Bill Maher: Biden is ‘going to f‑‑‑ing lose’

because the dems are worse

LoL.. Oh yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuuure they are.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

If the GOP hasn't posed any real opposition to the democrats in decades, and in many cases, helped the democrats along, how can you possibly think they're worse?

It takes two wings to fly, bro.

and their fence sitters will be out voting (and maybe working to get in sham votes as well).

You may hate the binary, but it's the system. Either accept playing by it, or go to the mattresses.

Or go to the mattress? That's a defeatist way of thinking. Your lesser of two evils way of thinking is actually the defeatist. "I know the right ain't much better, but it's our only option, so I guess we'd better settle for it."

Blah blah blah.

The GOP voters need to let the the Republican lose their ass, bigly, for at least 1 general and a mid term. A severe lack of votes & donations will get them off the RNC high horse and force them to listen to their voters. Instead of this "we know what's best" mentality they have. If they knew best, people like Romney & Trump would never have been nominated for president. People like Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell would be ran out on a rail for caving to an appeasing the left all the damn time.
LoL.. Oh yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuuure they are.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

If the GOP hasn't posed any real opposition to the democrats in decades, and in many cases, helped the democrats along, how can you possibly think they're worse?

It takes two wings to fly, bro.

Or go to the mattress? That's a defeatist way of thinking. Your lesser of two evils way of thinking is actually the defeatist. "I know the right ain't much better, but it's our only option, so I guess we'd better settle for it."

Blah blah blah.

The GOP voters need to let the the Republican lose their ass, bigly, for at least 1 general and a mid term. A severe lack of votes & donations will get them off the RNC high horse and force them to listen to their voters. Instead of this "we know what's best" mentality they have. If they knew best, people like Romney & Trump would never have been nominated for president. People like Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell would be ran out on a rail for caving to an appeasing the left all the damn time.

That assumes there would be something to vote back in afterwards.
LoL.. Oh yeah. Suuuuuuuuuuuuure they are.
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. :rolleyes:

If the GOP hasn't posed any real opposition to the democrats in decades, and in many cases, helped the democrats along, how can you possibly think they're worse?

It takes two wings to fly, bro.

Or go to the mattress? That's a defeatist way of thinking. Your lesser of two evils way of thinking is actually the defeatist. "I know the right ain't much better, but it's our only option, so I guess we'd better settle for it."

Blah blah blah.

The GOP voters need to let the the Republican lose their ass, bigly, for at least 1 general and a mid term. A severe lack of votes & donations will get them off the RNC high horse and force them to listen to their voters. Instead of this "we know what's best" mentality they have. If they knew best, people like Romney & Trump would never have been nominated for president. People like Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell would be ran out on a rail for caving to an appeasing the left all the damn time.

Millions of Americans are living on the streets, in tent cities and in their cars because of the lefts policies. We call these Bidenvilles.

It’s time the left grow the hell up and see what their policies have cost.

Hoovervilles and Bidenvilles are one and the same.
If the corrupt communist demonRats thugs are unable to cheat this time around ....then yes......Maher is right!

Biden is going to fucking lose.

Millions of Americans are living on the streets, in tent cities and in their cars because of the lefts policies. We call these Bidenvilles.

It’s time the left grow the hell up and see what their policies have cost.

Hoovervilles and Bidenvilles are one and the same.

BS, most of those people living on the streets because they're fucking losers. They don't wannt work. Or they got some retarded drug addiction. Or it's kids who refused to take order from their parents.

You really should get out and talk to some homeless people. Ask them if they wanna work for money.

There's homeless in red states, red cities all over this country. BTW, the GOP has had the house for going on 2 years now. Every dime he's spending, they're giving it to him.

So fuck off with your "The left is way worse than the right." There's not an ounce of difference between the two. Especially since 2016.

The left suck. They suck bad. But the right gives them everything they want. Just like Trump did.
BS, most of those people living on the streets because they're fucking losers. They don't wannt work. Or they got some retarded drug addiction. Or it's kids who refused to take order from their parents.

You really should get out and talk to some homeless people. Ask them if they wanna work for money.

There's homeless in red states, red cities all over this country. BTW, the GOP has had the house for going on 2 years now. Every dime he's spending, they're giving it to him.

So fuck off with your "The left is way worse than the right." There's not an ounce of difference between the two. Especially since 2016.

The left suck. They suck bad. But the right gives them everything they want. Just like Trump did.
Funny how, even a loser could afford shelter before Biden.

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