Thanks, Joe.

And there’s the democrat playbook preview. Vote for Kamala because she is kinda black, has a vagina and is an expert at sucking cock. If you don’t you’re racist, misogynist and hate sex workers.
Misogyny and racism exist. I guess I didn't have to say that in light of your post.
The distribution of the vaccine was a disaster.
Prove it.

One of President Joe Biden’s most pressing tasks is speeding up America’s Covid-19 vaccination efforts.
Vaccines are the US’s way out of the pandemic. But the vast majority of Americans — perhaps 70 percent or more, though we don’t know for sure — will have to be inoculated to reach herd immunity or protect at least most of the population. That means vaccinating hundreds of millions of people.
The US isn’t on track to do that quickly. Former President Donald Trump’s administration aimed to vaccinate 20 million Americans by the end of 2020. Three weeks into 2021, slightly more than 15 million have gotten at least one dose. The Trump administration resisted a more hands-on approach that could get the process moving faster, while other countries that acted quickly have been able to surpass or catch up to the US.

The crash landing of ‘Operation Warp Speed’​

Born as a second Manhattan Project, the Trump administration vaccine program actually achieved most of its goals – until distribution problems marred its success.
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Had he not rescued the world’s oldest and most powerful democracy from the grips of a would-be autocrat — had he simply helmed the ship through steady waters — Joe Biden would be written down in history as one of the most successful presidents in the modern era.

His domestic policy achievements in one term exceed those of all of his predecessors since Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson. And unlike Johnson, Biden’s foreign policy was a critical success: he held the NATO alliance together in the face of Russian aggression like no president since Harry Truman; he skillfully navigated rising Chinese and Iranian incitement — all the more complicated, since that aggression is so often asymmetrical. And he came to the defense of Israel, in Israel’s most trying moment, despite the constant scheming and ineptitude of the Israeli government.

Biden will most assuredly be remembered as one of the greats. There is no shame in growing old. There is much honor in placing country before self, particularly in such a pivotal moment. History offers no road map to the next three months. We’re driving off road. But we know a few things.

Voters were unhappy with a choice between two men who would be octogenarians in their second term. A majority of the country loathes the idea of a second Trump administration, fears Project 2025, supports reproductive freedom and embraces democracy over insurrection.

It’s now incumbent on Democrats, and presumably Vice President Kamala Harris, to prosecute the case. And it’s incumbent upon American voters to overcome ancient race and gender prejudices in the service of building a better future for themselves and their families.

What Joe put back together, trump is prepared to tear asunder.

What Joe put back together, trump is prepared to tear asunder.


The return of America to greatness -

Coming soon
Stay tuned
Remember, this was all about the polls, not what's good for the country. Once Democrats decided Biden would lose them the House and the Senate, it was over for him. That he can't complete a sentence wasn't a big issue.
You mean convicted felin Trump's failed one term?
You are an adherent to the New World Order. The United States has a much-reduced role in this and many of the citizens will be much poorer. They were patient and slowly built up their power. Now they smell blood. They are even risking World War like it is a bet in Vegas.
And there’s the democrat playbook preview. Vote for Kamala because she is kinda black, has a vagina and is an expert at sucking cock. If you don’t you’re racist, misogynist and hate sex workers.

Trump faces a tighter race with Kamala Harris set to replace Biden, experts say

President Joe Biden’s endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president has set the stage for a much tighter and uncertain race in November, according to some experts

Biden stepped down from the race Sunday as top Democrats pressured him to drop out following a disastrous debate performance and as Republican nominee Donald Trump was leading in the polls.

The Democrats had been headed for a “landslide defeat” in November, but now, they stand a chance, said Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group.

“They’ve turned [this race] around, and President Biden has given the Democrats a fighting chance,” he told CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia” on Monday.

The anti-Dem narrative has changed now that Joe has dropped out. The anti-trump narrative remains pretty much the same. He is unfit to be prez.
Prove it.
Good Lord. Do your own damn research. But since it is widely known by anyone being honest that Biden’s handling of the pandemic was a disaster it took me all but 5 seconds to google this article. You are aware more people died under Biden, right? Or is that another fact you conveniently forget?

“Despite Biden’s campaign promises, the administration has abandoned COVID precautions and infrastructure, leading to a higher COVID death count than under Trump”

Good Lord. Do your own damn research. But since it is widely known by anyone being honest that Biden’s handling of the pandemic was a disaster it took me all but 5 seconds to google this article. You are aware more people died under Biden, right? Or is that another fact you conveniently forget?

“Despite Biden’s campaign promises, the administration has abandoned COVID precautions and infrastructure, leading to a higher COVID death count than under Trump”

Saying the death count under Biden was higher than trump's could be the dumbest metric to measure how each admin handled the response I've ever seen.

As the nation’s Covid-19 response was careening off the rails in March and April 2020, about a dozen top health and defense department officials huddled in antiseptic meeting rooms to devise what they believed would be the Trump administration’s greatest triumph — a vaccine program so fast, so special, so successful that grateful Americans would forgive earlier failures and business schools would teach classes about it for decades.

They dubbed their project “MP2,” for a second Manhattan Project, after the race to create the nuclear weapons that ended World War II. Alex Azar, the Health and Human Services secretary who was often at odds with the White House and his own department, sounded like an Army general rallying his troops: “If we can develop an atomic bomb in 2.5 years and put a man on the moon in seven years, we can do this this year, in 2020,” Azar would declare, according to his deputy chief of staff, Paul Mango, who helped lead the strategy sessions.

“It was just a spirit of optimism,” Mango added.

Now, in the final days of the Trump administration, their “MP2” — later redubbed “Operation Warp Speed” — occupies a peculiar place in the annals of the administration’s ill-fated response to Covid-19: In many ways, it was successful, living up to the highest expectations of its architects. The Trump administration did help deliver a pair of working vaccines in 2020, with more shots on the way. But the officials who expected to be taking a victory lap on distributing tens of millions of vaccine doses are instead being pressed to explain why the initiative appears to be limping to the finish.
Governors say the Warp Speed effort has made promises it didn’t keep, with deliveries of doses falling short and reserve supplies exhausted. Physicians and logistics experts have critiqued the disorderly rollout, arguing that the Trump team should have done a better job of coordinating the nation’s mass vaccination effort. The incoming Biden administration on Friday morning announced they’d even do away with the initiative’s branding, which President Donald Trump has touted for months.

Saying the death count under Biden was higher than trump's could be the dumbest metric to measure how each admin handled the response I've ever seen.

As the nation’s Covid-19 response was careening off the rails in March and April 2020, about a dozen top health and defense department officials huddled in antiseptic meeting rooms to devise what they believed would be the Trump administration’s greatest triumph — a vaccine program so fast, so special, so successful that grateful Americans would forgive earlier failures and business schools would teach classes about it for decades.

They dubbed their project “MP2,” for a second Manhattan Project, after the race to create the nuclear weapons that ended World War II. Alex Azar, the Health and Human Services secretary who was often at odds with the White House and his own department, sounded like an Army general rallying his troops: “If we can develop an atomic bomb in 2.5 years and put a man on the moon in seven years, we can do this this year, in 2020,” Azar would declare, according to his deputy chief of staff, Paul Mango, who helped lead the strategy sessions.

“It was just a spirit of optimism,” Mango added.

Now, in the final days of the Trump administration, their “MP2” — later redubbed “Operation Warp Speed” — occupies a peculiar place in the annals of the administration’s ill-fated response to Covid-19: In many ways, it was successful, living up to the highest expectations of its architects. The Trump administration did help deliver a pair of working vaccines in 2020, with more shots on the way. But the officials who expected to be taking a victory lap on distributing tens of millions of vaccine doses are instead being pressed to explain why the initiative appears to be limping to the finish.
Governors say the Warp Speed effort has made promises it didn’t keep, with deliveries of doses falling short and reserve supplies exhausted. Physicians and logistics experts have critiqued the disorderly rollout, arguing that the Trump team should have done a better job of coordinating the nation’s mass vaccination effort. The incoming Biden administration on Friday morning announced they’d even do away with the initiative’s branding, which President Donald Trump has touted for months.

Right, people's lives are a dumb metric. Spoken like a true Liberal.
For preventing the orange menace from imposing 8 consecutive years of chaos, deceit, and buffoonery on us. For coordinating a national, federally run distribution of the COVID vaccine after your predecessor spent the final months of his presidency golfing and plotting an insurrection. For putting the country back on track with historic legislation designed to combat climate change. For the impressive legislative record amassed during your 4 years.

For your decency and compassion towards your fellow man after four years of hateful, vitriolic spew. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

For restoring integrity to the office. For not getting in the Fed's way as it tried to combat the global, post COVID inflationary spiral we encountered. For allowing the chips to fall where they may regarding your son's prosecution.

Mistakes were made as they are during every presidency. But no one who takes a fair account of your term can question you were all in for America. Its success was always your first priority, not a distant second.
We wish you well during the next few months and in retirement. You've earned a rest.
Haha xiden gave us record Covid deaths then claimed there was no. Federal solution to Covid
For preventing the orange menace from imposing 8 consecutive years of chaos, deceit, and buffoonery on us. For coordinating a national, federally run distribution of the COVID vaccine after your predecessor spent the final months of his presidency golfing and plotting an insurrection. For putting the country back on track with historic legislation designed to combat climate change. For the impressive legislative record amassed during your 4 years.

For your decency and compassion towards your fellow man after four years of hateful, vitriolic spew. The contrast couldn't be more stark.

For restoring integrity to the office. For not getting in the Fed's way as it tried to combat the global, post COVID inflationary spiral we encountered. For allowing the chips to fall where they may regarding your son's prosecution.

Mistakes were made as they are during every presidency. But no one who takes a fair account of your term can question you were all in for America. Its success was always your first priority, not a distant second.
We wish you well during the next few months and in retirement. You've earned a rest.
That's a -lot- of butthurt right there.
Fuck Joe.

Screwing over the dems in this latest election by not dropping out early or sticking it out to the end, his legacy will be giving your 'orange menace' another term.
A MAGArat who is supposedly upset with how the Dem candidacy is going.

Remember, this was all about the polls, not what's good for the country. Once Democrats decided Biden would lose them the House and the Senate, it was over for him. That he can't complete a sentence wasn't a big issue.
Can Trump complete a sentence? I’ve seen him try to complete three completely different sentences at the same time

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