Kamala's Extramarital Affair Turns Trump Liability into a Trump Advantage

Ok by me. I doubt she needs to play the victim card. She holds the 2nd highest office in the land and is a front runner for the #1 job in November.
Oh, she'll play the victim card every chance she gets. That's all she's got.
We aren't talking about 'everyone else in Washington'. We're talking about a woman who is trying to be President of the United States.

Oh, so we should not allow anyone who has had an extra-marital affair to be president?

We did in 1960.
And again in 1964.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are known for their affairs.

Pick one standard and stick with it.
Oh, she'll play the victim card every chance she gets. That's all she's got.

By all accounts she was a very good prosecutor.
And she is, like most politicians, a lawyer.

She can do her job without playing the victim.

Although, Trump seems to whine a lot about how he is being picked on.
Hey Republicans

if you wanted to make sexual morality a campaign issue, you should have run Mike Pence

But when you run Donald Trump as your candidate, you lose all credibility
Oh, so we should not allow anyone who has had an extra-marital affair to be president?

We did in 1960.
And again in 1964.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are known for their affairs.

Pick one standard and stick with it.
Wait didn’t you just say people that have affairs are lowlives? Your standards seem to be shifting
Wait didn’t you just say people that have affairs are lowlives? Your standards seem to be shifting

Not at all.

I think anyone who cheats on their spouse is a lowlife.

But when lowlifes are all that is on the ballot, I hold my nose and vote.
Oh, so we should not allow anyone who has had an extra-marital affair to be president?

We did in 1960.
And again in 1964.

Bill Clinton and Donald Trump are known for their affairs.

Pick one standard and stick with it.
I agree that JFK, LBJ, and Clinton were repulsive, but even so, none of them sold sex for favors like Kamala.
I am just mocking the “Glass Houses” tactics of Republicans who are running a candidate who molested a woman in a Dressing Room
The trial said he didn’t. Not guilty. Only democrats could turn that into a lawsuit to pay her off for something that never happened.
LOVE watching Republicans play the “Kamala is a whore” card

Meanwhile, they run a candidate who has been married three times, cheated on all three, banged a Playboy model and porn star while his wife was pregnant, molested a woman in a dressing room AND brought in a former porn star as First Lady
Soon they’ll be using the N-word under their breath...they really can’t help themselves. I just hope the media starts covering it.

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