Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States

How ironic that she continues to use the phrase "unburdened by what has been." Harping on the past and playing the victim card due to the past is the foundation of the Democratic Party.
Let’s see what the libs have in store for us at tonight’s July 4th concert. I hope it’s not another divisive rendition of the “Black” National anthem, with 80% of entertainers and presenters being non-whites, as in previous years.
How ironic that she continues to use the phrase "unburdened by what has been." Harping on the past and playing the victim card due to the past is the foundation of the Democratic Party.

Yep, always the victim. They have to continually lie and whitewash their own horrid past and project it, all while playing the victim.
" The Peter Principle is the observation that employees are promoted until they reach a level of incompetence. "

and we know Kamala is a firm believer in the Peter Principle, don't we?

Once you get a parrot to learn a phrase it will repeat it endlessly.
Good to see she is as smart as a parrot. I have heard she is good at rolling over. Something a dog can learn. So she is proving she is on a par for intelligence with a lot of animals. Could be she may actually surpass some of their abilities. But I doubt it will be anytime soon
A Leftist wishing for death, ho hum, just another day
Come on there are people that would vote for a garbage can or fire hydrant if you put a D in front of it. They truly do not care what would happen, they only care about the party. There are republicans that are the same though so in the long run it is almost equal. Except there are more democrats that vote strictly party then there are republicans
never been impeached, indicted, or convicted. check

never promised retribution to all the mean people or promised to be "dictator for a day. check

will not sell secrets to dictators. check

has no personal militia enforcing vague violent tweets. check

the author of "richard iii" certainly understands trump. ms harris has my vote if major decides not to run.
When it comes to morality, decency, honesty, temperament, behaviors, character, dignity, gaffes, posts, quotes or rule of law, the Orange Cult™ has absolutely no standing to criticize others. They have completely eschewed all of those qualities, eliminating all standards for them in their "war".

No standing. None. Zero. Period. Any of them who seriously think that they do is absolutely delusional and fully lost in the cult.
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never been impeached, indicted, or convicted. check

never promised retribution to all the mean people or promised to be "dictator for a day. check

will not sell secrets to dictators. check

has no personal militia enforcing vague violent tweets. check

the author of "richard iii" certainly understands trump. ms harris has my vote if major decides not to run.
They walk among us.
never been impeached, indicted, or convicted. check

never promised retribution to all the mean people or promised to be "dictator for a day. check

will not sell secrets to dictators. check

has no personal militia enforcing vague violent tweets. check

the author of "richard iii" certainly understands trump. ms harris has my vote if major decides not to run.
You set a really low bar there. Do better.

I’m sure there are exceptions for emergencies - such as if the nominee became unfit due to mental decline. But the problem then is that if he is unfit to run, he is also unfit to serve currently.

Kamala would be sworn in the same day, and America would be treated to four months of idiotic word salad.
With the same people that are hostile to America running things behind the scenes.
never been impeached, indicted, or convicted. check

never promised retribution to all the mean people or promised to be "dictator for a day. check

will not sell secrets to dictators. check

has no personal militia enforcing vague violent tweets. check
Female - UNCHECK

Leftist - UNCHECK

Lawyer - UNCHECK

Politicisn - UNCHRCK
When it comes to morality, decency, honesty, temperament, behaviors, character, dignity, gaffes, quotes or rule of law, the Orange Cult™ has absolutely no standing to criticize others. They have completely eschewed all of those qualities, eliminating all standards for them in their "war".

No standing. None. Zero. Period. Any of them who seriously think that they do is absolutely delusional and fully lost in the cult.

You're a partisan shill moron. You described Democrats.

The Emperor has no clothes, you idiot, but you're over there going on and on about how grand the flowing silk
and the cut of the jib is.

I tell ya what, Republicans aren't purposely trying to do in the country that's been known as America, but

Democrats are, and that's all I need to know. :dunno:
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never been impeached, indicted, or convicted. check

never promised retribution to all the mean people or promised to be "dictator for a day. check

will not sell secrets to dictators. check

has no personal militia enforcing vague violent tweets. check

the author of "richard iii" certainly understands trump. ms harris has my vote if major decides not to run.
Put brothers and sisters in jail for pot, all the while smoking it herself.
How ironic that she continues to use the phrase "unburdened by what has been." Harping on the past and playing the victim card due to the past is the foundation of the Democratic Party.
That phrase has something to do with denial of history. Sloughing off the norms.

It's pretty scary, actually.
Report: Kamala About To Unburden Herself From What Has Been
POLITICS·Jul 3, 2024 ·
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WASHINGTON D.C. — Reports from high-level sources in Washington indicate Vice President Kamala Harris is just about to unburden herself from what has been.

"I'm out here on these streets, getting ready to unburden myself -- you know what I mean? HAHA!" said Harris. "I'm starting to see what can be, not what has been, right girl! HAHAHA!!!"

After years of repeatedly envisioning what can be, unburdened from what has been, Harris reportedly feels like her vision is about to come to fruition. "I watched the debate last week, and I immediately started to feel like maybe, just maybe, what has been was about to be unburdened," said Harris. "It's like a yellow school bus - who doesn't love a yellow school bus? It's like a yellow school bus going to space, which is so big. No one could imagine that because they are burdened by what has been, which is yellow school buses that don't go to space. HAHAHAHA!!!!"
As Democrat strategists continue to discuss the possibility of replacing Biden, they too have begun to imagine what could be, unburdened by what has been. "We are so screwed," said strategist Mick Rawls. "It's dementia or psychosis. Ah, the proverbial rock and a hard place. I mean we can still win the election, but at what cost? Have you listened to this woman speak? We are, in a much larger sense, very screwed."

At publishing time, what has been had reportedly denied all reports that it would be unburdening itself from Harris any time soon.

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