Criticism of Israel

that isn't s definition. Chocolate is a flavor but "flavor" is not a definition of chocolate. The predicate nominative identifies the noun in the predicate with the noun in the subject, but not as a definition. This is pretty basic stuff.

You don't know what "antisemitism" means so you got chance with "Zionism".
Oh really? any supporting evidence for that belief?
which part? I used the numbers presented in another post to get to that percentage, As for his being NK, I read this

do you object to the facts presented there?

Or here?
which part? I used the numbers presented in another post to get to that percentage, As for his being NK, I read this

do you object to the facts presented there?

Or here?

No, any evidence supporting this claim: "He's quite a Zionist, actually".
Oh. And there it is! The truth revealed.

So, NOT criticizing Israel or the government of Israel, but instead using terminology explicitly intended as a characterization of evil.
Question: the antisemites on this thread are obviously enjoying berating Jews who refuse to lie about Israel, and it is likely they are paid propagandists. (HAMAS has a very well-funded PR arm.)

OK….NOW the question: someone told me that the propagandists are not paid by the post, but by the number of responses. Any idea if this is true? If so, the last thing I want to do is put money in the pocket of a brainwashed antisemite.
No, any evidence supportg this claim: He's quite a Zionist, actually.
oh, that's easy. In his daily prayers he prays for the rebuilding of and Jewish control of Israel. On holidays, he adds on additional prayers expressing his wish to return to a Jewish ruled Zion. Would you like the prayer texts?
oh, that's easy. In his daily prayers he prays for the rebuilding of and Jewish control of Israel. On holidays, he adds on additional prayers expressing his wish to return to a Jewish ruled Zion. Would you like the prayer texts?
So no evidence that "He's quite the Zionist" then, that settles that.
actually I know what both mean and you haven't yet dealt with what I posted. Keep dancing.
Then explain their meaning to Lisa (aka Karen).

Listen to the bitch, she doesn't even know what "Jewish" means FFS, hopeless. This is what happens to people who've been lied to all their lives, when the time comes to grow up and learn truth they can't deal with it, get all bent out of shape and scream and froth, like several people who visit this forum, such a shame.
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So no evidence that "He's quite the Zionist" then, that settles that.
So you ignored what I wrote. Interesting.
I'll try to make it simpler:
He is an ultra-orthodox Jew according to what I read. Do you argue with that?
As an ultra-orthodox Jew, he prays as is required by Jewish law. Do you argue with that?
The orthodox liturgy is full of statements about the return to and control of Zion. Here's one statement that is said every single morning.
" Shine a new light upon Zion, and may we all soon be privileged to [enjoy] its brightness." Here's another, "And may our eyes behold Your merciful return to Zion"

So how isn't he a Zionist?
So you ignored what I wrote. Interesting.
I'll try to make it simpler:
He is an ultra-orthodox Jew according to what I read. Do you argue with that?
As an ultra-orthodox Jew, he prays as is required by Jewish law. Do you argue with that?
The orthodox liturgy is full of statements about the return to and control of Zion. Here's one statement that is said every single morning.
" Shine a new light upon Zion, and may we all soon be privileged to [enjoy] its brightness." Here's another, "And may our eyes behold Your merciful return to Zion"

So how isn't he a Zionist?
That's a (rather torturous) inference not supporting evidence. Something like him saying "I'm a Zionist" would be more helpful, and that should be easy since you are convinced he is.

Face it, you're wrong, he is not a Zionist.
That's a (rather torturous) inference not supporting evidence. Something like him saying "I'm a Zionist" would be more helpful, and that should be easy since you are convinced he is.

Face it, you're wrong, he is not a Zionist.
How is that an inference? He explicitly and daily repeats his constant wish for Jewish control in Zion. How is that not the expression of Zionism? I think you are running and hiding because you can't disprove it. If you want more examples of what he says EVERYDAY about his love of Zion, just ask. There's a lot.

But if you think you know him better than I, keep going on saying dumb things. He's an incredible Zionist.

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