Jewish girl beaten unconscious by “peaceful protestors” at UCLA

Here's a list of the oh-so-peaceful coexistence for the 19th century (the whole list is too long to post here):

1800: new decree passed in Yemen, that Jews are forbidden to wear new clothing, or good clothing. Jews are forbidden to ride mules or donkeys, and were occasionally rounded up for long marches naked through the Roob al Khali dessert.

Okay, um... to stipulate your list. Muslims don't like you much either. Not as bad a Christians, who did it with industrial efficiency... moving in right in the middle of them, stealing their land, and hoping you can live in peace with them is.. Kind of stupid.
Actually, in the video I saw, she was actively participating in a demonstration, holding up an Israeli flag, when a scuffle broke out.

And of course, she's the victim. Not an active participant in a fight on both sides.

So don't challenge Hamas supporters or you g t what you deserve. Got to t!
You lost at Michael Brown which calls into question your assessment of each of the other incidents you sited. Michael Brown, aka “The Gentle Giant”, assaulted a brown immigrant shop owner and robbed him of his stack of cigarellos, and then when confronted by the arresting officer, tried to get the officer’s revolver. The “hands up” was a myth.

You leave out a bunch of parts in that description.

If Brown had been killed WHILE they were struggling for the gun, you might have a point. He was killed after he ran away, stopped because the officer kept shooting at him, put his hands up, was shot six more time.
Maybe the Zionists should go back to Europe where they came from.
I'm a zionist. I believe the Jews have the right to live peacefully in the Land of ISRAEL.
My family has lived in THIS country for as far back as I can trace. I come from AMERICA. Not Europe
Veteran and unarmed and harmless Jan 6 demonstrator Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by Capital Cops. The left wing version claims she deserved it. A obviously unarmed and harmless female Jewish student is beaten unconscious by a left radical mob on a university campus and the left wing (nazi) claim is that she deserved it because she challenged the "authority" of the radical mob. Go figure.
Um, watch the video I posted on post #6

She was not a student there.
She and her sister showed up at UCLA to confront pro-Palestinian students.
Her sister dropped her Israeli flag and she was stomped in the scuffle.

There's an object lesson there. Don't go looking for a fight and you won't find one.
Sounds like Hamas and their dessert wandering supporters should take your advice.
No, fucked up is us getting involved in 50 years of Middle Eastern wars because a bunch of Europeans are trying to colonize someone else's land.

Nope. There are no “Palestinians and there is no and never was a Palestine.
Veteran and unarmed and harmless Jan 6 demonstrator Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by Capital Cops. The left wing version claims she deserved it. A obviously unarmed and harmless female Jewish student is beaten unconscious by a left radical mob on a university campus and the left wing (nazi) claim is that she deserved it because she challenged the "authority" of the radical mob. Go figure.
Doesn’t take much figuring: antisemitism. it’s rampant on the Left.
I'm a zionist. I believe the Jews have the right to live peacefully in the Land of ISRAEL.
My family has lived in THIS country for as far back as I can trace. I come from AMERICA. Not Europe

But here's the thing... you have to share America with other groups who also live here.

The Zionists don't feel an obligation to do that.
Veteran and unarmed and harmless Jan 6 demonstrator Ashli Babbitt was shot and killed by Capital Cops. The left wing version claims she deserved it. A obviously unarmed and harmless female Jewish student is beaten unconscious by a left radical mob on a university campus and the left wing (nazi) claim is that she deserved it because she challenged the "authority" of the radical mob. Go figure.
Except she wasn't a student. She was an Israeli national who felt the need to join a mob confronting the pro-Palestinians students.
One could make the argument that plenty of the Palestinians were Jewish - and going back as far as 3000 years.
You could make that argument, but it would require you to invoke a book of fairy tales with talking snakes and giants in it.
Except... not really. Islam reached more or less it's maximum extent 1200 years ago, and they have been kind of in retreat since.

Islam is the second largest religion in the world and, according to projections, is expected to surpass Christianity in size within the next 20 to 30 years or so. Estimates vary but it is pretty much a foregone conclusion it will outpace Christianity at some point.
Islam is the second largest religion in the world and, according to projections, is expected to surpass Christianity in size within the next 20 to 30 years or so. Estimates vary but it is pretty much a foregone conclusion it will outpace Christianity at some point.

Okay, so what?

My point was about territorial expansion, not population numbers.

Since their height, they've been driven out of the Balkans, driven out of Iberia, and pushed back on the Indian Subcontinent.

They are not the Borg Collective.

Here's the better question.

Why do we find ourselves in the middle of a theological dispute between Muslims and Jews over who an imaginary sky pixie gave a strip of desert to?
Ah, you are new here, so I'll cut you a little slack.

Netanyahu is part of the problem, but the underlying problem is Zionism itself, in that it's a colonial, imperial and racist philosophy that really has no place in our modern world.

Israel has played on the world's sympathy over what happened to Europe's Jewry in WWII, but there's a certain point where that stops being an excuse. Just like we don't give a serial killer a break because his mommy beat him.

How is someone who bombs a hospital or a school from an airplane less of a coward than someone who shoots up a concert?
do you back doing that kind of shit or not?,,,,
Okay, so what?

“So what” is that you were completely wrong (again).
My point was about territorial expansion, not population numbers.

I’m not sure you have it right about that, either.
Since their height, they've been driven out of the Balkans, driven out of Iberia, and pushed back on the Indian Subcontinent.

If you’re talking about territorial expansion then you’re talking about Islamic countries or states, not Islam.
They are not the Borg Collective.

Here's the better question.

Why do we find ourselves in the middle of a theological dispute between Muslims and Jews over who an imaginary sky pixie gave a strip of desert to?
If that’s the real question then why your disdain for Jews in particular?

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