Bill Maher gets blunt with fellow Democrats on Biden: ‘He is going to lose, it’s so apparent’

Trump has a similar lead, especially in battleground states where this election will be won. The only poll taken so far post debate is NJ and he has a lead. In NJ! Trump also has support of Independents, Blacks and Hispanics in record numbers for the GOP.
DeSantis was too firmly right and Haley would have to rely on Dem voters to win. Ultimately this would be a difficult task to ensure.
That's my opinion, Trumps outreach has really expanded his base.
1. Desantis would beat Biden but his 6-week ban on abortions would make it close.

2. Nikki Haley would beat Biden by 17-points in the general. She'd get women votes Trump or Desantis would not get.

3. Trump may be finally learning that every vote matters.

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