Busy Hurricane Season is predicted for 2024

A climate in equilibrium neither warms nor cools.
I think you are intentionally being obtuse.
Obtuse? Your first attempt to explain what you meant by "native state of the planet" clearly and repeatedly said it was at equilibrium. Your second attempt clearly and repeatedly stated it was warming. The two conditions are not compatible. I am not being obtuse in the slightest. I am pointing out your numerous, fundamental errors.
There is an equilibrium temperature that is based upon the current landmass distribution for glacial periods and interglacial periods.
And you are claiming that every 28 miles of tectonic motion drives the Earth from glacial to interglacial or vice versa. How can it be that you do not comprehend what utter nonsense that is?
Absent NH glaciation the equilibrium temperature for interglacial periods would be warmer if ocean currents continued circulating heat from the Atlantic to the Arctic. But since ocean currents switch on and off based upon density changes (i.e. salinity and thermal)
You just told us that changes to equilibrium temperatures are due to tectonic movement. Now, in the very next sentence, you claim they are due to changes in ocean density. Tectonic movement has neither the speed nor any periodicity with which to produce the observed glacial-interglacial cycles. And you make no attempt to identify what might be changing seawater density.
interglacial temperatures which would have been warmer without NH glaciation are never reached because the ocean currents change because of temperature which affects salinity and thermal expansion.
For christ's sake just try reading your own words for once. "Interglacial temperatures... are never reached because... currents change because of temperature..."

This is nothing but pure, meaningless gobbledygook.

ANOTHER ding mistake.

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