Government report Illegals increasingly taking "black jobs.'

No its hate

Events in the 18th Century have nothing to fo with legal and illegal immigration today

You were trying to shame Americans as a way to justify the current illegal alien invasion

No matter how many times you repeat this lie, it will still be a lie.

But Goebbels would be damn proud of you for trying so hard.

My comment had nothing to do with immigration of any kind.
No matter how many times you repeat this lie, it will still be a lie.

But Goebbels would be damn proud of you for trying so hard.

My comment had nothing to do with immigration of any kind.
So you are equating people opposed to illegal immigration to the man who orchestrated the extermination of millions of Jews? Sorry, but normal people don’t buy your hate of America.
So you are equating people opposed to illegal immigration to the man who orchestrated the extermination of millions of Jews? Sorry, but normal people don’t buy your hate of America.

I did not bring Germany in to the discussion, that was your fellow MAGA tribe member. Take it up with him
Wiggle all you like

You have been exposed

Whatever makes you happy, is good by me.

Maybe one day your emotions will subside enough that you can ask yourself why your own countries history makes you freak out so badly.

But I doubt it
Whatever makes you happy, is good by me.

Maybe one day your emotions will subside enough that you can ask yourself why your own countries history makes you freak out so badly.

But I doubt it
You are the one groveling to a Gypsy in austria about how bad America is

That requires some anger on your part
You are the one groveling to a Gypsy in austria about how bad America is

That requires some anger on your part

I never said America was bad, you truly are beyond any rational or honesty discourse.

This truly is not worth the wasted bandwidth.

There is a very wet tee time calling my name soon, have a great 4th of July!
I never said America was bad, you truly are beyond any rational or honesty discourse.
Of course you did

Those mean old white people genocided the helpless Indians in 1492, but now selfishly wont allow 10’s of millions of illegal aliens to march across the border today

We oughta be ashamed of ourselves, huh?
The theory is that more illegals take jobs away from poor Americans who turn to crime for their income
There is no shortage of help wanted signs in NW Arkansas, of you do not have a job it is because you don't want to work which is not anyone's fault but the individual. Do you blame yer constipation on Biden also?
I never said America was bad, you truly are beyond any rational or honesty discourse.

This truly is not worth the wasted bandwidth.

There is a very wet tee time calling my name soon, have a great 4th of July!
Have a good time at the 19th hole.
I never said America was bad, you truly are beyond any rational or honesty discourse.
This truly is not worth the wasted bandwidth.
There is a very wet tee time calling my name soon, have a great 4th of July!
Thank you

Just leave your white flag at the door for the next America hater to use
It makes sense to me

In your view who gets the job - the illegal willing to work for less, or the poor-but-honest black guy?
If he's a poor, but an honest guy, he's not going to begin a life of crime because he didn't get the job he applied for....

Maybe if he had criminal tendencies already.... he would, but the "honest guy" you speak about, would what I think.
I get this you are against illegal immigrants, but werent most americans first before real laws were enacted also illegal immigrants, for example the pilgrims were illegal immigrants, what if swedes or germans were illegal immigrants would you still be against?
There was no country, and no laws then retard. Go back to your creepy euro website. You will never be white lol.
There was no country, and no laws then retard. Go back to your creepy euro website. You will never be white lol.
Why should i have to be white? Would that mean i would be more respected and valued if i were? Seems like the implication of it dont you think such white thinking is wrong even harmful? I do not understand why i would have to be white in the first place
If he's a poor, but an honest guy, he's not going to begin a life of crime because he didn't get the job he applied for....
So he just starves

Or becomes homeless and a wino?

10 or 15 million illegals, or fake asylum seekers, represent a giant monkey wrench in the job market and the welfare system
Why should i have to be white? Would that mean i would be more respected and valued if i were? Seems like the implication of it dont you think such white thinking is wrong even harmful? I do not understand why i would have to be white in the first place
You want to be lol.
The 20 million illegals under Biden, that trump claimed is just another big fat lie of his....

So in other words, all of the photos and video of lines of people 10 wide and miles long trudging to the border these past four years, documentaries on the thousands of women and children sex trafficked, the hundreds of tons of fentanyl seized by the government, the acres upon acres of people held in camps awaiting processing, the dozens of cities fighting wave upon wave of busloads and planeloads of illegals courted into cities until they had nowhere left to put them, you get through the day denying it all by just telling yourself that it has all been made up?
I have one more question

Trump just recently "warned" the whole world that america will be the greatest country on earth again... but that is not specific to trump every American says something like that i noticed i guess average americans want to hear they are the greatest country. I did not notice that austrians say they are the best and greatest country they love their country but they never say they are the greatest. I do understand understand though it might be a legacy of the cold war and nature of superpowers and that america has many adversaries i do not judge them just noticed. even very big countries, regional powers, like russia, china, do not think "they are the greatest country on earth" ... i mean im not sure but never saw the russians saying it, of course they are patriots love and defend their country and provide good for it, but they do not say they are "the greatest country on earth"

Why americans think their country is the greatest country on earth?
Why wouldnt I?

Perhaps its pride in where you live.

I simply have NO FUCKS to give on the America Sucks crowd from my own nation our abroad.

If that offends you I simply dont care.

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