Government report Illegals increasingly taking "black jobs.'

Whatever makes you happy, is good by me.

Maybe one day your emotions will subside enough that you can ask yourself why your own countries history makes you freak out so badly.

But I doubt it
Unfortunately, none of the people who believe the worst of our past from their propaganda will leave. They love the comforts it provides. Just like we type on threads, they roar while living 1st world decadence as progs would put it. I believed that social justice was going to be inclusion with opportunity. Instead, it has become endless accusations depending on race, culture, gender, gender choice, religion or lack of it, etc. And everything is opposing sides to keep the swill churning.
Everyone whining about how we suck and we get flooded by illegals .

We get flooded because we Suck?

If you think this carry your happy ass back home. Immigrants pour in here to make money and take advanrage of our system. Not out of a love of America

They bankrupt states in the process from schools to welfare. They cause housing shortages, and lower pay for work.

If they are so good for us then why is their REAL COUNTRIES SHITHOLES.


Dont like us stay your ass at home.
It could be more when you consider how many got in undetected. But any way you look at it, it's a big problem that was created by Biden and it's only one of many problems that can only be fixed by electing Trump. MAGA
The problem has been there since Reagan and long is not something new since Biden.... There have always been the flow of ups and downs with attempts to cross our border. Depending on world affairs and the conditions in these other countries. I don't think singling it down to Biden alone is's tunnel vision to me.....

And that is why we need to pass immigration reform, where Congress and the Senate does their jobs, instead of handing it over to each sitting President and their executive orders to decide, roller coasting from ONE President to another and what they want.
Oh there's those pesky facts again.

It cited a National Bureau of Economic Research working paper that “suggests that a 10-percent immigrant-induced increase in the supply of a particular skill group reduced the black wage by 4.0 percent, lowered the employment rate of black men by 3.5 percentage points, and increased the incarceration rate of blacks by almost a full percentage point.”
I guess this answers your question IM2 Superbadbrutha

Joe Biden’s racist administration uses “black” jobs.

The problem has been there since Reagan and long is not something new since Biden.... There have always been the flow of ups and downs with attempts to cross our border. Depending on world affairs and the conditions in these other countries. I don't think singling it down to Biden alone is's tunnel vision to me.....

And that is why we need to pass immigration reform, where Congress and the Senate does their jobs, instead of handing it over to each sitting President and their executive orders to decide, roller coasting from ONE President to another and what they want.
You're right. This problem isn't new, but the size of it is. And this problem isn't confined to Democrats either. The GWB neocons are also big supporters of open borders. You should also know by now that another immigration bill won't make one bit of difference as long as Democrats and neocons remain willing to ignore or defy them. Controlling our border is 100% a matter of will. What's happening on our border is exactly what Democrats want to happen. Biden could stop this invasion in a day if he wanted to, but he doesn't want to. The only ones who want to control our border are the America first Republicans. That's who I support. MAGA

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