Kamala Harris is a poor Vice President . But she can redeem herself

Let me provide my thoughts here on Vice President Kamala Harris. And let’s see if folks agree or disagree.

Do you folks remember the presidential debates the primaries for Democrats back in the lead up to the 2020 election. Many reporters insinuated that Kamala Harris basically called Joe Biden a racist. So what the hell was Joe Biden doing nominating Harris as his Vice President? “ Come on man “
I’ll tell you what it is it’s disgraceful. Joe Biden openly said he will have a woman as his vice president which is bigotry. He never needed to say that he could’ve just nominated a woman without having to say that.

When Kamala Harris did not get the presidential nomination she also insinuated that America is not ready for a black woman as president, this type of trash talking/racism is completely unacceptable for an American leader. You know as a white person if I was in Turkey 🇹🇷 I wouldn’t be running my mouth like a disgrace complaining about racism and turkey. By the way Türkiye is a secular country has a lot of good things going on there but that’s not the point. If I was in the Congo if I was in Rwanda as a minority white man I would not be rambling and ranting about “white people this white people there, Black people there’s Black people that”. This race division which the vice president is engaging it has to stop. Folks we all need to get along with each other. And all of us on the US message board we can all get along with each other.

I pray that Vice President Harris can start doing the right things and be a great leader for white Americans and black Americans, as she starts talking positively, for example standing against men who identify as women and take away spots from women on college sports teams, or because of their bodily physical strength physically hurt women and women sports. Vice President Harris do something about this.

It is not a good thing when Americans are at each other’s throats or basically arguing with each other all the time. We are at the worst division in this country since the United States Civil War. This is unacceptable. In large part the politicians are responsible for dividing we the people including Republicans. So all of us as Americans whenever we see a white American or a black American say something racist it is our duty as Americans to stand against it at the stand for equality and mutual respect. Racism was always a worldwide issue, slavery was always a worldwide issue. There is no argument to be made that blacks have it bad in America or whites have it bad in America and has to stop.

There is an argument to be made based on the fact that colleges and corporations are racist due to the racist hiring quotas. Therefore Because people like Kamala Harris don’t do anything about it, in fact they support that type of racism. It’s our duty as Americans on the US message board weather were Democrats or Republicans to stand up to any white man or black man who engages in racism. Thank you all so much have a wonderful day have a wonderful Easter God bless you all

«Kamala Harris is a poor Vice President . But she can redeem herself»
No, she can not. She is irreparably incompetent. She has no ability to redeem herself.

If not for her adulterous affair with Willy Brown, she would never have amounted to anything more than a third-rate ambulance chaser; and most of us would have been spared from having ever to hear of or from her. Only by sucking Brown's Willie did she get any foothold in politics.
The "job" is to do whatever the President wants. If the President wants her to go out and make herself seen, then that's the job.
You say you're a Trump supporter, and you're complaining about Harris when Trump's judgement is so poor it's beyond belief, and he was President.

Did you just suggest that Kamala “The Whore” Harris has better judgement than Donald Trump?



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