Government report Illegals increasingly taking "black jobs.'

that sounds kinda "wrong" and "arrogant" do you agree? I think it doesnt really ok to think so and be like that?

Of course it is, but it is what we are taught from birth, or at least it was. Many are starting to realize that it is not really true and has not been for some while. But it is the arrogance that has led us to meddle in the affairs of most of the countries in the world at one point or another.
Remember we are the country that came up with the idea that we (well, at least white Americans) were destined by God Himself to conquer the whole country from ocean to ocean.

2nd, is that most Americans have never been outside of this country except for maybe on giant cruise ships to sunny ports.
Which we did
Indeed we did, and I guess one could also argue we did so using "Old Testament" style maybe God really did want us to.
Do you want us to give it back?

We could tear up all the roads and issue teepees to everyone

Of wait!

Are you going to let the white people stay or kick them out?
Do you want us to give it back?

We could tear up all the roads and issue teepees to everyone

Of wait!

Are you going to let the white people stay or kick them out?

One cannot put the tooth paste back in the tube.
Why are Americans against "Immigrants"? Is it because of demographic change, that the US wont be as white as it was? I see no other valid reason, since america was created by immigrants, and is a very young nation like 400 years old not older. Austria for example is over thousand years old country, with a population that lives here since the stone age.
Who says we’re against immigrants? We are against unskilled ILLEGAL immigrants, who pour into our country and demand hotel rooms at taxpayer expense, suppress wages for lower-income Americans, and increase crime.
Oh there's those pesky facts again.

It cited a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that “suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.”
A study in the UK concluded that immigration caused the lower pay scale jobs to remain low, and often immigrants took less. The wage of the higher paid jobs increased. Ovulation increase was a small percent higher than GDP increase, thus showing immigration didn't pay for itself. Yet here we are, the West allowing immigrants in.
Who says we’re against immigrants? We are against unskilled ILLEGAL immigrants, who pour into our country and demand hotel rooms at taxpayer expense, suppress wages for lower-income Americans, and increase crime.
I get this you are against illegal immigrants, but werent most americans first before real laws were enacted also illegal immigrants, for example the pilgrims were illegal immigrants, what if swedes or germans were illegal immigrants would you still be against?
I get this you are against illegal immigrants, but werent most americans first before real laws were enacted also illegal immigrants, for example the pilgrims were illegal immigrants, what if swedes or germans were illegal immigrants would you still be against?
But back in the Pilgrim days. they weren’t demanding free hotel rooms, lowering the caliber of public education, and undercutting honest Americans for jobs and wages.

And I am opposed to all illegal immigration, regardless of skin color, of that was your implication.

P.S. My grandparents immigrated legally. Why can’t those coming in through the southern border do the same?
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Why are Americans against "Immigrants"? Is it because of demographic change, that the US wont be as white as it was? I see no other valid reason, since america was created by immigrants, and is a very young nation like 400 years old not older. Austria for example is over thousand years old country, with a population that lives here since the stone age.
/-----/ Why are Americans against ILLEGAL "Immigrants"? There, I fixed it for ya, Sparky.
I answered a question. That you are a snowflake that does not like the answer is not really any of my concern.
You expressed hate and contempt for America to a foreigner

Here’s an idea

Ask mortimer if he will let you immigrate to his country where the worst thing they do is put Jews in ovens
You expressed hate and contempt for America to a foreigner

Here’s an idea

Ask mortimer if he will let you immigrate to his country where the worst thing they do is put Jews in ovens

There is no hate nor contempt, just honesty.

You allow your emotions to have far too much control over your life.

Yes, the Germans did that, and they do not try to hide it, they do not whine like a 4 year old when it is brought up. They own up to their past in an effort to not repeat it.

There is a lesson there.

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