Stop falling for this crap!!


Read this unhinged debacle...

BIDEN: The more they know about what he’s done, yes. The more they know about what he’s done.

And there’s a lot more coming. He’s got a lot of cases around the road coming around. He’s got – he’s got a whole range of issues he has to face. I don’t know what the juries will do, but I do know – I do know he has a real problem.

And so the fact that – could you ever think you’re hearing any president say that, I’m going to seek retribution? Do you ever hear any president say that he thought it might be a good idea?

What got me involved to run in the first place after my son had died, I decided – in Iraq – because of Iraq, I said, I wasn’t going to run again. Until I saw what happened in Charlottesville, Virginia, people coming out of the woods carrying swastikas on torches – torches and singing the same antisemitic bile they sang when – back in Germany.

And what did – and the young woman got killed. I spoke to the mother. And she – they asked him, they said, what – well, what do you think of those people, the people who – the one who – the ones who tried to stop it and the ones who said, I think there’s fine people on both sides?

What American president would ever say Nazis coming out of fields, carrying torches, singing the same antisemitic bile, carrying swastikas, were fine people?

This is a guy who says Hitler’s done some good things. I’d like to know what they are, the good things Hitler’s done. That’s what he said.

This guy has no sense of American democracy.
BIDEN: They acknowledge he made a lot of progress, number one. The facts of the matter is more small black businesses that have been started in any time in history. Number two, the wages of black – black unemployment is the lowest level it has been in a long, long time. Number three, we find them – they’re trying to provide housing for black Americans and dealing with segregation that exists among these corporate – these corporate operations that collude to keep people out of their houses.

And in addition to that, we find that the impact of, on the – the choice that black families have to make relative to childcare is incredibly difficult. When we did the first major piece of legislation in the past, I was able to reduce black childcare costs. I cut them in half, in half. We’ve got to make sure we provide for childcare costs. We’ve got to make sure – because when you provide that childcare protections, you increase economic growth because more people can be in the – in the job market.

So there’s more to be done, considerably more to be done, but we’ve done a great deal so far and I’m not letting up and they know it.
BASH: You have 49 seconds left. What do you say to black voters who are disappointed with the progress so far?

BIDEN: I say, I don’t blame them for being disappointed. Inflation is still hurting them badly. For example, I provided for the idea that any black family, first time home buyer should get a $10,000 tax credit to be able to buy their first home so they can get started.

I made sure that we’re in a situation where all those black families and those black individuals who provided had to take out student loans that were ballooning, that if they were engaged in nursing and anything having to do with volunteerism, if they paid their bills for 10 years on their student debt, all the rest was forgiven after 10 years. Millions have benefited from that and we’re going to do a whole lot more for black families.
BIDEN: There was no inflation when I became president. You know why? The economy was flat on its back. 15 percent unemployment, he decimated the economy, absolutely decimated the economy. That’s why there was no inflation at the time.

There were no jobs. We provided thousands of millions of jobs for individuals who were involved in communities, including minority communities.
You find ourselves in a position where the idea that we’re not doing it. I put more – we put more police on the street than any administration has. He wants to cut the cops. We’re providing for equity, equity, and making sure people have a shot to make it. There is a lot going on. But, on inflation, he caused it by his tremendous malfeasance in the way he handled the pandemic.
Tater never got to NUMBER TWO on this one...

BIDEN: Where does that come from? The idea is that we, in fact – we were the only ones of consequence or not who are not members of the Paris Accord. How can we do anything when (ph) we’re not able to – the United States can’t get it’s pollution under control? One of the largest polluters in the world, number one. We’re making significant progress. By 2035, we will have cut pollution in half. We have – we have made significant progress. And we’re continuing to make progress.

We set up a Climate Corps for thousands of young people will learn how to deal with climate, just like the Peace Corps. And we’re going to – we’re moving in directions that are going to significantly change the elements of the cause of pollution.

But the idea that he claims that he has the biggest heart up here and he’s really concerned about – about pollution and about climate, I’ve not seen any indication of that.

And, by the way, with regard to prescription drugs, one company agreed that they would reduce the price to $35, which I was calling for – one, voluntarily. I made sure every company in the world, every pharmaceutical company, cannot have to pay.
Can anyone follow this incoherent diatribe?

BIDEN: Well, that one enough will keep it solvent. But the biggest thing I’ll do, if we defeat this man, because he wants to get rid of Social Security; he thinks that there’s plenty to cut in Social Security. He’s wanting to cut Social Security and Medicare, both times. And that’s with – and if you look at the program put forward by the House Republican Caucus that he, I believe, supports, is in fact wanting to cut it as well.

The idea that we don’t need to protect our seniors is ridiculous. We put – and, by the way, the American public has greater health care coverage today than ever before. And under the ACA, as I said, you’re in a circumstance where 400,000 people – I mean, 40 million people – would not have insurance because they have a pre-existing condition. The only thing that allows them to have that insurance is the fact that they in fact are part of the ACA.

And, by the way, the other thing is we’re in a situation where I talk about education for black communities. I’ve raised the number, the amount of money for Pell grants by other $8,000 for anybody making under $70,000 a year, are going to be able to get $15,000 towards their tuition.

It’s just – he – he just doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Number two, the idea that we’re talking about worst presidents. I wasn’t joking. Look it up. Go online. 159 or 58, don’t hold me to the exact number, presidential historians.

Which is it Tater, 159 or 58?:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
In this one, there is no Number One. He moves into Number two................then has yet another Number two.

Ignore all the lies an concentrate on the senility.

BIDEN: Look, the fact of the matter is that he’s dead wrong about it. He’s increased the tariff – he’s increased – he will increase the taxes on middle class people. I said I’d never raise a tax on anybody making less than $400,000. I didn’t.

But this tariff, this 10 percent tariffs. Everything coming into the country, you know what the economists say? That’s going to cost the average American $2,500 a year and more, because they’re going to have to pay the difference in food and all the things that are very important.

Number two, he’s in a situation where he talks about how he has not raised – he somehow helped the middle class. The middle class has been devastated by you. Now you want a new tax cut of $5 trillion over the next ten years, which is going to fundamentally bankrupt the country. You had the largest deficit of any president in American history, number one.

Number two, you have not, in fact, made any contact, any progress with China. We are the lowest trade deficit with China since 2010.

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