This may end up the most damaging SCOTUS decision of the term. And it wasn't immunity.

Judges don’t make the decisions on their own, the parties present their cases to the court. They can bring in experts etc and it might not just be a judge, but a jury.

Giving the executive branch the ability to determine what is law, is giving them a power beyond what the constitution permits.
In fact, giving the Execustive branch the ability to determine what is law is pretty much putting a crown on the President and allowing him/her to be judge and jury.

The Kings word is law, don'tcha know.
The decision is the most consequential decision for freedom that has been rendered in decades.....Getting shed of RvW pales in comparison.

A simple example:

A man gets all the state/county permits necessary to build a pond on his property. A person that opposes it calls the EPA who comes in and spot designates the site as a "wetland" thus preventing the pond being dug.

That's exactly how they roll too....They are not supposed to "spot designate", it's a "rule" that they came up with.
In fact, giving the Execustive branch the ability to determine what is law is pretty much putting a crown on the President and allowing him/her to be judge and jury.

The Kings word is law, don'tcha know.

The legislative branch determines what is law, as they make the laws.

But no law can be written to cover every single little circumstance.

The we hire experts in their field to get into the minutia.

Now we will have unelected judges and justice that have no actual knowledge of an issue making those decisions.

And you some how think this is a better way.
The legislative branch determines what is law, as they make the laws.

But no law can be written to cover every single little circumstance.

The we hire experts in their field to get into the minutia.

Now we will have unelected judges and justice that have no actual knowledge of an issue making those decisions.

And you some how think this is a better way.
Yep, in Virginia we don't elect judges, they are appointed by the legislature so by and large they tend to be more on the conservative side thus possessing more common sense than the liberal judges elected by the low IQ segments of our society.....You know the same ones that elect members of the Squad and the like.

I'd much rather a Virginia judge rule on something than some EPA weenie using a made-up rule used for their leftist ends.

Before, when the EPA weenie rolled in with their "rule" it was end of story. Now judges can hear all sides of the issue and then rule on it.....The EPA's "opinion" is just that, an opinion to be considered, not a end-all anymore.
The legislative branch determines what is law, as they make the laws.

But no law can be written to cover every single little circumstance.

The we hire experts in their field to get into the minutia.

Now we will have unelected judges and justice that have no actual knowledge of an issue making those decisions.

And you some how think this is a better way.
Haha no, we have a court, where people can have juries.

They can present their case and their experts

Why does the three beaches of govt seem so hard for dembots to get?
Agencies aren’t perfect. But neither are judges. And if the question is whether technical questions should be resolved by those with the relevant expertise who work for presidents for whom we have voted, or by generalist judges selected (and sometimes hand-picked) by plaintiffs with an ideological axe to grind, the answer shouldn’t have been this hard. Deference to executive branch agencies is something we’ll miss when (as of last Friday) it’s gone.
According to your Deep State logic, all three million federal employees are technical experts, while legal professionals and people who actually work in affected industries are too stupid to understand the issues involved. Which agency do you work for?
Government created as assistance snd security is now punitive since Barry O except for Trump
Government is Very Much “can’t do that”
According to your Deep State logic, all three million federal employees are technical experts, while legal professionals and people who actually work in affected industries are too stupid to understand the issues involved. Which agency do you work for?
Sorry, I was referring to what the author said.

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