Jimmy Carter is the worst president in US history

The Shah of Iran loss of control over Iran was his own doing as people felt enough was enough and his military turned against him. Too bad those in neighboring Iraq weren't powerful enough to do the same against Saddam Hussein.
I call it Biblical

Iran is a key player in End Timed prophesy
I call it Biblical

I certainly can see that point. While the Iran hostage situation was responsible for the deaths of 8 American soldiers, it gets all the attention over those 17 Americans that died in our Beirut embassy in April 1983 and those 241 American soldiers killed by Hizballah in October 1983.
Sorry bout that,

1 Biden all in all, is worst person to hold any office in America.
2. We as a nation will be lucky to survive.
3. No other government official compares.
4. He could die off for the good of the nation, but somehow, the vp should die off as well.
5. Now I have nothing against these two, but they have both gone into this way over their heads.
6. Why they are allowed to exist is insane, its like we get to watch as our nation goes down in flames.

I certainly can see that point. While the Iran hostage situation was responsible for the deaths of 8 American soldiers, it gets all the attention over those 17 Americans that died in our Beirut embassy in April 1983 and those 241 American soldiers killed by Hizballah in October 1983.
Its possible that Iran has been the reason for all the American deaths in Lebanon and most of them in Iraq since 1979

Plus the war in Gaza today

Its hard to over estimate the impact of Iran
I suppose you disagree with trump being a good president

but under the circumstances he was up against he did pretty good

Circumstances he was up against?
Wtf are you talking about?
Covid? His major fuck up?
Circumstances he was up against?
Wtf are you talking about?
Covid? His major fuck up?
Opposition from the unelected shadow government we call the Deep State

Along with the old bulls and milk cows within the republican party who were shocked by an outsider with no political resume beating them at their own game

And finally the democrats and their lackys in the lib news media
Opposition from the unelected shadow government we call the Deep State

Along with the old bulls and milk cows within the republican party who were shocked by an outsider with no political resume beating them at their own game

And finally the democrats and their lackys in the lib news media
HeirHead Harvard Hierarchy

Despite what the rulers tell you is inside knowledge, those same people are the "Deep State." They'd be nobodies without their Daddy's Money, so take it away from them.
Why you ask?

Because Carter was pivotal in toppling the Shah of Iran and delivering Persia to the the most dangerous terrorist nation on earth

His decision to abandon the Shah is the worst decision that any American president ever made

Carter didn't topple the Shah.

Camp David Accords and the Arab-Israeli Peace Process
The Camp David Accords, signed by President Jimmy Carter, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in September 1978, established a framework for a historic peace treaty concluded between Israel and Egypt in March 1979. President Carter and the U.S. Government played leading roles in creating the opportunity for this agreement to occur. From the start of his administration, Carter and his Secretary of State, Cyrus Vance, pursued intensive negotiations with Arab and Israeli leaders, hoping to reconvene the Geneva Conference, which had been established in December 1973 to seek an end to the Arab-Israeli dispute.
Its possible that Iran has been the reason for all the American deaths in Lebanon and most of them in Iraq since 1979

Plus the war in Gaza today

Its hard to over estimate the impact of Iran

You have no clue about Iran.
You have no clue about Iran.
I think I have

I choose Iran as the most evil country in the middle east

Or at least the crazy mullahs running the country

There are indications that the islamic dictatorship does not have deep or wide support

If not for jimmy carter, obama and biden Iran would be a much different country
In other words, FAR less people would be dead today if Iran wasnt a terror state. Iran has been responsible for FAR more deaths than that ^ since they began funding terrorism, and they are actively trying to get nukes. Once they get their hands on one of those, we could see their death numbers climb dramatically.

Carter was the worst president of all time, until Biden. At least Carter wasnt intentionally fucking over the US.
You must have missed Hoover
I think I have

I choose Iran as the most evil country in the middle east

Or at least the crazy mullahs running the country

There are indications that the islamic dictatorship does not have deep or wide support

If not for jimmy carter, obama and biden Iran would be a much different country
Oh horse shit, the Shah was an abusive ass hat just as much as the Ayatollahs and the kings of Persia.
I think I have

I choose Iran as the most evil country in the middle east

Or at least the crazy mullahs running the country

There are indications that the islamic dictatorship does not have deep or wide support

If not for jimmy carter, obama and biden Iran would be a much different country

You have forgotten Operation Ajax and overthrowing of Mossadeeg.
What would you have Carter have done? Go to war with Iran?Send troops into Iran to defend the Shah? W. Did that in Iraq. American casualties would have been in 10s of thousands if Carter had done what you said he should have done. Carter was smarter than W. and kept us out of the region.

Oh horse shit, the Shah was an abusive ass hat just as much as the Ayatollahs and the kings of Persia.
Not even close

The shah was not snatching women off the streets for wearing a mini skirt

He was an autocrat and did have his secret police

But he was also a modern man instead of a 14th Century throwback

Sooner or later Iran would have become s democratic country
Not even close

The shah was not snatching women off the streets for wearing a mini skirt

He was an autocrat and did have his secret police

But he was also a modern man instead of a 14th Century throwback

Sooner or later Iran would have become s democratic country
Yeah, torture is so much of a lesser abuse that than clothing .

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