Study shows 74% of deaths were directly related to COVID Vaccine shots

Fauci must be pooping his pants now.

A study in which one of the main authors is a Yale School of Public Health professor, which was hastily withdrawn from The Lancet less than 24 hours after it was published last year, has been republished by The Lancet after wide outrage over blatant censorship.

Yale School of Public Health Prof. Harvey Risch, one of the authors, says the Lancet engaged in a clear act of “censorship” when it succumbed to political pressure last year and withdrew A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths after COVID-19 Vaccination,” less than 24 hours after it was published as a pre-print. The republished study has now completed peer review, making its conclusions stand even stronger.

The Lancet had caved to other scientists, one from Harvard, who said the study was flawed by “unsound” methodology. However, Dr. Peter McCullough, another author, stated that the “standard search methodology” used in the study was the one he has been using his “whole career.”

The meta-study, which examined all known autopsy studies of people who had died unexpectedly soon after receiving a COVID vaccine, with the average time being 14 days after the shot, concluded that in the hundreds of autopsies reviewed, 74% of the deceased had died as a result of the COVID shots. The study is the most comprehensive to date of post-COVID vaccine death autopsies.

The study in the prestigious Lancet places governments, the media, and much of the medical establishment in the position of defending a monstrous and coordinated lie, that the COVID vaccines are, and have always been, indisputably “safe and effective.”

In a Twitter on June 21, 2024, one of the Lancet study’s authors Dr. William Makis, MD announced:

“BREAKING NEWS: Our LANCET CENSORED Paper is now peer reviewed and available online! “A Systematic REVIEW of Autopsy findings in deaths after COVID-19 vaccination” “325 autopsy cases” “We found that 73.9% of deaths were directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination.””Our data suggest a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccination and death.” This is a victory of SCIENCE over CENSORSHIP!! Incredible perseverence by first author Nicolas Hulscher who didn’t give up after LANCET pulled our paper within 24 hours after 100,000s of downloads for no legitimate reason. Big pharma put the squeeze on

@TheLancet but has failed to stop us. Our paper was delayed by one year, and those actions of CENSORSHIP and CANCELLATION led to many deaths that could have been prevented.”

Social Engineering Experts Say COVID a Part of Drive to Total Control of Individuals by Elite​

Many observers such as former Bush Sr. administration Assistant Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Catherine Austin Fitts, warn that the ultimate goal of the COVID vaccine roll-out is a global system, ultimately mandatory, of facial recognition-based digital IDs, linked to a cashless financial system in which all transactions can be limited and controlled, depending on “social behavior,” similar to the system now in place in China.

“Health mandates” are but a ploy to require all people to submit to biometric identification to ensure compliance with “vaccine” and other mandates, which can then be tied to a single global financial transaction system in which all transactions from a candy bar to a gallon of gas are under the microscope of an AI system, run by central bankers, who are elected by no one and accountable to no one, except the billionaire elite which holds most of the planet’s wealth.

The system will rely on the conversion of all present currencies to a system of credits at an, in essence, “company store” run by central banks, called CBDC Central Bank Digital Currency, which is not currency at all but a credit granted at the pleasure of the technocratic state.

For example, someone who wished to refuse a particular “vaccine” or “medical treatment,” or who did not want their children subjected to it, or who protested any government policy, could simply have his ability to buy or sell anything, including food, shut off.

Biometric facial recognition is already being quietly rolled out by the Department of Homeland Security at US airports, in systems which at present are voluntary and allow for opt-out to a longer, more inconvenient line at check-in. But just as Joe Biden early in 2020 assured that COVID vaccinations would never be made mandatory, critics say the government flat-out lies and defacto mandatory is coming, if one wants to travel.

The billionaire elite has made no secret of its desire for a global system which “monitors” and “tracks” people like pallets of merchandise. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, an unelected billionaire’s club consisting of the most powerful people in the world, wrote in his book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution:

Any package, pallet or container can now be equipped with a sensor, transmitter or radio frequency identification (RFID) tag that allows a company to track where it is as it moves through the supply chain—how it is performing, how it is being used, and so on….In the near future, similar monitoring systems will also be applied to the movement and tracking of people.”

Former Pfizer Chief Science Officer and VP Dr. Mike Yeadon, who watched and spoke out with dismay as what he said were dreadfully dangerous COVID vaccines were released, said famously that when very powerful people tell you what they want to do with you, “don’t ignore them.”


Backlash Growing​

In growing signs of outrage over being sold a deadly bill of goods by government, media, and many formerly trusted medical institutions such as the American Medical Association, legal actions are mounting. In Kansas, the State’s Attorney General has filed a lawsuit against Pfizer for, in the words of Bloomberg Law, “misrepresenting the safety of its Covid-19 vaccine and violating the state’s consumer protection law.

Perhaps most worrisome of all, in 2022 a former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and Dr. Mike Yeadon said there is an unusual pattern in the data from the CDC’s own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) which resembled the “calibration of a killing weapon.”

Below are interviews and presentations which explain the plan of the “Final Lockdown,” as former Silicon Valley surveillance system engineer Aman Jabbi calls it.

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You are clearly living in denial and cannot accept how dangerous these “vaccines” are. Probably because you got the shot yourself, and you just don’t want to believe they are dangerous and don’t work.

That irrelevant pos had his brain rotted by the CBC.
Of course this study was immediately censored, but has been peer reviewed and is available. It turns out most of the “sudden deaths” of vaccinated people were due to…..the vax. The conspiracy theorists were right again.

The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.

The most implicated organ system among cases was the cardiovascular (49%), followed by hematological (17%), respiratory (11%), and multiple organ systems (7%). Three or more organ systems were affected in 21 cases.

A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination, of which the primary causes of death include sudden cardiac death (35%), pulmonary embolism (12.5%), myocardial infarction (12%), VITT (7.9%), myocarditis (7.1%), multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%), and cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%)

Gawd yoar fuckin' stoopid.

It says about three quarters of the "sudden deaths" were attributable to the vaccine, but it doesn't say anything about the efficacy of the vaccine at preventing deaths. Your moronic OP is why we have graphs like this.

COVID Death rate.PNG
Gawd yoar fuckin' stoopid.

It says about three quarters of the "sudden deaths" were attributable to the vaccine, but it doesn't say anything about the efficacy of the vaccine at preventing deaths. Your moronic OP is why we have graphs like this.

View attachment 967005
It’s hilarious you rubes still fall for this shit.

Now look at death rates according to age. The median age of a “COVID death” is higher than the life expectancy in the US. Old people were dying like normal, and they just call it a “COVID Death” to drum up hysteria. Just look at how all influenza deaths outside of WuFlu dropped to zero. The statistics are lies, they just called regular flu deaths “COVID deaths”.

Besides, this has nothing to do with the issue of how dangerous the vaccine itself is. You morons act as if you must get the vax or you will for sure die from WuFlu. Just because an 80 year old may die from WuFlu the same way 80 year olds have always died from normal influenza doesn’t mean we need to take an experimental vaccine that has no scientific studies proving they are safe in the long term. Even if the clot shots help you to not get WuFlu for a year, it still increases your risk for other fatal outcomes like blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks, along with a plethora of other terrible side effects.

So if you are a young person, it was clearly more dangerous to take the clot shot than to get WuFlu. Our government lied and pressured and tried to force young people, even children, to get the clot shot. Rubes like you fell for it. Smart people said no.
Keep on not believing in science and medicine, MAGA rubes!
Feel free to show me the science of how the clot shots are safe.

There were no 10 year trial studies for mRNA coronavirus vaccines. There is no science to back up the claims they are “safe”.

You are the ones that are science deniers. You threw out a hundred years of science standards and instead chose to believe in state and Big Pharma propaganda.

Not to mention your side are the biology deniers who believe people can “change genders”, so we don’t take science advice from the likes of you.
Remember not to take cancer and diabetes medicine because it's all fake!
I wouldn’t say the medicine for those is “fake”, but the industry is certainly built around keeping people sick in general. The large number of cancer and diabetes cases in the US is due to the fact our food supply is mostly GMO crap full of carbs, sugar, inflammatory seed oils, and chemicals. For example the “food pyramid” we were taught from childhood only causes people to become overweight if followed which leads to inflammation which leads to serious health problems like diabetes and cancer.
It’s hilarious you rubes still fall for this shit.

Now look at death rates according to age. The median age of a “COVID death” is higher than the life expectancy in the US. Old people were dying like normal, and they just call it a “COVID Death” to drum up hysteria. Just look at how all influenza deaths outside of WuFlu dropped to zero. The statistics are lies, they just called regular flu deaths “COVID deaths”.

Besides, this has nothing to do with the issue of how dangerous the vaccine itself is. You morons act as if you must get the vax or you will for sure die from WuFlu. Just because an 80 year old may die from WuFlu the same way 80 year olds have always died from normal influenza doesn’t mean we need to take an experimental vaccine that has no scientific studies proving they are safe in the long term. Even if the clot shots help you to not get WuFlu for a year, it still increases your risk for other fatal outcomes like blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks, along with a plethora of other terrible side effects.

So if you are a young person, it was clearly more dangerous to take the clot shot than to get WuFlu. Our government lied and pressured and tried to force young people, even children, to get the clot shot. Rubes like you fell for it. Smart people said no.
Hmmm. The lancet or a lying citizen scientist on the net ?
Feel free to show me the science of how the clot shots are safe.

There were no 10 year trial studies for mRNA coronavirus vaccines. There is no science to back up the claims they are “safe”.

You are the ones that are science deniers. You threw out a hundred years of science standards and instead chose to believe in state and Big Pharma propaganda.

Not to mention your side are the biology deniers who believe people can “change genders”, so we don’t take science advice from the likes of you.

Thats exactly right. They were doing experimental lab studies on animals from 2005-2010 but they failed and the animals died. Fast forward 10 years and they push the experimental drug to the masses while making indemnity deals with world governments including the US.
A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination, out of more than a million deaths. Do the figures, peebles.
Trump did a great job.
The mean time from vaccination to death was 14.3 days. Most deaths occurred within a week from last vaccine administration.
How many came though as I did just fine?
This is the problem with Medicine issues. Those who die are not in this case what happens to 99 percent or more of us.

Medical issues always have complications. How do we know? Watch the warnings on TV about just about all medicines.
Worked for me and my family. Worked for Biden.
... but not for many others. Thank heavens for the better work of Biden's programs.

I am glad you took something, and how did you know if you did not get Covid or only a very mild strain of it.
... but not for many others. Thank heavens for the better work of Biden's programs.

I am glad you took something, and how did you know if you did not get Covid or only a very mild strain of it.
Biden got it. I have not got it ever. Bidens failed him.

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