Stop falling for this crap!!

This "I'll do better next time" crap is disturbing when people buy into it. It happened. He's aging rapidly. It will happen again. It will KEEP happening.

Now it's looking like he doesn't plan on quitting. He needs a fucking intervention, stat.

What a nightmare "choice" we have here.
Guess what, Mac? Democrats brought it on on themselves and now the chickens are coming home to roost, Bubba.

Pretty sure the quote I'm thinking of right now came from Lincoln. It did.

TDS has made your brain smooth. I have witnessed the progression of it in you real time.

You used to be better, but now you're crippled by TDS.
It does make one wonder why people like Mac1958 come into a board about politics, when he tries his hardest to say he hates politics....It must be a real mental disorder.
I suppose I could have said that or something similar but I decided to give you kids a chance to explain yourselves.
One of the most perplexing traits of the demented LEFT is the absolute lack of self-awareness as displayed by this ridiculous thread you somehow felt was a good idea.

We can only thank you for this exhibition.
Good show.
Biden -- "I needed a break from all the negativity and talk of replacing me. I'm glad my old darkie running buddy Barack invited me for a swim at Martha's Vineyard. He's a good guy - for one of them coloreds"
If Joe was anonymous and on forums such as these, many of the posters would call him a racist and worse.
Hey Mac… breathe dude.

Biden had a bad moment

Debating isn’t governing.

Obama had a bad first debate his second time around and people were writing HIM off as well

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