Government report Illegals increasingly taking "black jobs.'

There is no hate nor contempt, just honesty.

You allow your emotions to have far too much control over your life.

Yes, the Germans did that, and they do not try to hide it, they do not whine like a 4 year old when it is brought up. They own up to their past in an effort to not repeat it.

There is a lesson there.
Persecution of Jews is still a current issue

But euros conquering the Aztec Empire or founding the United States is just ancient history for libs like you to regurgitate whenever it suits you
There is no hate nor contempt, just honesty.

You allow your emotions to have far too much control over your life.

Yes, the Germans did that, and they do not try to hide it, they do not whine like a 4 year old when it is brought up. They own up to their past in an effort to not repeat it.

There is a lesson there.
So what did we do that we fail to admit?
Persecution of Jews is still a current issue

But euros conquering the Aztec Empire or founding the Inited States is just ancient history for libs like you to regurgitate whenever it suits you

If you need to talk about other counties to avoid the history of your own, that should tell you something. But in your case it will not as your emotions do not allow for any rational thoughts to enter your mind
You are the one spewing hate, not me

America happens to be a country that is worth defending

There is no hate, no matter how many times you tell the lie, it will still just be a lie.

One can defend their country without ignoring its past.
Persecution of Jews is still a current issue

But euros conquering the Aztec Empire or founding the Inited States is just ancient history for libs like you to regurgitate whenever it suits you
This is part of the plan by the evil people running the country to bring it down: it’s not enough to flood the country with unskilled illegals, but they need to get Americans to hate their own country.

I am very hopeful that things have turned strongly in Trump’s favor, and I find it hard to believe that American voters have been so brainwashed against him that they will vote for a totally incompetent person for president simply because of her female blackness.

I just hope Trump has strong security. There is NOTHING Dems won’t do to keep him from righting the ship.
A study in the UK concluded that immigration caused the lower pay scale jobs to remain low, and often immigrants took less. The wage of the higher paid jobs increased. Ovulation increase was a small percent higher than GDP increase, thus showing immigration didn't pay for itself. Yet here we are, the West allowing immigrants in.
Ovulation? Illegal immigrants cause women - oops, birthing people - to release more eggs?
If you need to talk about other counties to avoid the history of your own, that should tell you something. But in your case it will not as your emotions do not allow for any rational thoughts to enter your mind
You and Mort like to attack America, but not defend other countries, like his for instance
Persecution of Jews is still a current issue

But euros conquering the Aztec Empire or founding the United States is just ancient history for libs like you to regurgitate whenever it suits you
Antisemitism is a bigger issue these days than it has been since the lead-up to WWII. Yet the libs will faster defend illegals than they will American Jews.
What does opposing illegal immigration have to do with any past transgressions?

You seem to be implying that our past transgressions preclude the US from potentially being the greatest country on the world.
Once again, no hate...just facts.

Are you too ruled by your emotions?
No its hate

Events in the 18th Century have nothing to do with legal and illegal immigration today

You were trying to shame Americans as a way to justify the current illegal alien invasion
You seem to be implying that our past transgressions preclude us from potetially being the greatest country on the world.

Being the greatest country in the world is a meaningless phrase that has no data to support it. It is like some dude claiming to be the greatest produce manger WalMart ever had.

And why is it so important for us to be the "greatest", can not being a great country be enough?

There are a lot of amazing countries out there, get out and explore brings a whole new perspective to your life

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