Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States

Yes, if Kamala runs and wins, she could end up pushing the country too far to the Left. Not good.

And Trumpsters would have no one to blame but themselves, for selling their soul to a blatant con man. A criminal.

Would they look in the mirror? Nope. Of course not. One of the many behaviors shared by the ends of the spectrum.
Yes, if Kamala runs and wins, she could end up pushing the country too far to the Left. Not good.

And Trumpsters would have no one to blame but themselves, for selling their soul to a blatant con man. A criminal.

Would they look in the mirror? Nope. Of course not. One of the many behaviors shared by the ends of the spectrum.
Screw you and your Globalist picks.

So good they are driving this nation to the abyss.

Most CAREER POLITICIANS brought us here.

Why should we vote for the ones who fucked the country up?

Ladies and Gentlemen, the next President of the United States​

I'd rather saw both of my legs off and feed them to a water buffalo than have that skank as my president.

Gee, I wonder how many millions she paid some Hollywood ad agency for that line?

(Honey, just keep repeating this vacuous line over and over for the next 5 months and they will make YOU president of the USA for 4 years, too!).

No wonder they hate Trump--- the office without him must be nothing but a figurehead now with shadowy figures behind the scenes really calling the shots.
Just when someone says, "I'm gonna vote for him/her/them", then what's their policies. They act as a rabbit in headlights and then silence. Makes you wonder if they have anything in the attic.

Reproductive rights​

Biden supports access to abortion, and said he intends to restore the rights provided by Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision establishing the right to an abortion that the Supreme Court overturned in 2022.


Biden faces intense campaign-year pressure from governors and mayors across the country to address populations of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. The president backed a bipartisan border security bill negotiated in the Senate that would have set limits on daily crossings at the southern border.

Health care​

Expanding health care coverage provided by the Affordable Care Act and lowering prescription drug costs remain two of Biden’s signature campaign promises in his second presidential race. He has called health care a right, not a privilege, for all.


Biden says he believes the best way to boost the U.S. economy is from the middle out and the bottom up. His economic plan has included the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan - a post-pandemic stimulus package - and funding for major infrastructure projects and climate initiatives. Biden has called for an increase in the minimum corporate tax to 21% from 15%.

Crime & policing​

Biden has often said he believes in safer American communities, but with accountability for policing across the country. The president has still sought to distance himself from calls to “defund the police,” and while his administration has expressed concern about rising crime rates in some areas, he has touted FBI data that show an overall decline in violent crime.

What are Trump's policies?

Trump's Vows to Prosecute Rivals Put Rule of Law on ...​

The New York Times › trump-retribution-justice

Jun 5, 2024 — Former President Donald J. Trump says he is prepared to prosecute his political enemies if he is elected this fall. Simply making those ...

Reproductive rights​

Biden supports access to abortion, and said he intends to restore the rights provided by Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision establishing the right to an abortion that the Supreme Court overturned in 2022.


Biden faces intense campaign-year pressure from governors and mayors across the country to address populations of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. The president backed a bipartisan border security bill negotiated in the Senate that would have set limits on daily crossings at the southern border.

Health care​

Expanding health care coverage provided by the Affordable Care Act and lowering prescription drug costs remain two of Biden’s signature campaign promises in his second presidential race. He has called health care a right, not a privilege, for all.


Biden says he believes the best way to boost the U.S. economy is from the middle out and the bottom up. His economic plan has included the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan - a post-pandemic stimulus package - and funding for major infrastructure projects and climate initiatives. Biden has called for an increase in the minimum corporate tax to 21% from 15%.

Crime & policing​

Biden has often said he believes in safer American communities, but with accountability for policing across the country. The president has still sought to distance himself from calls to “defund the police,” and while his administration has expressed concern about rising crime rates in some areas, he has touted FBI data that show an overall decline in violent crime.

What are Trump's policies?

Trump's Vows to Prosecute Rivals Put Rule of Law on ...

View attachment 971510
The New York Times › trump-retribution-justice
Jun 5, 2024 — Former President Donald J. Trump says he is prepared to prosecute his political enemies if he is elected this fall. Simply making those ...
The subject and conversation is Harris. If you're gonna vote for her, what's her policies? Is is that person's voting not based on policies?
I imagine they are the same.............
Just like Pence's were the same as Trump's?
Just looked through my dictionary, imagine and actual are two different words. So the dictionary says that that makes your answer hypothetical.

Apologies if that that seems confusing to some, I'm British so I follow English grammar.
Yes, if Kamala runs and wins, she could end up pushing the country too far to the Left. Not good.

And Trumpsters would have no one to blame but themselves, for selling their soul to a blatant con man. A criminal.

Would they look in the mirror? Nope. Of course not. One of the many behaviors shared by the ends of the spectrum.
You are part of that left end
MacCheese is incapable of seeing that if not for the Dems being so HORRIBLE in the first place, there never would have BEEN a Trump to contend with!
Actually, I've pointed out that many times, MANY times, how their weaponization of PC & Identity Politics created increasing resentments and animated the Right in 2016 and beyond.

MANY times.

But you just lack the capacity to understand what I said. That's not my fault.

You are ignorant.
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Russel Brand has a video of, apparently, every time she has used this phrase.
We are talking 50 plus. Over decades.
"What can be, unburdened by what has been"

Which is an interesting choice of a phrase by a woman who constantly looks to the past and trying to tie it in to the present.

The phrase doesn't take but a moment to figure out, as badly phrased as it is... but it is very tongue-in-cheek that SHE is the one who keeps saying it.
We are talking about some serious self delusion here.
I noted that in 2016 I didn't want Trump to win but I wanted Hillary to lose.

In 2020 I didn't want Biden to win but I really wanted Trump to lose.

I said not long ago in 2024 if Biden v Trump I wanted them both to lose.

If Harris runs, I really don't want Trump to win but I want Harris to lose badly.
It was the so called progressives who did this to America. They couldn`t bring themselves to vote for Hillary and that`s how a career criminal became president.

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