Reminder - In 2020 kamala harris called for more BLM riots. Even snopes agrees she said it. THAT IS INSURRECTION

Perhaps, but "fiery protests" are not peaceful. Most of the protests probably weren't destructive, but the ones that were often had their violence downplayed by the media.
Incorrect. The violence was overplayed to such an extent that idiots like you are still trying to make an issue of it now. There is no sane comparson to protests by angry people who watched police murder citizens for years, and a bunch of morons who decided to try to sack the capital for nothing.
Incorrect. The violence was overplayed to such an extent that idiots like you are still trying to make an issue of it now. There is no sane comparson to protests by angry people who watched police murder citizens for years, and a bunch of morons who decided to try to sack the capital for nothing.
I'm not a huge fan of cops, but the morons at the Capitol didn't burn any buildings down.
On the one hand, I wouldn't mind seeing this government toppled. On the other hand, the protesters in the summer of love were mostly just opportunists looking to loot various businesses. You might have had some true believers, but most riots are about theft.

Some were but they accomplished the same thing in the end.
Some were but they accomplished the same thing in the end.
I would actually say they accomplished far less than they could have if they had not made it a racial thing. As Roland Fryer's research shows, police brutality is an issue in general, not really specific to blacks. Had the advocates of police reform taken an approach that simply pointed out that we shouldn't trust so much power in the hands of the state, there would have been broader support from the public.
I would actually say they accomplished far less than they could have if they had not made it a racial thing.

It was a racial thing as much as you want to deny it.

As Roland Fryer's research shows, police brutality is an issue in general, not really specific to blacks. Had the advocates of police reform taken an approach that simply pointed out that we shouldn't trust so much power in the hands of the state, there would have been broader support from the public.

There are cases where others are targeted by the police BUT blacks were protesting over what they had experienced for decades and no one would listen.
It was a racial thing as much as you want to deny it.

There are cases where others are targeted by the police BUT blacks were protesting over what they had experienced for decades and no one would listen.
It wasn't a racial thing on a national level. At most, you could identify certain departments as being that way, but overall, it was mostly just an abuse of authority thing.

Racism is way overblown in this country and in much of the West overall, especially if you compare us to race relations in the non-West. It really starts to become a "First World Problem" thing the more you get a global perspective on it.
It wasn't a racial thing on a national level. At most, you could identify certain departments as being that way, but overall, it was mostly just an abuse of authority thing.

That wasn't the experience of minorities. Recall, when they tried to peacefully protest the president called them SOB's.

Racism is way overblown in this country and in much of the West overall, especially if you compare us to race relations in the non-West. It really starts to become a "First World Problem" thing the more you get a global perspective on it.

"It's even worse elsewhere" is not a valid response.
That wasn't the experience of minorities. Recall, when they tried to peacefully protest the president called them SOB's.

"It's even worse elsewhere" is not a valid response.
Actually it is valid, because it shows how the world naturally works. Without looking outside of the country, you lose perspective. It's what leads to a lot of ridiculousness from feminists as well.

Only First World Western women could cry about "patriarchy" by ignoring what Muslim women go through in a lot of the world.

Only blacks here could scream about racism while ignoring what Uyghurs go through in China.

At some point, you have to come to terms with the simple truth that how you behave around authorities will largely determine how you are perceived by authority. FBI crime stats paint an ugly picture about black males. It's not fair to suggest all or even most are criminals, but it does explain why cops might be a little uneasy around them, particularly in certain neighborhoods. Fryer's research even shows that black cops are more likely to use lethal force against black suspects than white cops are.

That's the kind of uncomfortable truth we're not allowed to discuss in public because it's not polite, but until the black community fixes itself on its own terms, perceptions will often be negative towards them, fairly or unfairly.

No amount of protests will change that, nor will any legislation.
The BLM riots were real riots that caused billions of dollars in damage and kammy loved them. OTOH the J6 riot was kid's stuff in comparison and besides, it was instigated by plain-clothes fed agents.

The bimbo was repeating herself even in 2020, what a freaking idiot.

"Much of the rest of the world is racist so it excuses our racism".

Screw off.
You think blacks don't have an ingroup bias? There is a lot of research showing that whites have the lowest ingroup bias among Americans. Minorities tend to have much higher ingroup bias, particularly blacks.

So again, why am I supposed to care about this when the majority of the population engages in it? The only difference between me and them is that I at least don't hide from it.

People value politeness far too much and truth too little.
You think blacks don't have an ingroup bias? There is a lot of research showing that whites have the lowest ingroup bias among Americans. Minorities tend to have much higher ingroup bias, particularly blacks.

So again, why am I supposed to care about this when the majority of the population engages in it? The only difference between me and them is that I at least don't hide from it.

People value politeness far too much and truth too little.

I'm sure there is nothing I can say that will make you care about it.
I'm sure there is nothing I can say that will make you care about it.
I guarantee you that they wouldn't give a fuck about you if the shoe were on the other foot. The best example of this is South Africa. Everybody was up in arms about apartheid, so the regime had to go. What did they replace it with? A system that favors cronies in the government and discriminates against whites. No one in the West cares.

When you realize this is how humans are, you stop giving a shit. People only cry about equality when they don't have the upper hand.
I guarantee you that they wouldn't give a fuck about you if the shoe were on the other foot. The best example of this is South Africa. Everybody was up in arms about apartheid, so the regime had to go. What did they replace it with? A system that favors cronies in the government and discriminates against whites. No one in the West cares.

When you realize this is how humans are, you stop giving a shit. People only cry about equality when they don't have the upper hand.

I have the "upper hand" so your theory is incorrect. You are just trying to make excuses for yourself.
I have the "upper hand" so your theory is incorrect. You are just trying to make excuses for yourself.
You may care, but that is the interesting thing about whites. They're the only group that has a significant contingent with an outgroup bias. No other group on the planet is like that, but it only exists due to misplaced compassion and leftism.
Trying to burn down cities, injuring 3,200 officers and killing more than 30 isn't.


We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Just think, all you had to do is listen to the people's plea's and not dismiss them and call them SOB's.

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