Where Is Joe Biden?

...is exactly what you have to support your latest little conspiracy, tinfoil. Laughing...but you keep trying to pass yourself off as a handwriting expert. I'll keep cackling at your absurd struggles to polish yet another conspiracy turd.

And laugh at you again tomorrow night when Biden confirms YET AGAIN that he's withdrawn from the election.
You bleat too much. And all your posts only underscore your dishonesty.

Fuck off shit bag.

Believe it when I tell you that I’ll reserve my laughter at all your lamentations once Trump defeats Cackles.
...use evidence based reasoning and refused to ignore the mountains of evidence that you did?

Of course! With Biden's own press secretary acknowledging today that Biden backed out of the race. Adding to that mountain....and your desperate, willful ignorance.

But keep polishing that conspiracy turd, tinfoil. Even you can't make sense of your own dipshit argument.
...use evidence based reasoning and refused to ignore the mountains of evidence that you did?

Of course! With Biden's own press secretary acknowledging today that Biden backed out of the race. Adding to that mountain....and your desperate, willful ignorance.

But keep polishing that conspiracy turd, tinfoil. Even you can't make sense of your own dipshit argument.
You lied and you keep lying. Repeating your lies only confirms that you have no credibility.

...looked at the overwhelming evidence of Biden' dropping out and dismissed your absurd claims to be some handwriting expert?

Of course. I use evidence-based reasoning. And the evidence that Biden dropped out is utterly overwhelming. While your half-assed 'hand writing analysis' was profoundly underwhelming.

But keep polishing that turd, tinfoil!
A lot of concern amongst the uneducated idiot demographics

Here's Biden arriving back in Washington today.

The tinfoil brigade will make up yet another absurd conspiracy about this too.

Anything that doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.
...looked at the overwhelming evidence of Biden' dropping out and dismissed your absurd claims to be some handwriting expert?
I never made reference to any handwriting expert, you liar.

I never said potato wasn’t quitting the race, either, you dishonest shitbag.
But keep polishing that turd, tinfoil!
I leave polishing and munching on shit to liars and ahitbags like you, shitbag.

Helpful hint: it’s ok by me if you attack me for something I actually said. But moron scumbags like you just make shit up, instead.

This is why you have (and have earned) no credibility, shitbag. 👍
He was seen today.

This dipshit conspiracy will not age well. But it such a beautiful, pure and elegant demonstration of the fetid batshit that is the MAGA conspiracy industrial complex.

And how little they need to make up such random, hapless nonsense.
Yeah, it's a variation of, "I don't know, therefore aliens."

Tards can't stand an information vacuum. They have to make shit up to fill the hole. And that then becomes their reality, impervious to any facts which come along later.
I never made reference to any handwriting expert, you liar.

I never claimed you did. I said you hapless conspiracy dipshits offered YOURSELVES as handwriting experts, insisting that your analysis meant jackshit.

It didn't. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Worse, only you dipshits are claiming that the document was forged. Biden isn't. The White House isn't. No one is the Presidency or his campaign is.

Its just you silly, hapless little batshit conspiracy goblins.
Citing yourselves and your 'handwriting analysis'.

Nor can you make head's or tails of your own dipshit conspiracy theory. Why would anyone forge a letter detailing Biden's withdraw from the election when he ACTUALLY withdrew from the election?

Even you can't explain. Your conspiracy is completely unnecessary and you know it.

Run along, kiddo. You're out of your depth.
I never claimed you did. I said you hapless conspiracy dipshits offered YOURSELVES as handwriting experts, insisting that your analysis meant jackshit.

It didn't. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Worse, only you dipshits are claiming that the document was forged. Biden isn't. The White House isn't. No one is the Presidency or his campaign is.

Its just you silly, hapless little batshit conspiracy goblins. Citing yourselves and your 'handwriting analysis'.

Nor can you make head's or tails of your own dipshit conspiracy theory. Why would anyone forge a letter detailing Biden's withdraw from the election when he ACTUALLY withdrew from the election?

Even you can't explain. Your conspiracy is completely unnecessary and you know it.

Run along, kiddo. You're out of your depth.
Nice back peddle.
But you remain a liar.
Nice back peddle.
But you remain a liar.

Laughing....keep trying to cite yourselves as 'hand writing experts', tinfoil. You're not. And your 'handwriting analysis' means jackshit. As you don't know what you're talking about.

Meanwhile, we have overwhelming evidence that Biden dropped out. A signed letter from his own twitter account. His own press secretary confirming he dropped out. His office confirming he dropped out. The VP confirming he dropped out. Biden calling into a campaign event and discussing dropping out while endorsing Harris.

Making your conspiracy theory unnecessary. In addition to profoundly stupid. As why bother forging a letter when Biden actually dropped out?

Laughing.........even you can't explain that dipshit nonsense.
Laughing....keep trying to cite yourselves as 'hand writing experts', tinfoil. You're not. And your 'handwriting analysis' means jackshit. As you don't know what you're talking about.

Meanwhile, we have overwhelming evidence that Biden dropped out. A signed letter from his own twitter account. His own press secretary confirming he dropped out. His office confirming he dropped out. The VP confirming he dropped out. Biden calling into a campaign event and discussing dropping out while endorsing Harris.

Making your conspiracy theory unnecessary. In addition to profoundly stupid. As why bother forging a letter when Biden actually dropped out?

Laughing.........even you can't explain that dipshit nonsense.
Wrong again you lying pus ball.

I only answered your ignorant question concerning why his signature was doubted.

It still seems not to be similar to his exemplar signatures.

Even a lying twat rash like you should be able to admit that much. But honesty isn’t on your list of skill sets.

By the way, you shitbag:

If a guy (let’s call him “Joe”) is old and ill and asks a secretary or a subordinate or a lawyer to draft a letter for him, sometimes such bosses also ask the person to go ahead and “sign it for” them. Maybe Joe was just too sick and sick at heart to bother doing it himself.

Or, maybe one of Potaro’s body doubles isn’t very good at forging Potato’s signatures.
Wrong again you lying pus ball.

I only answered your ignorant question concerning why his signature was doubted.

It still seems not to be similar to his exemplar signatures.

Even a lying twat rash like you should be able to admit that much. But honesty isn’t on your list of skill sets.

By the way, you shitbag:

If a guy (let’s call him “Joe”) is old and ill and asks a secretary or a subordinate or a lawyer to draft a letter for him, sometimes such bosses also ask the person to go ahead and “sign it for” them. Maybe Joe was just too sick and sick at heart to bother doing it himself.

Or, maybe one of Potaro’s body doubles isn’t very good at forging Potato’s signatures.

Laughing....so now you're backepedalling, claiming you didn't offer your own dipshit 'hand writing analysis', citing yourself of course? Remember this, tinfoil?

And again here, where you offered us your dipshit 'handwriting analysis' like it meant a fucking thing

I remember.

Again, ONLY you little batshit conspiracy goblins are claiming that the document is forged. Biden isn't. The white house isn't. Biden's press secretary isn't. Biden's VP isn't.

Its just you little dipshits, play pretending to be handwriting experts.

All to polish a stupid conspiracy turd that doesn't make the slightest sense. As why forge a document outlining Biden's withdraw from the election when he ACTUALLY withdrew from the election?

There is no reason. Your dipshit conspiracy is as unnecessary as it braindead.
Laughing....so now you're backepedalling, claiming you didn't offer your own dipshit 'hand writing analysis', citing yourself of course? Remember this, tinfoil?

And again here, where you offered us your dipshit 'handwriting analysis' like it meant a fucking thing

I remember.

Again, ONLY you little batshit conspiracy goblins are claiming that the document is forged. Biden isn't. The white house isn't. Biden's press secretary isn't. Biden's VP isn't.

Its just you little dipshits, play pretending to be handwriting experts.

All to polish a stupid conspiracy narrative that doesn't make the slightest sense. As why forge a document outlining Biden's withdraw from the election when he ACTUALLY withdrew from the election?

There is no reason. Your dipshit conspiracy is as unnecessary as it braindead.
As you knew when you composed and sent your idiotic post, I never claimed to be an expert in handwriting analysis.

Why do you always lie? One need not be an expert to observe the many differences I correctly identified.

Get psychiatric help, you rancid diseased twat.
As you knew when you composed and sent your idiotic post, I never claimed to be an expert in handwriting analysis.

You offered us YOUR analysis of the handwriting, as if you knew a fucking thing about handwriting. That was your entire argument, this dipshit analysis of yours.

Only now do you desperately backpedal and admit that you don't actually know a goddamn thing about handwriting analysis. And were just babbling ignorantly about the topic.

Again, you can't help yourself. Just like your 'stolen election' batshit, you can't help but embrace the conspiracy.

Even when its completely unnecessary and contradicted by overwhelming evidence. Remember, its just you dipshits claiming the letter was forged.

Not Biden or anyone in his campaign or presidency. Just you little conspiracy goblins.

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