It’s Now Been a Week Since the Assassination Attempt

It’s Now Been a Week Since the Assassination Attempt​

And Trump still wears a huge bandage on his ear
And you wore a mask inside your car for three years.

Or are you still wearing it like I see some covidiots still doing?

You one of those retards?
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Seriously, Pedo Joe does not even know when his diaper needs changing.

View attachment 980335

You are nothing but a toxic idiotic contrarian.
Folks like you only strengthen Trumps support, so by all means, keep showing us how pathetic liberals are.

Trump's support is only about 47% of the country, guy.
People aren't sure about Biden because of his age, but once he stands down, you guys are in serious trouble.
His problem is that the assassination attempt revealed, at best, 1) the absolute incompetence by DEI picks and 2) that the Democrat Administration government hides the truth from Americans. Decent Americans disapprove of both. And Trump thus has become even more popular and likely to win.
If we were to go back in time to 2016 Trump would be crafting his 2024 POTUS acceptance speech.

But we are not. The Democrats are not going to stop here.
You are still the stupidest poster on the Board, Sparky.

We already know what happened.

An obsessed fan boy tried to kill Trump.

The Secret Service missed it because they were too busy keeping an eye on the other 10,000 crazy people who showed up as his rally.

That is all.
Yes yes. Everyone not voting for the senile old man is a NAZI.
It’s always the same playbook with you freaks.
Terrible photoshop.

Quite frankly, I've been patiently waiting to see Pedo Joe piss his pants on stage. A Depends diaper can hold only so much.
Wrong again Skippy

Any photo of Trump that does not show him pooping himself is an obvious photoshop

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