Another Good Week For Republicans

One thing I believe when it comes to early voting is that most of the people who would vote early are the low information people who have already made up their minds after chugging the blue kool aid. No need to think about anything. Just drink the blue juice and do what the Borg Collective tells you to do and they promise to keep the blue jugs constantly filled.
It also generates a lack of decisions that can't be reversed based on candidate performance. For example, an incident, debate, viewpoint, or scandal that comes late in the game. The debates and October Surprise will no longer have the power or significance to drive voter decisions, and are pretty much useless before early voting begins.
It also generates a lack of decisions that can't be reversed based on candidate performance. For example, an incident, debate, viewpoint, or scandal that comes late in the game. The debates and October Surprise will no longer have the power or significance to drive voter decisions, and are pretty much useless before early voting begins.
Which is what early voting is all about. No need to consider last minute facts because they wouldn't change your mind anyway. Just chug the blue kool aid and thirstily wait for the next glass.

See you in November, losers.

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