Criticism of Israel

I never asserted that you said I did.
but I did. And you ignored it. Do you need me to link to the post? Here you go:

So you're fine with trivializing the Holocaust, making light of it, joking about it. Shame on you woman, shame on you.
Who’s trivializing it? My hope is that you feel the fear that Jews have experienced for millenia, driven by antisemitism, so maybe you’ll stop promoting it.
How is that an inference?
It's an inferred consequence, an example of inductive reasoning, if X then Y, if Y then Z.
He explicitly and daily repeats his constant wish for Jewish control in Zion. How is that not the expression of Zionism?
How is an anecdotal claim evidence?
I think you are running and hiding because you can't disprove it. If you want more examples of what he says EVERYDAY about his love of Zion, just ask. There's a lot.
I agree I can't disprove your claim but that is not a substitute for you proving your claim.
But if you think you know him better than I, keep going on saying dumb things. He's an incredible Zionist.
I met him and he told me he's not a Zionist.
Who’s trivializing it? My hope is that you feel the fear that Jews have experienced for millenia, driven by antisemitism, so maybe you’ll stop promoting it.
You're weaponizing the Holocaust, using that horrifying episode of human depravity as a means to dehumanize me. You have no special right to do that, to speak to me that way, I have said nothing to justify such hatred from you.

Let this man speak for me, let him explain how you have just abused the memory of six million hapless victims.

You cannot stop me from speaking the truth woman, you can try all you like, you can accuses and spew hatred and foul accusations at me all day, I am not going away and I am not going to stop.
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It's an inferred consequence, an example of inductive reasoning, if X then Y, if Y then Z.

How is an anecdotal claim evidence?

I agree I can't disprove your claim but that is not a substitute for you proving your claim.

I met him and he told me he's not a Zionist.
Did you ask to see his daily prayers? Did you ask him if he prays daily for Zion? I know the prayers he says. Is it anecdotal to claim that he, as an Orthodox jew prays using the accepted texts?

Are you claiming : (choose one)
He doesn't pray

He uses a different liturgy

He doesn't believe what he says

The text doesn't say what I have shown
Did you ask to see his daily prayers? Did you ask him if he prays daily for Zion? I know the prayers he says. Is it anecdotal to claim that he, as an Orthodox jew prays using the accepted texts?

Are you claiming : (choose one)
He doesn't pray

He uses a different liturgy

He doesn't believe what he says

The text doesn't say what I have shown
I asked him "Are you a Zionist?" and he said "Absolutely Not!".
Killing children is hardly a new skill the Israelis have developed:


This has been daily life for Palestinians in the West Bank for decades and it rarely makes our Western news, but a terrorist attack on Israelis gets headline treatment with everyone being told to "condemn Hamas" and other call for obedience to the Zionist propaganda system.

In 20232 - before Oct 7th - 234 Palestinians were killed in the West Bank, 10 of those by squatters (sorry, settlers), here's one typical story:

Amin was walking home when an Israeli soldier shot him in both legs as the November 19 raid began. Although there was a hospital next to the camp, the ambulance could not reach Amin for over two hours because Israeli forces had surrounded the hospital and cut off access to the facility by blocking the main road with armored vehicles, restricting the movement of ambulances.

Bleeding profusely, he was picked up from the street by a medical volunteer and taken to one of the few trauma stabilization points in the camp—a simple room with little more than a bed frame and a few medical supplies. The goal was simply to stop the bleeding.

These trauma stabilization points inside the camp, which were established and are run by self-organized local medical volunteers, are the only places where camp residents can receive lifesaving medical help. Yet these points have been repeatedly targeted by drone strikes or destroyed and vandalized by ground troops. Israeli forces are now preventing volunteers from rebuilding these trauma points or establishing new ones, according to the camp volunteers.

Because these deaths occur gradually, a few one week a few another week and because the Zionist lobby actively censors what news we see here in the US, there's no public awareness of these routine killings.

So when we get a reverse, Palestinian fighters hitting back, killing Israeli civilians, Israeli children, the public become outraged at the senseless brutal terrorism carried out by Hamas, because the Zionist propagandists see to it that attacks against Jews floods our screen and our newspapers with trigger words like "unprovoked" used to garnish the narrative.

Little do they know that such slaughter goes on daily against Palestinians, week in week out, year in year out, men, women, children, babies and pregnant women.

2023 was the deadliest year for Palestinians in the West Bank, few people knew, but those of us who did were unsurprised at Oct 7th, some of us wondered why it had not happened sooner.

The majority of the American public hold the views they do, about Israel/Palestine not because of studying history or middle east affairs, not because of reading books, but because they allowed themselves to be told what to believe and they have obediently allowed themselves to be used like sheep, sheep led by the Zionist extremists.

Daring to question the narrative, daring to ask pointed questions, daring to reach out to less prominent news sources is always a risk, but no matter, this is what the "antisemite" weapon is for, a few blows from that and most people shut up, walk away or maybe lose their job if they are too persistent.

These extremists are now acting so lawlessly that World War III - a nuclear war - might very well start in the middle east and not Ukraine as many people have been speculating.
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