Who Are The Five Worst Presidents In American History?

Arafat was not Hamas. He was PLO. But there was a lot of contact between Arafat and Carter. Carter infuriated the Israelis when he prominently laid a wreath at Arafat's tomb in 2008 and praised Arafat. (Carter had been instrumental in Arafat receiving a Nobel Peace Prize for signing the Oslo Accords that he, Arafat, violated and undermined afterwards.)

It didn't help when at the same event Carter arranged a reception for and hugged the then Hamas leader, Nasser Shaer who was dedicated to the eradication of Israel. Just a bit of trivia of the legacy of presidential policies/efforts/events that don't age well despite probable good intentions.

Well, since you brought this up, I can't help but think about how, in my own life, I have had many good intentions and yet I made many horrendous mistakes until I became a practicing Catholic. I ruined people's lives accidentally (long story) and I definitely ruined my own because I disobeyed an important teaching of the Catholic Church.

So now you know why I love the CC. ..

(even though words are abysmally insufficient to explain fully)

I felt I needed to say this because people here have accused me of trying to force my religion on others.. so tiresome, that... When you have something good, you should have the desire to share it.. (is all)
Well, since you brought this up, I can't help but think about how, in my own life, I have had many good intentions and yet I made many horrendous mistakes until I became a practicing Catholic. I ruined people's lives accidentally (long story) and I definitely ruined my own because I disobeyed an important teaching of the Catholic Church.

So now you know why I love the CC. ..

(even though words are abysmally insufficient to explain fully)

I felt I needed to say this because people here have accused me of trying to force my religion on others.. so tiresome, that... When you have something good, you should have the desire to share it.. (is all)
I never pooh pooh anybody's witness. I do not disbelieve you in any way. I have heard similar testimonies from those in Episcopal, Methodist, Baptists, Presbyterian, non-denominational etc. etc. etc. traditions as well.
I never pooh pooh anybody's witness. I do not disbelieve you in any way. I have heard similar testimonies from those in Episcopal, Methodist, Baptists, Presbyterian, non-denominational etc. etc. etc. traditions as well.
Well, the Catholic Church is not the same as non-Catholic. And only Catholics know... but everyone acts like u can u/stand Catholicism just like you can understand the Methodists. That is not true. But I know this is a politics thread so I'll leave it at that. just one more thing, though. The reason I am adamant about things Catholic is that I know what the CC did for me and more importantly, Jesus said that few make it to heaven. If people end up in Hell.. people I've had contact with, I don't wnat it to be because I neglected to tell them about the Original Church.
Well, the Catholic Church is not the same as non-Catholic. And only Catholics know... but everyone acts like u can u/stand Catholicism just like you can understand the Methodists. That is not true. But I know this is a politics thread so I'll leave it at that. just one more thing, though. The reason I am adamant about things Catholic is that I know what the CC did for me and more importantly, Jesus said that few make it to heaven. If people end up in Hell.. people I've had contact with, I don't wnat it to be because I neglected to tell them about the Original Church.
All I am saying that what is beneficial and works for one person may be different for another person. Please don't assume that only a practicing Catholic can understand Catholicism. That would be serious error.
5. LBJ
4. Bush II
3. Bush I
2. Obama
1. Biden

:dunno: I had FDR and Clinton and Lincoln in there. Not top 5 though.
All I am saying that what is beneficial and works for one person may be different for another person. Please don't assume that only a practicing Catholic can understand Catholicism. That would be serious error.
That's disingenuous at best and borderline retarded at worst.
Are you referring to me? Or those who assume only Catholics can understand Catholicism?
Those who think only Catholics can understand Catholicism.

I can understand Santeria too. I even know Catholics that understand Santeria.

Really the first church was established in Ethiopia by Jesus, and there are those to this day that still live by that.

He did it right after he rose from the dead and before he ascended.

He went to many places, not just Ethiopia, that was the 1st place, though.
All I am saying that what is beneficial and works for one person may be different for another person. Please don't assume that only a practicing Catholic can understand Catholicism. That would be serious error.
I don't assume that, I know that. You don't know that bc you're not walking in my shoes.

And another thing, Truth and Reality apply to EVERYONE.

But not everyone is in Christ's Original Church where they belong...

Maybe that's why Jesus said few make it to Heaven?

It's possible
LOL... Why do you say that?

oh, you're saying that what I said is retarded?

Is that it?

Oh well.. I get that kind of thing a lot... no longer a big prob
No. But I know and have known many people that are. Greek and Russian Orthodox too.

There's another Orthodox, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
Anyone can understand the theory of Catholicism

Not everyone can understand the reality of living it. Only Catholics can
Meh. Sez you. :dunno:

Sin all you want and do your confession and it's all good?

Pray to saints and not God? It does not work like that. :nono:
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Those who think only Catholics can understand Catholicism.

I can understand Santeria too. I even know Catholics that understand Santeria.

Really the first church was established in Ethiopia by Jesus, and there are those to this day that still live by that.

He did it right after he rose from the dead and before he ascended.

He went to many places, not just Ethiopia, that was the 1st place, though.
And I respect your beliefs even though my own are somewhat different. I respect the Catholics' beliefs even though some dogma and doctrines I cannot embrace.

I have spent most of my adult lifetime studying various forms of history including that of various religions and different Christian groups. Every single one of them I believe have elements of truth and elements of error. But whatever works for a person is okay with me. It isn't given to me to be their judge.

I do get somewhat amused (along with irritated) a those who insists the Founders were all Deists. I doubt they knew what Deism even was, much less embraced it. Many if not most were raised in the Puritan and/or Anglican tradition whether or not they continued to embrace that as adults. Almost all described themselves as Christian. And even now, all of us probably hold one or more Deist ideas even though we do not relate those to a specific religion. Benjamin Franklin was probably closest to Deist theology but evenso he recommended that the congressional chambers open their sessions with prayer.

And it is said that those of the Founders who became Presidents themselves, Christian values of morality and justice were important to them in how they carried out their presidential duties.

It is hard to believe a President who does the things Obama did, what Biden does is in any way Christian or guided by any religious principle other than greed for power and money.
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The deficit would have happened anyway. The surplus under Clinton was because of the dot com bubble.

Bush did make it worse though.

I think his biggest crime was desensitizing people to the problem.

If we had kept going, Obama might have kept things down. As it was.....he just said "Well, hey....Bush did it".

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