This is what this country gets? Kamala Harris did not earn her nomination for president.

You lie so easily, that it's scary.

What lie, specifically? Are you claiming that the Trump campaign DIDN'T call for early debates?

Because they absolutely did. That fact is just a little incompatible with your ilk's latest batshit conspiracy.
Candidates drop out in every primary and endorse other candidates. Haley herself released her delegates so they could vote for Trump.

Were Haley's voters 'disenfranchised'? Of course not. She dropped out and released her delegated. Just like Biden is dropping out and endorsing Harris.

The process happens every primary, at every convention.

Keep posting that same nonsense.
It's fun to watch.
If I recall it Harris at one point referred to Biden as a racist for what she thought was some kind of segregation thing. And yet she gets the vice presidential nomination.

When Biden dropped out, it didn’t mean that Harris needed to be nominated to become the nominee.

I believe it was Obama, who said we are in uncharted territory after Biden dropped out and he is right. This country has been through hell. The racist BLM riots supported by a media and Hollywood corporate machine that does not have the wheel of most Americans, black or white. The constant race division from the media and Hollywood, cancel culture.

Attempted assassination of Trump. Mega high inflation for the past few years.

It’s the corporate class in the media and celebrities that might support Kamala Harris. I don’t believe your average man on the street Democrat or Republican is happy with how things are going … they don’t support Harris. They might not like Trump, but Trump will be viewed as the better candidate.

As odd as it sounds. There is a part of me that believes that Obama truly wants to maintain some decorum of what America should be. Especially through democratic processes.

He will definitely endorse her after pretending he cares even more than I suggest. However, he wants a different candidate and an open process and clearly the "money people" (Pelosi etc) don't want to risk any of that. It is only about power for them and money and they don't want to waste time with silly democratic processes in their pursuit.

Kamala Harris did not earn her nomination for president​

Only because joe biden is too old to appreciate a good blow job

I know I will be condemned by the left for that remark, and rightfully so

But I couldnt resist

The Devil made me do it
This is what happens when you don't run a robust primary season with a deep bench of legitimate contenders...

You end-up having to anoint a champion that only the Party Faithful can bring themselves to get excited about....

In this case, an EEO / DEI hire who would have gotten smoked in a stand-up brawl of an actual primary season...

Makes me wonder how many millions of White Folk are gonna either stay home or play Reagan Democrat this time around...

Damned fool Democrats... zero imagination... zero courage... taking the Easy Way out... again... not exactly a surprise...

And when they come-up short on the morning of November 6, 2024, they'll pi$$ and moan and condemn Whitey (again)...

If that happens, they'll have nobody to blame but themselves...
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This is what happens when you don't run a robust primary season with a deep bench of legitimate contenders...

You end-up having to anoint a champion that only the Party Faithful can bring themselves to get excited about....

In this case, an EEO / DEI hire who would have gotten smoked in a stand-up brawl of an actual primary season...

The Nyt ran a poll naming the 10 best Democrats to beat President Trump

She was 10th.
This thing fell right into the lap of Kamala Harris. Frankly, she should not have been the vice president because Joe Biden said he will guarantee that a black woman will be nominated for vice president Why do we get this in this country. He couldn’t say he will nominate the best person and than pick a man or a woman regardless of color ..oh but no they got to shove this radical left-wing race nonsense down our throats

Just like Kamala did which she did not get the presidential bid the first time around in 2020 she will blame so-called racism and sexism if she doesn’t get elected this November. However, she might even incorporate that race division into her campaign.

Even people who are Democrats got screwed over. They never wanted her to run for president. So what the hell is going on here? There is no way that she can win or that she should win. It wouldn’t make any sense whatsoever because she didn’t win the Democrat nomination in 2020.

In 2024 America deserves better. We are an embarrassment to the world and the founding fathers.
I think you may be right about her not earning it. That is, at least in the traditional way of earning in your country.

Otherwise, her credentials exceed any and all expectations for a president.

I think that it's going to be more effective to challenge her with spreading her legs too often and too quickly. Trump will relate to that the best.
Candidates drop out in every primary and endorse other candidates. Haley herself released her delegates so they could vote for Trump.

Were Haley's voters 'disenfranchised'? Of course not. She dropped out and released her delegated. Just like Biden is dropping out and endorsing Harris.

The process happens every primary, at every convention.
Holy shit you are stupid. Tater had the nomination wrapped up. There was no primary.

Your handlers forced him out because he was sucking in the polls and he is a vegetable. Now they are telling you that you have to vote for the Cackling Cockholster.

And being the cuck you are, you are saying "Thank you sir, may I have another".

This is what happens when you don't run a robust primary season with a deep bench of legitimate contenders...

You end-up having to anoint a champion that only the Party Faithful can bring themselves to get excited about....

In this case, an EEO / DEI hire who would have gotten smoked in a stand-up brawl of an actual primary season...

Makes me wonder how many millions of White Folk are gonna either stay home or play Reagan Democrat this time around...

Damned fool Democrats... zero imagination... zero courage... taking the Easy Way out... again... not exactly a surprise...

And when they come-up short on the morning of November 6, 2024, they'll pi$$ and moan and condemn Whitey (again)...

If that happens, they'll have nobody to blame but themselves...
Dems are afraid of the black wing of their party
Holy shit you are stupid. Tater had the nomination wrapped up. There was no primary.

Your handlers forced him out because he was sucking in the polls and he is a vegetable. Now they are telling you that you have to vote for the Cackling Cockholster.

Biden chose to drop out because he wanted to focus his time and energy on the rest of his term...and because he believed it was in the best interests of the party and the country.

Says who? Says Biden.

Why would I ignore him and believe some rando on the internet who insists he knows better?
Biden chose to drop out because he wanted to focus his time and energy on the rest of his term...and because he believed it was in the best interests of the party and the country.

Says who? Says Biden.

Why would I ignore him and believe some rando on the internet who insists he knows better?
Thanks for confirming your cuck status.

You are in for a rude awakening.
The only reason Kamala has a chance is because she will be running against a very unpopular Trump, that is if she wins the nomination. If early polling doesn't change in her favor look for her to be dumped before the convention.
Thanks for confirming your cuck status.

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: that it? Just random little insults because I wouldn't accept your imagination as evidence?

Oh, sweetie. Biden has already told you why he dropped out. You just ignored him and made up whatever you wanted to imagine. Its difficult outside your echo chamber, isn't it?
The only reason Kamala has a chance is because she will be running against a very unpopular Trump, that is if she wins the nomination. If early polling doesn't change in her favor look for her to be dumped before the convention.

Every election is relative. But she certainly has a stronger chance against Trump than she would against other possible republican candidates. that it? Just random little insults because I wouldn't accept your imagination as evidence?

Oh, sweetie. Biden has already told you why he dropped out. You just ignored him and made up whatever you wanted to imagine.
Yer cute, cuck.
This thing fell right into the lap of Kamala Harris. Frankly, she should not have been the vice president because Joe Biden said he will guarantee that a black woman will be nominated for vice president Why do we get this in this country. He couldn’t say he will nominate the best person and than pick a man or a woman regardless of color ..oh but no they got to shove this radical left-wing race nonsense down our throats

Just like Kamala did which she did not get the presidential bid the first time around in 2020 she will blame so-called racism and sexism if she doesn’t get elected this November. However, she might even incorporate that race division into her campaign.

Even people who are Democrats got screwed over. They never wanted her to run for president. So what the hell is going on here? There is no way that she can win or that she should win. It wouldn’t make any sense whatsoever because she didn’t win the Democrat nomination in 2020.

In 2024 America deserves better. We are an embarrassment to the world and the founding fathers.
Yes, trump and his cult are certainly an embarrassment to the world and the founding fathers. Democratic party business is not your concern. Worry about your own shit.
Yer cute, cuck.

And your imagination still isn't evidence.

I'll stick with Joe and his explanation of his own reason for leaving the race rather than whatever hapless nonsense you make up.

As would any rational person.
Yes, trump and his cult are certainly an embarrassment to the world and the founding fathers. Democratic party business is not your concern. Worry about your own shit.

That's my point. We have conservatives babbling incoherently about what dems want.

They don't have the first clue. Nor do they give the tiniest shit about democracy.

We're quite happy with Biden leaving. And the party coalescing around younger, more vibrant fighter.
The only reason Kamala has a chance is because she will be running against a very unpopular Trump, that is if she wins the nomination. If early polling doesn't change in her favor look for her to be dumped before the convention.

She's on Day 2 of her campaign and has already raised a quarter billion dollars while starting out with a two point lead over Trump. She still has her VP pick to unveil (and unlike Trump, I don't expect her to bungle it and pick a total loser) and an upcoming convention that's suddenly interesting and sure to draw tens of millions of eyeballs (and, again, I don't expect her to bomb her speech the way Trump did). All this on the back of a newly energized Dem base that hasn't been this amped up since 2008 and an electorate hungry for a candidate that isn't an octogenarian.

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