I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

It is to sigh dramatically. If you're seriously pretending this is all just about one debate, it's no surprise that you're confused. We've been noting Quid Pro Joe's decline for years, and it's finally reaching a crisis point where it can't be ignored, wished away, or "maybe it's not so bad because he picked back up for a speech the next day". Face it, we don't want a president who routinely freezes mentally, looks for his caretaker instead of focusing on the task at hand, and is only lucid sometimes. Remember Hillary's campaign ad against Obama when she basically accused him of not being competent to handle the "3am call"? We don't want a president we CANNOT be assured will be able to handle that call after dinner.

Be honest, can you SERIOUSLY assure everyone that you have full confidence that Quid Pro Joe will be able to take that call and immediately make the right decisions, or do you privately think that staffers are going to have to pick up the slack and keep him out of sight for a while in an emergency? The last I checked, we don't have agreements with other nations and mother nature that bad things will only happen between 10am and 4pm.
You've trump has been accusing Joe of being senile for a long time. That, along with his other lies about the election being stolen and electric boats not being able to float. Repeating trump's lies doesn't make them true. I wish Joe was younger too, but I really don't want a king.
If the man really cared, if his party really cared, someone who would surely win would be selected. They are risking too much playing this stupid game of faithfulness to a minor personality, not unlike what the other half of the duopoly is doing.
You've trump has been accusing Joe of being senile for a long time. That, along with his other lies about the election being stolen and electric boats not being able to float. Repeating trump's lies doesn't make them true. I wish Joe was younger too, but I really don't want a king.
You didn't address the elephant in the room. Are you completely and totally convinced that Quid Pro Joe can take a call at 3am and handle a true national emergency? Not can he maybe handle it if he's having a lucid spell, or if he got enough sleep before the call, do you HONESTLY have 100% faith that he, in the condition he's been displaying more and more frequently, capable of handling well what we REQUIRE presidents to be able to handle?
You didn't address the elephant in the room. Are you completely and totally convinced that Quid Pro Joe can take a call at 3am and handle a true national emergency? Not can he maybe handle it if he's having a lucid spell, or if he got enough sleep before the call, do you HONESTLY have 100% faith that he, in the condition he's been displaying more and more frequently, capable of handling well what we REQUIRE presidents to be able to handle?
Neither duopoly candidate fills that bill.
You didn't address the elephant in the room. Are you completely and totally convinced that Quid Pro Joe can take a call at 3am and handle a true national emergency? Not can he maybe handle it if he's having a lucid spell, or if he got enough sleep before the call, do you HONESTLY have 100% faith that he, in the condition he's been displaying more and more frequently, capable of handling well what we REQUIRE presidents to be able to handle?
Yes. Joe is only a couple of years older than trump. Can you HONESTLY say that if trump received that same call, he wouldn't consider how he could use the situation to make money for himself instead of what was good for the country?
I'm voting for the Biden TEAM - not just Biden!

Trying to replace President Biden at this point would be a disaster - and would likely guarantee defeat. It would also scare the hell out of our allies.

President Biden is surrounded by competent and good people! I'm voting for the TEAM! Go Joe! Go TEAM!

^^^It's totally not a cult, guys, honest!
Yes. Joe is only a couple of years older than trump. Can you HONESTLY say that if trump received that same call, he wouldn't consider how he could use the situation to make money for himself instead of what was good for the country?
Age isn't the issue because there are 90+ year old people still making contributions to their fields. For a lot of people, however, aging past 80 involves somewhat significant cognitive decline. I can cite my parents, aged 87 and 88. My dad was a doctor all his career and is still as mentally sharp as ever. My mom has Alzheimer's and is declining rapidly, though the failing is in her memory, not her ability to complete a thought, like Joe's. We can see the change in her over time, and we see a similar change in Quid Pro, despite them trying desperately to shield him from public view. You thinking that he's fully capable of handling such an emergency as I pointed out is astonishing, to say the least. Someone fully capable does not space out like he does, looking helplessly for a caretaker to direct him. You only have to watch what happened after the debate. TRUMP! turned around and walked quickly off like a man who had things to do and places to be while Quid Pro waited for Jill to come, take his hand and lead him over to the steps, where he paused and did the shaky old man tentative tapping with his foot, looking for the edge of the step.

As for TRUMP!, I am fully confident he would first do what he could to handle the crisis and only later would worry about whether he would benefit personally or not. You only have to look at his first term to see that. He lost money as president, not even taking a salary, something very few have done.
He should issue an executive order countermanding immunity.
True, however the current Supreme Court would probably deny that. We need congress to pass a batch of previously unneeded laws to prevent a president from becoming a king.
Age isn't the issue because there are 90+ year old people still making contributions to their fields. For a lot of people, however, aging past 80 involves somewhat significant cognitive decline. I can cite my parents, aged 87 and 88. My dad was a doctor all his career and is still as mentally sharp as ever. My mom has Alzheimer's and is declining rapidly, though the failing is in her memory, not her ability to complete a thought, like Joe's. We can see the change in her over time, and we see a similar change in Quid Pro, despite them trying desperately to shield him from public view. You thinking that he's fully capable of handling such an emergency as I pointed out is astonishing, to say the least. Someone fully capable does not space out like he does, looking helplessly for a caretaker to direct him. You only have to watch what happened after the debate. TRUMP! turned around and walked quickly off like a man who had things to do and places to be while Quid Pro waited for Jill to come, take his hand and lead him over to the steps, where he paused and did the shaky old man tentative tapping with his foot, looking for the edge of the step.

As for TRUMP!, I am fully confident he would first do what he could to handle the crisis and only later would worry about whether he would benefit personally or not. You only have to look at his first term to see that. He lost money as president, not even taking a salary, something very few have done.
We got this. You should spend your time worrying about that fat orange pussy grabbing wannabe king.
Lakhota: Aren't you embarrassed that you are voting for the senile potato?

Cult members don't get embarrassed (until it's too late):


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