Why Did Africans Never Invent the Wheel?

Bing AI researched "Did Africans never invent or use the wheel?"

Contrary to popular belief, the wheel was indeed used in Africa to various extents throughout history1. While it may have been common for Africans to manually carry their goods or use pack animals to transport economic goods, there was broad awareness, knowledge, and use of wheeled transports (e.g., carts, carriages, chariots, wagons) in Africa1. However, the environment in some parts of tropical Africa, as well as alternative forms of travel and transport, such as via canoe and beasts of burden/riding animals (e.g., donkeys, horses, camels), may have resulted in decreased use of animal-drawn wheeled transport in Africa1.

The wheel was also given other technical applications in Africa, such as a water wheel and a potter’s wheel1. For instance, the potter’s wheel was introduced into ancient Nubia by ancient Egypt1.

In North Africa, in the 5th century BCE, Herodotus reported the use of chariots by Garamantes in the Saharan region1. Rock art engravings of ox-drawn wagons and horse-driven chariots can be found in Algeria, Libya, southern Morocco, Mauritania, and Niger1.

So yes, Africans did use the wheel. However, it’s important to note that very few places/peoples on earth actually “invented” the wheel2. The wheel is thought to have been invented around 3500 BC by a Homo sapiens living in Mesopotamia3, and this technology then had to spread throughout the entirety of continental Eurasia, and much of Africa2.

Gee simple search and the truth is revealed. Research is foreign to some as they just fine what they are looking for and go with the feel good moment.
The fact of the matter is the wheel gets invented once and then spreads to other cultures or land. Where improvements and/or changes are made to the initial idea.

The wheel appears to have been first used in Sumer in the Middle East around 3500 BC, whence it spread across Europe, Asia, and North Africa.

Once you get a wheel so what. Somebody still has to push it or drag it. Then someone has to come up with the idea of an axle.

Then someone has to come up with breaks. Otherwise watch out for that hill.

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Necessity is the mother of invention.
Unchain Prometheus, Not Django

Another insult to intelligence the Low-IQ parasites make us believe in. The inventor is independent of what hopeless and apathetic people are too dull even to demand. The inventor creates the necessity. For example, before the typically American creative mind of Alexander Graham Bell, no one thought a telephone was needed.

In ancient times, there was a massive need for all kinds of things we take for granted. But that necessity created nothing; only the encouragement of practical genius will solve what we are told is unsolvable.
Unchain Prometheus, Not Django

Another insult to intelligence the Low-IQ parasites make us believe in. The inventor is independent of what hopeless and apathetic people are too dull even to demand. The inventor creates the necessity. For example, before the typically American creative mind of Alexander Graham Bell, no one thought a telephone was needed.

In ancient times, there was a massive need for all kinds of things we take for granted. But that necessity created nothing; only the encouragement of practical genius will solve what we are told is unsolvable.
/——/ And before Steve Jobs no one thought a person needed a smart phone, iPad or iPod was needed.
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I’m thinking the first guy to be chased down a hill by a rolling log or rock figured out what a wheel was.. 🧐 .. or didn’t..
We Must Treat Superior Minds the Same Way We Now Treat Superior Athletes, from Childhood On

Same with metallurgy. For thousands of years, people saw, but didn't notice, that forest fires turned surface ores into metal. Then one man, evolved higher in IQ, pointed out to all the dummies that they themselves could turn ores into metal using fire and it would vastly improve their tools.

Same scenario of hiding in plain sight with planting seeds, which the ignorant unevolved would say that they bore no resemblance to plants, just as an acorn looks nothing like an oak.

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