Who are the Israelis?

Name one war in the Middle East which doesn't involve an Arab state.

How many Arab states are currently at war with each other?
Lol. What nation these past 100 years has caused more war than the US? Thinking Arabs are warlike merely exposes your ignorance and bigotry. Israel has committed many military operations resulting in mass murder of Palestinians and Lebanese.
Lol. What nation these past 100 years has caused more war than the US? Thinking Arabs are warlike merely exposes your ignorance and bigotry. Israel has committed many military operations resulting in mass murder of Palestinians and Lebanese.

The US is a newborn compared to 1,400 years of Arab imperialism,

that said, till this very day Arabs have yet to abolish slavery.


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The Two State Solution is DEAD

Will there be war in Judea and Samaria? Yishai Fleisher joins ILTV anchor Lidar Gravé-Lazi to discuss the uptick in terrorism occurring in the so-called "West Bank" and propose potential solutions.

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