What does Kamala Harris bring to the race that Joe Biden couldn’t

Her key contribution will be to get donor cash and help down ballot with those who might have stayed home in states they normally should win easily. I bet there are some in the Dems who have resigned to the fact Trump is going to win and she may just be there for the down ballot alone.

She will get more votes in places such as California, NY maybe Hawaii.

She will lose votes in Wisc, Penn, Michigan and some key purple states.

She has a lower chance of winning the election than Joe and that was according to multiple maps I saw projected over the last few weeks and that was before Trump was almost assassinated.

Machin should run if they want to win, but even he is not assured at this point due to his support of the I.R.A. They ruined his aspirations by squeezing him into signing that inflation inducing Bill.
Great analysis. Simply having a (D) next to your name gets you the West Coast, NorthEast Coast, Illinois and major cities. But, the elections will be decided in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia.

She is going to have a hard time with the Rust Belt. Like Hillary, she can’t relate.
Great analysis. Simply having a (D) next to your name gets you the West Coast, NorthEast Coast, Illinois and major cities. But, the elections will be decided in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia.

She is going to have a hard time with the Rust Belt. Like Hillary, she can’t relate.

Oh, I wouldn't go that far. Of those states, four of the five of them have Democratic governors. If a Democrat can get elected governor in those states, Kamala has a pretty good chance of winning them, especially since Republicans made age an issue while running a 78 year old man with dementia.
Um, no, guy, his failures have been pretty spectacular. From running a scam university to a failed airline with Gold-plated fixtures (which turned out to be uneconomical because Gold is heavy and makes the plane use more fuel). Trump would have been richer if he took Daddy's money and hired a reasonably competent investment broker.
Kamala ran a major penal system and lo
Oh, I wouldn't go that far. Of those states, four of the five of them have Democratic governors. If a Democrat can get elected governor in those states, Kamala has a pretty good chance of winning them, especially since Republicans made age an issue while running a 78 year old man with dementia.
A Democrat and a Republican can get elected in those states. That’s why they call them swing states. Trump took them in ‘16 and lost them in ‘20. Biden-Harris Inflation of ‘22 has not been kind to these states.
Great analysis. Simply having a (D) next to your name gets you the West Coast, NorthEast Coast, Illinois and major cities. But, the elections will be decided in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Arizona, and Georgia.

She is going to have a hard time with the Rust Belt. Like Hillary, she can’t relate.
Translation, you concede the majority of voters will vote for her.

What does Kamala Harris bring to the race that Joe Biden couldn’t​

Knee pads
Um, no, guy, his failures have been pretty spectacular. From running a scam university to a failed airline with Gold-plated fixtures (which turned out to be uneconomical because Gold is heavy and makes the plane use more fuel). Trump would have been richer if he took Daddy's money and hired a reasonably competent investment broker.
His successes have been even more spectacular. Fred Trump was the most successful real estate developer in Queens. Donald Trump was arguably the most successful real estate developer in the world. You may hate his personality but you're an idiot if you can't admit that he was successful!
Kamala ran a major penal system and lo

Did you have a thought you were trying to complete here?

A Democrat and a Republican can get elected in those states. That’s why they call them swing states. Trump took them in ‘16 and lost them in ‘20. Biden-Harris Inflation of ‘22 has not been kind to these states.

No, but most sensible people look at the pay raises they got and the job mobility they had with 4% or less unemployment.

And Trump is crazy.

His successes have been even more spectacular. Fred Trump was the most successful real estate developer in Queens. Donald Trump was arguably the most successful real estate developer in the world. You may hate his personality but you're an idiot if you can't admit that he was successful!F

Fred was so successful that Richard Nixon sued him for housing discrimination. I mean, seriously, how seriously racist do you have to be where Tricky Dick says, "Whoa, man!"

The Trumps... Three generations of corrupt scum

What does Kamala Harris bring to the race that Joe Biden couldn’t​

Knee pads
View attachment 982351

I really enjoy the “Kamala is a whore” tactics of our conservatives

The same posters who support a candidate who cheated on three wives, had sex with a Playboy model and porn star, was found guilty of sexual harassment and made a former Porn Star our First Lady
Biden didn't have dementia. And Manchin is still 76 going on 77. You right wingers can just move on, because Manchin will not be the bick.
Face reality, you are in a vanishingly small minority that thinks Quid Pro's mind was firing on all cylinders.
I really enjoy the “Kamala is a whore” tactics of our conservatives

The same posters who support a candidate who cheated on three wives, had sex with a Playboy model and porn star, was found guilty of sexual harassment and made a former Porn Star our First Lady
He didn't trade his body for political advancement. Did you forget that?
Republicans have a President who was banging porn stars, sexually assaulting women in dressing rooms and a First Lady who was a former Porn Star

And they call Kamala Harris a whore

Glass Houses?
Nice distraction from her lack of accomplishments and her keeping inmates in prison after they were supposed to be released. Keep the focus on her sex life, by all means. It's almost as significant as TRUMP!'s bandage that you obsess over.
Nice distraction from her lack of accomplishments and her keeping inmates in prison after they were supposed to be released. Keep the focus on her sex life, by all means. It's almost as significant as TRUMP!'s bandage that you obsess over.
Republicans are the ones who refuse to discuss her position on the issues and instead call her a whore, mock the way she laugh and intentionally mispronounce her name

I really have to laugh at Conservatives feigning concern over the treatment of prisoners
Republicans are the ones who refuse to discuss her position on the issues and instead call her a whore, mock the way she laugh and intentionally mispronounce her name
And you continue trying to deflect attention to her sex life, just like you ignore the fact that TRUMP!'s ear was torn by a bullet that missed by centimeters. I get it, keep the attention on irrelevant details to obscure the main points.
And you continue trying to deflect attention to her sex life, just like you ignore the fact that TRUMP!'s ear was torn by a bullet that missed by centimeters. I get it, keep the attention on irrelevant details to obscure the main points.
Wasn’t me who brought it up Skippy

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