Reminder - In 2020 kamala harris called for more BLM riots. Even snopes agrees she said it. THAT IS INSURRECTION

I did the reasearch.

Police Reports from Philly, NY, Chicago, LA, Denver, Dallas, Baltimore, the ACLED Event Data Tracker that monitored more than 2,500 of the protests and the Radcliffe study of the Protests from Harvard. Arrests do not always mean violence occurred and these reports show that most of what happened were with people who had no connections with BLM. So don't try using a story from USA Today trying to argue.
Again, where is the research? Link?
Try not comparing protests that happened because there were actual murders by police(or the state) against citizens of this country as opposed to a bunch of mentally crippled whites trying to overthrow the government for nothing.
Actual murders by police? At J6 the black cop michael byrd killed unarmed white girl ashli babbitt.
Actual murders by police? At J6 the black cop michael byrd killed unarmed white girl ashli babbitt.
Don't try that one either. We all know that Babbitt was with a mob of people trying to bust down the doors of the speakers chamber and that Babbits ass was shot trying to enter through a window busted by that same mob.
Protest is a very legitimate right in this country. Thanks for pointing out one thing I can at least support her over.
They're STILL trying to downplay/dilute the Insurrection. Three and a half years later.

Too funny.
Criminal incitement refers to conduct, words, or other means that urge or naturally lead others to riot, violence, or insurrection. The First Amendment guards citizens' rights to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government. But these rights come with limits
They're STILL trying to downplay/dilute the Insurrection. Three and a half years later.

Too funny.

For the life of me, I don't understand why they won't own it if they actually believe what they say they believe.
Criminal incitement refers to conduct, words, or other means that urge or naturally lead others to riot, violence, or insurrection. The First Amendment guards citizens' rights to free speech, to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government. But these rights come with limits

And she said the protests would continue. A Constitutionally protected action.

It was Trump that told his supporters to "Fight".

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