - but is this true what you think? So what will be your next "action"? I suggest to you to end your stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine. Leave the whole Ukraine with all of your soldiers. Yesterday.

Besser als die Wahrheit kennen ist die Wahrheit lieben.
Konfuzius = Confucius
Loving the truth is better than knowing the truth.

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Okay. Then destroy the sun and the moon and this will also not have consequences for their cousin Russia.
You are not our "sun and moon". You are just a bunch of poor and stupid barbarians, living on the overpopulated peninsula at the western part of our continent. Periodically (once or twice in century) you gather in herd and try to attack Russia. And everytime your soldiers find death in Russia and your widows and orphans beg Russian soldiers for food and safety.

To repeat endlessly nonsense and bullshit makes nonsense and bullshit not true.
Being in denial of the truth won't save you. Reality is important.

With such an intention you like to impress anyone in the world who is able to think? Poor boy - you spoke out your own death sentence.
It's not about making impressions. It's just an attempt to refresh your memories. WWIII will be more cruel than WWII, and it's quite possible that German nation and German people won't survive it.
You are not our "sun and moon".

Then you have absolutelly not any idea about real history. As well West (Occident, Rome) and East (Orient, Bycantium) are in their essential roots "Europe".

You are just a bunch of poor and stupid barbarians, living on the overpopulated peninsula at the western part of our continent. ...

Eurasia is your continent? This will make the Chinese and others very happy. And did you forget that America is also your continent? Russians lived once from Alaska up to California. And I heard in Quebec the Russians there speak French.

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Putin 'plans to deploy thousands of North Korean soldiers to dig tunnels beneath the front lines, and attack Ukraine from the rear'

Russia has already used tunnels twice in the conflict, in Avdiivka and Toretsk, says United Ukraine analyst Aleksey Kushch, who has warned of a Putin bid to break the war 'deadlock' by digging.

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this is just worrisome to me.
It's already been done
Then you have absolutelly not any idea about history. As well West (Occident, Rome) and East (Orient, Bycantium) are in their roots "Europe".
I know history. And, specifically, I know history of European invasions in Russia.
And I know, that we beat you earlier and we'll beat you again.
Eurasia is your continent? Thsi will make the Chinese happy. And did you forget that America is also your continent? Russians lived once from Alaska up to California. And I heard in Quebec the Russians there speak French.
I include Chinese (as well as reasonable Americans) in the term "we". What is may be more important for you, our General Staff sees Germany as a peripheral part of the Slavic Civilisation.
When Rodina ask me to come. Highly likely it will be with wide usage of WMD or starting a war against English or Japanese speaking enemies.
Highly likely you will be conscripted into some infantry regiment and will be sent into trenches as a rifleman. Into mud and blood. And we both know you will do everything to avoid the call of rodina.
Highly likely you will be conscripted into some infantry regiment and will be sent into trenches as a rifleman. Into mud and blood. And we both know you will do everything to avoid the call of rodina.
Being an ordinary rifleman is much more safe job than be a leader of chemical-recon squad leader (which is my last military speciality). But being a translator or a clerk in the HQ is even more safer. That's why, if my chances to be mobilized are high, I'll sign a contract volunteerly and I still have a lot of friends in military to get a job of my choice. And my skills (including linguistic skills), I believe, make me fit to many more or less safe jobs.
Highly likely you will be conscripted into some infantry regiment and will be sent into trenches as a rifleman. Into mud and blood. And we both know you will do everything to avoid the call of rodina.
And no, I won't do "everything" to avoid mobilization. I won't hurt myself, I won't emigrate in Israel or in the USA, I won't run into forests or make something equally stupid.
Being an ordinary rifleman is much more safe job than be a leader of chemical-recon squad leader (which is my last military speciality). But being a translator or a clerk in the HQ is even more safer. That's why, if my chances to be mobilized are high, I'll sign a contract volunteerly and I still have a lot of friends in military to get a job of my choice. And my skills (including linguistic skills), I believe, make me fit to many more or less safe jobs.
Your 'last military specialty' that you got as a conscript will impress no one in a draft center. In the wartime you will be drafted again and get assigned to a MOS that is required more by your army.

So, you will apply your friends' relations to get a safe job. Can't condemn you for that, actually. Everyone wants to live. But hey, with all your rhetoric here, with all your claims 'either we, or us', with all your advocating of the war - you are going to just toss papers somewhere while others will be doing a dirty job instead of you? Heh, you are a pussy, Yurez.
And no, I won't do "everything" to avoid mobilization. I won't hurt myself, I won't emigrate in Israel or in the USA, I won't run into forests or make something equally stupid.
Sure, as long as you have friends who can grant you 'a safe job' remote from the frontline, but close to warm places.

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