Bill Maher urges Palestinians not to believe 'myth' of 'from the river to the sea': Israel is going 'nowhere'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
But the Islamists will be working tirelessly and endlessly to remove from the entire Mideast, every single Jew no matter what it takes.

"Maher began by linking Christmas to the war-torn region, citing how the "little town of Bethlehem was "86% Christian" in 1950 and how today it's "overwhelmingly Muslim."
"Real Time" host Bill Maher closed his final show of 2023 with a blistering takedown of the pro-Palestinian movement parading the "myth" that the slogan "From the river to the sea" can be achieved.

Maher began by linking Christmas to the war-torn region, citing how the "little town of Bethleham was "86% Christian" in 1950 and how today it's "overwhelmingly Muslim."

Just like everything else.... We REMAIN DIVIDED, And no one is wanting or willing to work towards solutions.
All is political infighting.
That's really the bottom line. People can argue whether or not the current Israeli state should or should not have been established following WWII, but nonetheless, it was and they're not just going to pack up and leave. They need to come to grips with the fact that what's done is done and work to coexist peacefully going forward so everyone can thrive. There is no reason why Gaza can't have a thriving tourist industry with its coastline, for example. The first step is eradicating Hamas and any other extremism and once that is done rebuild.
That's really the bottom line. People can argue whether or not the current Israeli state should or should not have been established following WWII, but nonetheless, it was and they're not just going to pack up and leave. They need to come to grips with the fact that what's done is done and work to coexist peacefully going forward so everyone can thrive. There is no reason why Gaza can't have a thriving tourist industry with its coastline, for example. The first step is eradicating Hamas and any other extremism and once that is done rebuild.

Gaza a tourist attraction? Roflmao
What is happening today, likely could have all been avoided if only Arafat had agreed to the two-state solution that was offered him.
What is happening now is all on the Palestinians.
Christians are not the ones trying to exterminate Jews.
Jews have been trying to ethnic cleanse Palestinians fool. You have ignored every act of aggression by Israel over the last 50 years. The can occupy Lebanon for 5-6 years and tell you they're doing it because the Lebanese have threatened to exterminate them and you fell for it. This current situation was created by the current Israeli government of Netanyahu. And when his strategy backfired, he played his Jewish victim card talking about Hamas wants to exterminate Jews and you fall for it. He's killed 18,000, with 7,000 of the dead being children. Yesterday his Army killed 3 men who escaped Hamas and were waving a white hankerchief. But you still cling to the they are trying to exterminate Jews lie.

Way back in the old testament days the Lord made a covenant with Israel, included in that covenant was the statute that Jews do not mistreat the foreigners in their land because they were once foreigners in a strange land and God saved them. Yet for years Jews in Israel have broken that covenant by their treatment of the Palestinians. If Isreal is exterminated it won't be by human hands.
Sure they're taking a break after thousands of years of efforts. Instead they helped export Jews to a little strip of desert in order to ethnically cleanse the people living there.

Theres no such thing any more as "Christian Land" It doesnt exist. All Western countries are open and inviting of all religions. Go to the M.E., North Africa and large area of Asia, and their governments will tell you this is Muslim land.

You think Christians are just taking a little break? thats a lie. Plus the first crusade was fought in response to Muslim army expansion. They are the ones who when now populating a place, say like England or France, demand their own Muslim zones
Jews have been trying to ethnic cleanse Palestinians fool. You have ignored every act of aggression by Israel over the last 50 years. The can occupy Lebanon for 5-6 years and tell you they're doing it because the Lebanese have threatened to exterminate them and you fell for it. This current situation was created by the current Israeli government of Netanyahu. And when his strategy backfired, he played his Jewish victim card talking about Hamas wants to exterminate Jews and you fall for it. He's killed 18,000, with 7,000 of the dead being children. Yesterday his Army killed 3 men who escaped Hamas and were waving a white hankerchief. But you still cling to the they are trying to exterminate Jews lie.

Way back in the old testament days the Lord made a covenant with Israel, included in that covenant was the statute that Jews do not mistreat the foreigners in their land because they were once foreigners in a strange land and God saved them. Yet for years Jews in Israel have broken that covenant by their treatment of the Palestinians. If Isreal is exterminated it won't be by human hands.
Meh, Muslim invaders have tried to exterminate non Muslims for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Muslims are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of the inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Islam‘s history, and it all started with Mohammad himself.

“Muhammad’s violence was directed towards groups as well. Muhammad once said to his followers, “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”viThe Jews of Qurayza resisted Muhammad and attempted to form an alliance against him. When the alliance faltered, Muhammad acted quickly. His armies surrounded them and “besieged them for twenty-five nights until they were sore pressed and God cast terror into their hearts.”

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina. . . . Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. . . . There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900.vii”
Meh, Muslim invaders have tried to exterminate non Muslims for the last 1500 years. Look it up. Every single land that Muslims are now sitting on has been obtained by invasion, slaughter and rape of the inhabitants. What occurred on Oct. 7 has occurred over and over throughout Islam‘s history, and it all started with Mohammad himself.

“Muhammad’s violence was directed towards groups as well. Muhammad once said to his followers, “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslims.”viThe Jews of Qurayza resisted Muhammad and attempted to form an alliance against him. When the alliance faltered, Muhammad acted quickly. His armies surrounded them and “besieged them for twenty-five nights until they were sore pressed and God cast terror into their hearts.”

Then they surrendered, and the apostle confined them in Medina. . . . Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. . . . There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900.vii”
Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Jews have been trying to ethnic cleanse Palestinians fool. You have ignored every act of aggression by Israel over the last 50 years. The can occupy Lebanon for 5-6 years and tell you they're doing it because the Lebanese have threatened to exterminate them and you fell for it. This current situation was created by the current Israeli government of Netanyahu. And when his strategy backfired, he played his Jewish victim card talking about Hamas wants to exterminate Jews and you fall for it. He's killed 18,000, with 7,000 of the dead being children. Yesterday his Army killed 3 men who escaped Hamas and were waving a white hankerchief. But you still cling to the they are trying to exterminate Jews lie.

Way back in the old testament days the Lord made a covenant with Israel, included in that covenant was the statute that Jews do not mistreat the foreigners in their land because they were once foreigners in a strange land and God saved them. Yet for years Jews in Israel have broken that covenant by their treatment of the Palestinians. If Isreal is exterminated it won't be by human hands.

If they wanted to eliminate the Palestinians, they could carpet bomb every square inch of the territory until none remain. Instead, they are doing the right thing by attempting to eliminate Hamas who are nothing more than terrorists.

Again, all of this would have likely never happened if only Arafat had agreed to the two-state solution that was offered.
These people do not wish to coexist with Israel. None of them believe Israel even has a right to exist, nor a right to defend themselves.
If they wanted to eliminate the Palestinians, they could carpet bomb every square inch of the territory until none remain. Instead, they are doing the right thing by attempting to eliminate Hamas who are nothing more than terrorists.

Again, all of this would have likely never happened if only Arafat had agreed to the two-state solution that was offered.
These people do not wish to coexist with Israel. None of them believe Israel even has a right to exist, nor a right to defend themselves.
Incorrect. Don't keep on falling for the Israeli governments lie.
Incorrect. Don't keep on falling for the Israeli governments lie.

This isn't the Israeli government:

ROSS: Well, to be honest, we were even - I came, later on, to appreciate we were even closer than I thought. When President Clinton presented the Clinton Parameters to the two sides at the White House on December 22, 2000, and after five days, the Barak government came back - said they approved the parameters. They had some reservations, but the reservations were within the parameters. So on January 2, we had Arafat come to the White House, and he didn't say yes. He basically was willing to discuss all the areas where the Israelis were making concessions. He wasn't willing to discuss any of the areas where the Palestinians were supposed to make concessions. So it seemed like he had just said no.

But what I subsequently learned - about 18 months ago, I had a dinner with a former Palestinian negotiator who'd been part of the delegation. He said the whole Palestinian delegation had decided among themselves they should accept it. They went back to Arafat, and Arafat said no. I subsequently heard from another Palestinian on that delegation who said Arafat thought he could still do a better deal under Bush because he thought maybe Bush will be even more forthcoming.

And the struggle is what defined Arafat. He was prepared to do limited deals because they didn't require him to do something definitive. Arafat was someone who never closed doors, never closed options. The idea of ending the conflict was a step that was too far for him. In retrospect, I think we should have gone for a less ambitious approach and created the circumstances so his successor could have done something that he wasn't up to doing.

DETROW: You were in all of these rooms. You had a hand in all of these plans. You saw how close it came. And as you're saying, in the years since, you've realized it came even closer than you thought it did at the time. How much has all of that been weighing on you over the past few weeks as we have seen this conflict explode in ways it's never exploded before?

ROSS: Yeah, you might imagine this has been emotionally difficult for me. I have to say, I had a lot of experiences along the way in the 1990s. Almost every time we were making a lot of progress, Hamas would do a suicide bombing, and the purpose was to undermine what was going on. I feel like we've seen Hamas act again in the same way because they saw a Saudi-Israeli normalization looming. To see what the costs are now, to have Israel experience its darkest day ever, to see what's happening to Palestinians right now - for me, personally, it's heartbreaking. I'm not the kind who feels that you give in to despair. But, you know, I'm looking at what's going on now, and I'm focused on, how can we come out of this so there's a day after? Because there needs to be a day after. We have to understand - Israelis aren't going anyplace, and Palestinians aren't going anyplace. Somehow, given that, we have to find a way towards coexistence, and obviously, we're not there now.

Mahler tells it like it is. Israel is not going anywhere and Hamas-like intransigence and terror is suicidal for

Of course ultimately it is always possible that someday Arab or Muslim terrorists or state actors will get nukes and use them on Haifa and West Jerusalem, and then of course Israel retaliates by destroying Arab or Iranian cities throughout the region.

The only reality at this point, however, is probably more war tragedy. Two-state solutions are hard to imagine at this late date. The Gazans may be driven into Egypt and the Sinai. Hard to say. If lots of Palestinians miraculously come away from this tragedy blaming Hamas for their latest persecution by the Israelis, then sure, that might open new possibilities for peace. I don’t expect this.
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