Thanks, Joe.

Thanks, Joe.​

Thanks, Joe, for---
  • The worst military pullout in history.
  • For the dead soldiers, Americans left behind, and for giving terrorists 80 billion dollars worth of brand new never used military gear.
  • For all the Covid deaths, TWICE as many as Trump with the lies that the vaccine would protect us and stop the spread by July 4, 2021.
  • The empty store shelves.
  • Food, energy, cars and rent costing 40% and more what they used to cost nearly overnight.
  • The devaluation of the dollar driving other countries to abandon the dollar as international currency.
  • The spy balloons you let our enemies float over our military bases.
  • For promoting degenerate sex freaks both within your administration and throughout our country, especially in education.
  • For the war with Russia.
  • For turning your back on our ally Israel.
  • The 20 million illegals you invited and bused in then put up in swank hotels kicking our veterans into the street.
  • Killing the border wall.
  • Your druggy gun felon son.
  • For trying to assassinate your opponent when you failed to lock him away to rot in a prison.
  • For arresting all of your political opponents just for being near the capitol on the day they went to protest your stolen fraudulent election.
  • For putting up barbed wire around Washington DC with National Guard to assure your successful coup.
  • Your treasonous crime family taking bribes for favors.
  • Blowing up the gas pipe line feeding Europe from Russia.
  • Being a fake, installed president who needed others to tell you what to say, to who and when while others made the real decisions.
  • For the national embarrassment on the world stage as you stumbled, muttered, walked away from dignitaries, and fell down while shitting and farting everywhere you went.
  • For spending the most time of any president ever resting on vacation as you took your meds.
  • Never having a single WH pet that anyone was safe around or liked.
  • Creating a generation of idiots who don't know what gender they are or girls who can't change, dress nor compete in safety.
  • For putting every other nation ahead of your own people.
  • For the few years you have left to live out in aninimity now as people forget you ever lived except when brought to trial to pay for your crimes.
  • But especially for admitting defeat against Trump before the election kicked your ass, that you NEVER WERE America's Most Popular President Ever.
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Had he not rescued the world’s oldest and most powerful democracy from the grips of a would-be autocrat — had he simply helmed the ship through steady waters — Joe Biden would be written down in history as one of the most successful presidents in the modern era.

His domestic policy achievements in one term exceed those of all of his predecessors since Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. And unlike Johnson, Biden’s foreign policy was a critical success: he held the NATO alliance together in the face of Russian aggression like no president since Harry Truman; he skillfully navigated rising Chinese and Iranian incitement — all the more complicated, since that aggression is so often asymmetrical. And he came to the defense of Israel, in Israel’s most trying moment, despite the constant scheming and ineptitude of the Israeli government.

Biden will most assuredly be remembered as one of the greats. There is no shame in growing old. There is much honor in placing country before self, particularly in such a pivotal moment. History offers no road map to the next three months. We’re driving off road. But we know a few things.

Voters were unhappy with a choice between two men who would be octogenarians in their second term. A majority of the country loathes the idea of a second Trump administration, fears Project 2025, supports reproductive freedom and embraces democracy over insurrection.

It’s now incumbent on Democrats, and presumably Vice President Kamala Harris, to prosecute the case. And it’s incumbent upon American voters to overcome ancient race and gender prejudices in the service of building a better future for themselves and their families.

What Joe put back together, trump is prepared to tear asunder.
We were torn usunder immediately after Jan 20, 2021. Biden will be a historical footnote as the worst president in the history of the country.
V.P. Harris is strong, independent and vibrant woman. ReNaziKlan's are scared shitless. Biden was a known enemy to them, Harris is whole different being. Women were already registering in huge numbers because the Dodd's decision.

Add to the fact that she is a Woman of Color and that will very positive on the race. All I've heard that Ms. Harris wants to do is "take away your plastic straw", like that would be a real thing. She has inherited Biden's War Chest. She is great campaigner. Let the dropping ReNaziKlan's dropping brown logs begin.
Their “old man” meme is not only no longer good for them… it’s actually going to hurt THEIR old man now
Thanks, Joe, for---
  • The worst military pullout in history.
  • For the dead soldiers, Americans left behind, and for giving terrorists 80 billion dollars worth of brand new never used military gear.
  • For all the Covid deaths, TWICE as many as Trump with the lies that the vaccine would protect us and stop the spread by July 4, 2021.
  • The empty store shelves.
  • Food, energy, cars and rent costing 40% and more what they used to cost nearly overnight.
  • The devaluation of the dollar driving other countries to abandon the dollar as international currency.
  • The spy balloons you let our enemies float over our military bases.
  • For promoting degenerate sex freaks both within your administration and throughout our country, especially in education.
  • For the war with Russia.
  • For turning your back on our ally Israel.
  • The 20 million illegals you invited and bused in then put up in swank hotels kicking our veterans into the street.
  • Killing the border wall.
  • Your druggy gun felon son.
  • For trying to assassinate your opponent when you failed to lock him away to rot in a prison.
  • For arresting all of your political opponents just for being near the capitol on the day they went to protest your stolen fraudulent election.
  • For putting up barbed wire around Washington DC with National Guard to assure your successful coup.
  • Your treasonous crime family taking bribes for favors.
  • Blowing up the gas pipe line feeding Europe from Russia.
  • Being a fake, installed president who needed others to tell you what to say, to who and when while others made the real decisions.
  • For the national embarrassment on the world stage as you stumbled, muttered, walked away from dignitaries, and fell down while shitting and farting everywhere you went.
  • For spending the most time of any president ever resting on vacation as you took your meds.
  • Never having a single WH pet that anyone was safe around or liked.
  • Creating a generation of idiots who don't know what gender they are or girls who can't change, dress nor compete in safety.
  • For putting every other nation ahead of your own people.
  • For the few years you have left to live out in aninimity now as people forget you ever lived except when brought to trial to pay for your crimes.
  • But especially for admitting defeat against Trump before the election kicked your ass, that you NEVER WERE America's Most Popular President Ever.
Look at the first thing you said.

Worst pull out in history?

Obviously you are too young to remember Vietnam and too stupid to look it up.

You might also want to review the Soviet Union’s pull out from Afghanistan
Look at the first thing you said.

Worst pull out in history?

Obviously you are too young to remember Vietnam and too stupid to look it up.

You might also want to review the Soviet Union’s pull out from Afghanistan
It's certainly on par with Saigon
Right, people's lives are a dumb metric. Spoken like a true Liberal.
Sorry, I should have known I was speaking to someone with the intellect of a child. The virus and consequent deaths from it peaked right at the time Biden was inaugurated. Obviously he can't be blamed for the conditions he inherited. He also was prez for a much longer period of time while the virus continued to kill people as it still is today.
We got a quarter million people out in just a couple weeks.

There were no helicopters being pushed off carriers to make room for the next one.
No civilians got out when xiden surrendered

We had to go back in after the disaster…people were literally chasing after planes
Sorry, I should have known I was speaking to someone with the intellect of a child. The virus and consequent deaths from it peaked right at the time Biden was inaugurated. Obviously he can't be blamed for the conditions he inherited. He also was prez for a much longer period of time while the virus continued to kill people as it still is today.
Clearly you didn't read the article I provided which lays out why Biden is responsible for those deaths. You know, the "proof" you asked for. Talk about the intellect of a child. LOL Unlike me, you've provided nothing to back up your claim. Typical...

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