If anyone thinks you could go back in time,

the founders lived under a dueling code. trump would never have lived to be immune from that.

the founders were officers and members of the militia. trump was only saved from fragging by that tragic case of bone spurs.

get 'em, berg.

none of their pundits seem concerned that biden may turn immunity on them, do they.

i've been thinking of this in tolkien kind of terms. it would be nice if we could get viggo mortenson to play biden, but since he is not available, we "men of the west" need to stand with joe.
The Founding Fathers would think of many politicians as weasels today. Having the ability to stand in front of crowds and with oratory skills is only part of the profession. Unfortunately, it deviates as enacting programs that keep expanding the size of government is easy. The hard part is how much it expands.
explain Trump to the Founders, and that they would believe such a man could be elected to the presidency, they are mistaken.

History suggests to think otherwise was inconceivable. So very many aspects of Trumpery were not contemplated at the founding. A time when patriotism, not self-importance, was pre-eminent. Additionally, there were no national political parties in the late 1700's. The tribal behavior we see now was completely foreign to them on a conceptual level.

They certainly would not have, and did not, make it virtually impossible to prosecute a prez for illegal acts. Their focus was not to give the executive branch too much power after the experience of living under a monarchy. Presidential immunity, permanently, from crimes committed while in office is entirely a construct of this radical court.

They did not predict the possibility of a candidate for the presidency who tried to steal an election. Nor one that would ask the SC for immunity from crimes committed in that pursuit. Or that the SC would grant his request. Such things were antithetical to their very soul.

I am of the belief the Constitution can't credibly be a stagnant document, making us slaves to anachronistic past beliefs borne of ignorance. But there are things, at its core, that resonate with modern times, that are eternal. Primary among them being to always put the country first. If Donald Trump accepted that noble goal he would have acknowledged his defeat in 2020 and gracefully welcomed the next prez. His hubris and temperament did not allow him to do so. That alone is reason enough not to vote for him in Nov. There are hundreds more.

Trump needs to roll back the 110 year Progressive Jihad on the Constitution
explain Trump to the Founders, and that they would believe such a man could be elected to the presidency, they are mistaken.

History suggests to think otherwise was inconceivable. So very many aspects of Trumpery were not contemplated at the founding. A time when patriotism, not self-importance, was pre-eminent. Additionally, there were no national political parties in the late 1700's. The tribal behavior we see now was completely foreign to them on a conceptual level.

They certainly would not have, and did not, make it virtually impossible to prosecute a prez for illegal acts. Their focus was not to give the executive branch too much power after the experience of living under a monarchy. Presidential immunity, permanently, from crimes committed while in office is entirely a construct of this radical court.

They did not predict the possibility of a candidate for the presidency who tried to steal an election. Nor one that would ask the SC for immunity from crimes committed in that pursuit. Or that the SC would grant his request. Such things were antithetical to their very soul.

I am of the belief the Constitution can't credibly be a stagnant document, making us slaves to anachronistic past beliefs borne of ignorance. But there are things, at its core, that resonate with modern times, that are eternal. Primary among them being to always put the country first. If Donald Trump accepted that noble goal he would have acknowledged his defeat in 2020 and gracefully welcomed the next prez. His hubris and temperament did not allow him to do so. That alone is reason enough not to vote for him in Nov. There are hundreds more.

Pretty sure they'd have the Congressional Insider Traders shot on sight
Trump remains viable for a singular reason. Repubs have uniformly coalesced around a morally bankrupt, incompetent, convicted criminal having no hesitation over his monumental shortcomings.
1. Morally bankrupt? The guy was a billionaire skinhound. He has more than a few trophies. Compare that to Joe Biden who showered with his daughter.

2. Incompetent? His term was way better than Biden's. Voter's will confirm this fact in November.

3. Convicted criminal? Hardly. Those 34 counts will be overturned on appeal.

4. Monumental shortcomings? Did you see the debate? LOL!!
explain Trump to the Founders, and that they would believe such a man could be elected to the presidency, they are mistaken.

History suggests to think otherwise was inconceivable. So very many aspects of Trumpery were not contemplated at the founding. A time when patriotism, not self-importance, was pre-eminent. Additionally, there were no national political parties in the late 1700's. The tribal behavior we see now was completely foreign to them on a conceptual level.

They certainly would not have, and did not, make it virtually impossible to prosecute a prez for illegal acts. Their focus was not to give the executive branch too much power after the experience of living under a monarchy. Presidential immunity, permanently, from crimes committed while in office is entirely a construct of this radical court.

They did not predict the possibility of a candidate for the presidency who tried to steal an election. Nor one that would ask the SC for immunity from crimes committed in that pursuit. Or that the SC would grant his request. Such things were antithetical to their very soul.

I am of the belief the Constitution can't credibly be a stagnant document, making us slaves to anachronistic past beliefs borne of ignorance. But there are things, at its core, that resonate with modern times, that are eternal. Primary among them being to always put the country first. If Donald Trump accepted that noble goal he would have acknowledged his defeat in 2020 and gracefully welcomed the next prez. His hubris and temperament did not allow him to do so. That alone is reason enough not to vote for him in Nov. There are hundreds more.
I think many of us assumed it could never happen, but that was just more a function of basic assumption than of careful analysis.

The Founders created an amazing document, they added every safeguard they could, but they could not have foreseen the way so much misinformation could be spread so quickly to so many Americans.

They seemed to know that frauds & hucksters could infiltrate the highest ends of our system, but they couldn't have imagined this. It's like expecting them to anticipate machine guns and nuclear bombs.

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