Zone1 Here Are 10 Bad Things That Have Happened, Proving God Doesn't Exist

There you go again! I see this is a pattern with you.

You're not addressing anything I'm saying. And you keep bringing up other things and expecting me to answer you when you don't address my posts.

If that's the way you post, I don't want to continue with you. It's not an honest fair way of debating.

Oh ok.

Go have dominion over that dinner.

Faith is belief without good evidence.

Trust is an evidence based determination.

I would say the amazing success of modern Science and mathematics represent pretty good evidence for trusting overwhelming scientific consensus.

Consensus can be a tricky thing ... not always to be trustd. Particularly when consensus is controlled or influenced by the state.

Consensus can be right, or it can be terrifyingly wrong. Especially when science and politics become incestuously coupled.

"If you believe in things that you don't understand then you suffer".

Superstition, Stevie Wonder
Speaking of which.

You never answered my question from earlier.

Why did God speak animals into existence and form man from the dust and breathe life into his nostrils?
Where does it say, "spoke animals into existence"?

Hint, it doesn't. It says He MADE them.
It later says, He MADE Man

God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds

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