Jewish girl beaten unconscious by “peaceful protestors” at UCLA

This is also anti-Israel behavior. There might be some people who support Israel, who are getting attacked or screamed at . That has nothing to do with antisemitism. It’s immoral but it is anti-Israel behavior. It’s not anti-Semitism.

There are an overwhelming number of Jews, who support the pro Palestine protest.

So this is once again, a case of high-level gaslighting by pro- Israel supporters they are constantly lying and humiliating themselves. And they put to shame the many honorable supporters of Israel.

The other point is about the media covering Israel Palestine so much. It’s actually taken over from the previous Ukraine Russia coverage. Why are they never talking about the humanitarian crisis in Haiti or the ongoing issue of slavery occurring throughout Africa or the wars raging on in Africa.?
I don't cut the Zionist Entity any slack,and the day it ends will be as joyful as the end of Apartheid in South Africa... if they don't manage to take down the rest of the world with them.

Then why are all the top Zionist leaders Europeans?
the Knesset has Bedouin Arabs/ Israeli Arabs and other Non European Members
I don't cut the Zionist Entity any slack,and the day it ends will be as joyful as the end of Apartheid in South Africa... if they don't manage to take down the rest of the world with them.
Antisemites who pretend they're only anti-Zionists should be mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records for their incredible semantic contortionism.

You didn't answer my question. Are you a communist? Or are you ihbid194?

Then why are all the top Zionist leaders Europeans?
I don't know what you mean by "top Zionist leaders", but almost all Jews are of Middle Eastern descent, including so-called "European Jews". The Jewish nation is indigenous to the Middle East.

Antisemites who pretend they're only anti-Zionists should be mentioned in the Guinness Book of Records for their incredible semantic contortionism.

You didn't answer my question. Are you a communist? Or are you ihbid194?

I don't know what you mean by "top Zionist leaders", but almost all Jews are of Middle Eastern descent, including so-called "European Jews". The Jewish nation is indigenous to the Middle East.

who are the top zionist leaders?
Actually, in the video I saw, she was actively participating in a demonstration,

Yeah, don't hold a flag is you are not willing to get your ass kicked.

Do you ever come out of your fantasy world to live in the real world.

So let's say, hypothetically, that your town was taken over by the Chinese tomorrow, and you found out that it was a dirty deal that Hunter Biden made with them in secret, so no one is coming to help. The Chinese take your nice house and make you live in a shantytown.

Are you saying you'd just shrug and take it up the ass? I'm guessing you wouldn't.

And neither is Hamas.

So you'd go slaughter a music festival.

Got it.
I don't know what that poster means by "top Zionist leaders". I'm not sure he knows either.
I can discuss WHY it alluded to "zionist leaders"---the islamo nazi partyline is
sic ' zionism is a european invention and part and parcel of european COLONIALISM which has caused all of the problems of the world' ---therefore
the "top zionist leaders are all european" This idea is promulgated in
muslim schools world wide. as an addendum. 'zionism was invented by a
european person named Theodore Herzl in 1897' another addendum is ---
'jews living in muslim ruled countries over the past 1400 years were deleriously happy until european zionism screwed their minds'. Muslims I have encountered including those for whom I was the first jew they ever met--KNEW THESE FACTS.
Maybe the Zionists should go back to Europe where they came from.

Yep, side step that big tough HAMAS attacked a music festival and killed all those foreign nasties.

Tough HAMAS....right into the den of fire.

And they wonder why Israel is so pissed.
Um, watch the video I posted on post #6

She was not a student there.
She and her sister showed up at UCLA to confront pro-Palestinian students.
Her sister dropped her Israeli flag and she was stomped in the scuffle.

There's an object lesson there. Don't go looking for a fight and you won't find one.

There's another one.....the palastinian pussies don't mind getting after girls (or music festivals where they don't shoot back).
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Don't stick your hand in a hornet's nest. If you know that a hornet's nest is someplace, stay away from it. This isn't complicated.

Seems like HAMAS should have figured that out.

Why are they crying now ?
I can discuss WHY it alluded to "zionist leaders"---the islamo nazi partyline is
sic ' zionism is a european invention and part and parcel of european COLONIALISM which has caused all of the problems of the world' ---therefore
the "top zionist leaders are all european" This idea is promulgated in
muslim schools world wide. as an addendum. 'zionism was invented by a
european person named Theodore Herzl in 1897' another addendum is ---
'jews living in muslim ruled countries over the past 1400 years were deleriously happy until european zionism screwed their minds'. Muslims I have encountered including those for whom I was the first jew they ever met--KNEW THESE FACTS.
Yes, I'm aware of the misconceptions and stereotypes about Zionists in the Muslim world. That's why I think that some posters here might be members of the Gaza electronic army known as ihbid194.
Hey, as you are prone to say....if you don't want the consequences...don't pick the fight.
for the record----since a board genius brought it up----arabs---to wit those
people who originated in ARABIA and people of the Levant are considered
Caucasian by the people who invented the concept of human races--to wit--
anthropologists---not much of an idea but there it is. More important for
insight into the concept of the "black race" in islamic ethos---read the koran
If they are able to determine it from the footage - no wonder the antisemites are wearing masks - they should be charged with ATTEMPTED MURDER.

I'm not sure anyone realizes YET how terrible this all is. We know it's terrible, but it will just keep sinking in
But here's the thing... you have to share America with other groups who also live here.

The Zionists don't feel an obligation to do that.
We should not have to share America with Muslims. There should be a ban on them coming here. Islam is unconstitutionally illegal in America.
I feel for any people who are occupied by an invading group.

Hamas isn't the problem, Zionism is.
Palestinians are not occupied by an invading group. Same as with all the rest of the Middle East, Muslims are the invading group, occupying formerly Jewish & Christian lands.

Yes, Hamas is the problem, and the only answer is complete extermination of them.

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