Reminder - In 2020 kamala harris called for more BLM riots. Even snopes agrees she said it. THAT IS INSURRECTION

You may care, but that is the interesting thing about whites. They're the only group that has a significant contingent with an outgroup bias. No other group on the planet is like that, but it only exists due to misplaced compassion and leftism.

I saw the cold dead eyes of the man kneeling on the neck of another as his life leaves him.
She is part black and part indian. She looks black to everyone not a retarded white racist and she would look black to your racist ass if she was a crackhead.

Yeah, she's just a dope head and a moron.

We have had 13. states independant 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century and a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

Thomas Jefferson.

Just think, all you had to do is listen to the people's plea's and not dismiss them and call them SOB's.
When considering how much BLM money got embezzled by its leadership, I'd say we would be better off listening less.
There were no BLM riots. The proests in 2020 were about something that really hapened. The J6 inssurection on the capital happened because of a lie that never occurred.
No reason to believe that a bunch of folks that flat out lied about the mental health of our president would do anything like rig an election.

Oh wait, they did it again.

Please ignore this post.
The BLM riots were real riots that caused billions of dollars in damage and kammy loved them. OTOH the J6 riot was kid's stuff in comparison and besides, it was instigated by plain-clothes fed agents.

Why would you post a link to an article that proves the premise of your comment is bullshit?
If so I would own up to it.

That I have a difficult time with that idea is one reason I have not been able to support either party for a long time.
I hear you. I would imagine we are probably polar opposites on many things, but I'm not a fan of either party overall. I support the GOP, but only the populist and libertarian wings for the most part. I despise neocons.

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